Chereads / Immortal Only Accepts Female Disciples / Chapter 115 - Clarity of the Heart

Chapter 115 - Clarity of the Heart

Wu Qianyu stood outside the room, with her heart in a flutter and her mind in turmoil. As she thought of why she was even in this place, her thoughts drifted to her feelings about her master. She hadn't seriously thought about it ever since she officially became his disciple. Everything had been a whirlwind dream of training, cultivation, and of course sex.

It would be wrong to say she didn't enjoy their intimate moments. She let him have his way with her most of the time but he was an enthusiastic and attentive lover. She especially liked their new lessons in pain, not because of the pain but because he would always be extra tender and affectionate afterwards.

But that was the key problem. His treatment didn't necessarily mean love. As a woman, she was not a statue without feelings. Over the past year she had gradually developed a closeness and dependence on Chen Wentian. It made her afraid to think about what lay ahead. She understood her feelings as something that could exist between a man and a woman but could it exist between master and disciple?

Wu Qianyu tried but failed to guess his thoughts and motivations. She recalled their moments of intimacy and realized she didn't know much about him or his past. Could she devote her heart to this man even if she didn't know these things? But what if he didn't feel the same way? What if he only saw her as a disciple and only wanted sex?

"Qianyu." Chen Wentian's voice broke her out of her thoughts.

She saw he was back in the hallway and the door was closed again. "Master, how did it go?"

"Good, she'll help. She's in a bit of a bad mood so we should just leave." Chen Wentian said and quickly led Wu Qianyu out of the tower.

Back in the air, he explained some more of the plan and how they would meet Mei Qiaofeng the day of the operation.

"Master why did you take me to that place." Wu Qianyu finally asked in a small voice, "I didn't really help with anything."


"Was it a test?... If so, you should know, I'll never be like those women!"

Actually, Chen Wentian's purpose wasn't that far off from Wu Qianyu's guess. He had experienced a great change in his demeanor towards women and outlook on relationships in the recent weeks. It was due to none other than He Xingping's soul. He sensed the happiness that Qiu Jingyi felt when she finally got pregnant and through, He Xingping he could truly understand the emotions that a man felt for his wife.

It was surprising how much those memories and experiences affected him changed his view of his disciples. Compared to before, he now saw them as women, as individuals with emotions and needs. He couldn't help but compare his feelings for his disciples to He Xingping's feelings for his wife. He wanted a similar bond between them, he wanted to be a man who could make them happy like that.

He decided it was time for a heart to heart and air out some matters on his mind. He felt it was still too early to discuss it with the other girls, but with Wu Qianyu it was probably okay. She was his first sexual partner and even his first real kiss. Out of all his disciples, he actually spent the most time with her. And from their time together, he felt a special connection with her that he now recognized.

He saw an icy mountain lake below and flew down. He sat Wu Qianyu down on beach and also sat down beside her. He looked out at the calm blue lake and the glaciers that fed it, finding it difficult to put together the words he wanted to say.

"Qianyu..." He finally turned his head to look at her. "I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable. It was a test of sorts. I wanted you to see how you would react and but truthfully, I also wanted to see how I would react."

"What do you mean?" Wu Qianyu was confused.

"Immortal Embracing Python was the Snake Lord's direct disciple. I could also tell from her sorrow that she had a relationship with him at some point. But still she chose to go to that brothel. She chose her moniker. She chose to have all those men in her life. Maybe she is compensating for the one man she could never have? Did her master refuse her? I don't know..."

He sighed and laid his head on her soft shoulders, "Qianyu... what I'm trying to say... I don't want you to resent me in the future."

"Master..." Wu Qianyu was speechless.

"Qianyu, I don't want to lose you. I chose you to be my disciple and you'll always be my disciple. We'll have that bond forever. But I can't control your happiness. If you feel that your happiness can be found in another man's arms, I won't stop you. But... I hope that will never happen. I can tell you... you make me incredibly happy and I want to make you happy..."


"Qianyu, I want you."

Wu Qianyu slowly realized what his words meant. A single tear of happiness escaped her shining eyes. She leaned into him and stroked his hair lovingly.

"Master, being with you makes me happy. I don't need anything else." Wu Qianyu whispered, "I swear to the heavenly gods, there will be no other man in my life. You saved me and gave me a new life. It belongs to you. I belong to you."


"Mhmm." Wu Qianyu nodded.

Chen Wentian felt as if a huge weight had lifted off his chest. It felt wonderful to finally connect with Wu Qianyu and confirm their feelings. For the first time, he felt a slight fluttering in his stomach as he thought of her. He turned and stared into her eyes, his nose almost touching hers. There was an electric intensity in their gazes.

"You are my woman."


They sealed their confession with a kiss.

Chen Wentian embraced her and listened to her beating heart that was jumping in joy. They stayed like that for an unknown period of time. At some point, his hands found their way into her robes. Eventually, a soft bed appeared out of nowhere and two naked bodies intertwined with only the heavens as witness.

It was thrilling! Their union felt much better than before. It actually had the same type of mysterious energy as making love to Qiu Jingyi. Chen Wentian thought that perhaps that was the key, they were making love instead of having sex.

Everything she did drove him wild. Every cry, every sigh, every caress, every kiss. Her touches were searing hot against his skin. Her lips burned their mark on his. Her steamy tunnel gripped every nerve and every cell of his flesh with power and passion. His heart felt full and sated. His mind was buzzing from the overwhelming sensations.

When he finally came inside her, it was like he was claiming her as his. Her beautiful face, her ample bosom, her slightly plump stomach, her wide hips and shapely ass, her wet folds that milked his seed, her womb that will bear his child in future. She was his and he would never let her go.

"Wu Qianyu, I love you." The words blurted out of him, even he was surprised because it felt so natural and right.


Wu Qianyu's heart instantly filled with inexhaustible happiness. He said it! He had said for the first time the words she hoped to hear for the rest of her life. Her voice caught in her throat when she wanted to repeat the same words to him. She buried her face in his chest in embarrassment and cried, overcome by emotion.

Chen Wentian didn't mind and chuckled as he held her tightly. Neither of them wanted to leave the other and they simply laid on the bed, surrounded by nature, and talked about anything that came to their minds. The sun set and night came but they were unawares, lost in their own blissful world. Chen Wentian described his younger days when he struggled with women and the she couldn't help but laugh at his silly and naive attempts at courtship. She opened her heart as well, telling him about all the times various male disciples of the Green Tea Sect confessed to her and how she ruthlessly crushed their hopes.

Finally, under the starlit sky and in her lover's arms, she finally found her courage. She whispered the words he longed to hear, so softly he barely caught it against the wind and rustling of trees.

"Chen Wentian... I love you..."