Chereads / Immortal Only Accepts Female Disciples / Chapter 82 - Experiment (II)

Chapter 82 - Experiment (II)

After several sessions, food and drink was brought in for a lunch break. The women parted into their own natural groups to eat and chat about their experience. Four other women joined Huang Ruyan, all of them part of the faction that swore loyalty. Another group of four including Mo Yanmi chatted among themselves. Qin Yan was older than the rest and not really familiar with them so she sat alone.

Lin Qingcheng frowned slightly upon seeing this scene. If Zhou Ziyun hadn't told her to watch for this, she wouldn't even have noticed. This wasn't what her house was supposed to be like. The house was supposed to be a refuge, a paradise. Yet even here, not everyone got along and it was over such petty things like a loyalty pledge or age.

Lin Qingcheng sat up from her table and took a plate of meat dumplings with her to Qin Yan. She sat down next to her on the bed and offered the plate. "Qin Yan, eat more. You've worked hard."

Qin Yan was startled but quickly took several dumplings into her bowl before taking a bite. Qin Yan found the dumpling much more delicious than ordinary pork dumplings. They were fatty and savory and yet she couldn't stop eating. In the blink of an eye, all the dumplings in her bowl were gone.

"Good isn't it? I really like it as well." Lin Qingcheng said, also downing a dumpling.

"Madam, what kind of dumpling is this? This is so delicious!" Qin Yan asked.

Lin Qingcheng looked around and saw that the dumplings were similarly popular among the other women and she signaled the servants to quickly bring more in. She turned to Qin Yan, "Eat more! This is made with the meat from an eight horned babirusa that's at the upper Mind Focusing Realm. Not only is it good for energy recovery of your mind sea, it will also help when you cultivate."

These were especially prepared for the women, as it would help them perform better in the experiment. It wasn't often that the women got to experience such high-quality cuisine. A single dish like this would cost them a week of salary at the House of Paradise. While the women were modest at first but they abandoned that after hearing Lin Qingcheng's description of the dish. Naturally, they all desired to increase their cultivation and the dumplings quickly disappeared into their stomachs. The atmosphere within the room instantly got better as the women laughed and ate.

It was all business once again after lunch and a short rest. The longest session so far had been one hour and it was still unsuccessful. An hour was a long time to be at the edge of orgasm and it wasn't useful to extend the time even longer. Although Chen Wentian might have thought he was being teased for an eternity, it was actually less than thirty minutes. Edging for more than an hour also didn't necessarily mean the final peak was stronger. The women might get bored as well.

"The next step of the experiment will be special." Lin Qingcheng said as brought out a glass bottle of pills. "This is a harmless but strong aphrodisiac. It will increase your pleasurable sensations greatly. How many are familiar with this?"

She wasn't very surprised when eight of them raised their hands. Aphrodisiacs were a common tool of the trade. It was no secret that a lot of the customers were terrible at sex and it could be very dull and uncomfortable for the women if they were stuck with a bad one. The proclivity towards sex varied between women. Some were able to orgasm easily regardless of the man but some had trouble and needed to take aphrodisiacs.

"This specific one is about three to four times as potent as the ones we provide through the Zhou Clan pharmacy. This one is also more effective for those in the Mind Focusing Realm. It should allow you to reach the edge much faster and the effects lasts about an hour. Understood?" Lin Qingcheng said.

"Yes madam!"

The women each received a pill carefully and swallowed it. Many were eager to experience the effects of such an expensive medicine. The pharmacy sold medicine to the women at half price compared to elsewhere but it was still very expensive. They didn't dare to imagine how much this specific pill would cost.

All the women got to work once again. The aphrodisiac's effects soon showed and many women were approaching an orgasm in only a few minutes. The air was filled with sensual moans and wails of pleasure. Through force of will or their respect or adulation for Lin Qingcheng, they all dutifully followed the plan, coming right to the edge before reluctantly pulling back from the reward.

This session was much more intense than any previous one. Being powered by energy from the meal and the aphrodisiac, they tortured themselves until the bed sheets were completely soaked with their arousal and the room smelled completely of sex and sweat.

As the pleasure built up and up into what should be a momentous orgasm, Lin Qingcheng started to feel a few sets of prickling sensations within her mind sea. She closed her eyes to study the sensations. She soon realized it was a very familiar sensation and the same one she should have felt before Chen Wentian's orgasm. She didn't recognize it at first because Chen Wentian's immortal energy had assaulted her middle, upper, and lower dantian all at once. His immortal energy was a rich blend of energy from all three while the women's energy was focused in their mind sea.

The sensation was strange and mysterious. It was like her mind sea could sense ten distinct and shining stars of pleasure in the night sky. Even with her eyes closed, she could still sense the exact locations of the tiny pinpricks of light. She could even tell that one of them was brighter than the rest. She opened her eyes and sure enough, it came from Qin Yan.

As the time ticked away and approached an hour, Lin Qingcheng observed the constellation of tiny stars within her mind sea grow visibly brighter. It wasn't by much but she could definitely tell the difference from ten or twenty minutes ago. Her spirits were high and she was extremely excited. Her mysterious power once again showed her the way towards another amazing ability.

"It's time." Lin Qingcheng said while still keeping her eyes closed.

The women had been aroused and tormented for close to an hour so they frantically started to pleasure themselves, seeking the reward that had been denied. A slightly plump but beautiful woman was the first to pluck that reward. She came with one hand pinching her nipple while the other was buried within her folds. Her hips bucked in the air as her entire body seized up from the most powerful and mind-numbing orgasm of her life.

Lin Qingcheng didn't see any of this, but what she did see within her mind sea amazed her. One of the ten dim lights within the sky above her mind sea suddenly shined bright. It was perhaps more than a hundred times brighter than before. She stared in wonder as she started to feel a minute strand of energy flow down from it. It was merely a drop in the ocean to her current cultivation but the mere fact she could sense it was amazing.

After a few seconds of brightness, the star vanished and she was left with nine.