"Alyza! Are you eating your lunch alone?" Mraz approached her when he saw Alyza about to exit the door.
"I am busy, so I think I don't have spare time to eat." Alyza doesn't even bother to stop walking while talking to Mraz.
"Wait, Wait. Where are you going?" He is doing his best to walk with her pace.
"In the Library." Alyza monotonously replies.
"Mraz!" A shout from a female student makes Mraz turn around.
"Ohh… Kassandra."
"Mraz, I was looking for you to give this delicious ice cream sandwich." Kassandra offers the ice cream to Mraz.
"Oh, Thank you." Mraz accepts the food and smiles at her genuinely.
"No, I must be the one to thank you. Thank you for asking Alyza to heal my ankle the other day."
"Oh, about that. I think you are thanking the wrong person. The Prince told me to command Alyza to do it."
"Tehmo Ruprecht?" Her face looks skeptical. She can't believe that the cold-hearted person like Ruprecht will do that kind of act.
"Ah-huh. I myself can't believe when I heard him. But well, maybe he felt responsible for your injury."
"I don't know what to say. I guess I have to find him first." Then she immediately runs going to the stairs.
Mraz followed her with his eyes. Then he realized, "Crap! Alyza is gone!"
Kassandra was in front of a tall white door with two gold handles, hesitation is apparent on her face. It is the door of the Cafeteria Longue for special and elite students. She was about to grab the handle when someone behind her did it first.
"Are you going inside?" It was a male student.
"Yes. I was looking for Tehmo Ruprecht."
"Ohh... You are one of Ruprecht fans?"
Kassandra shook her head.
"You are new. I never have seen you before."
"Yes, I am from II-Class C."
"Ohh… You must be his classmate. I'm sorry if my judgment is wrong. Anyway, I could assist you."
"Thanks, Mr.?"
"Just call me Phyro. I'm from II-Class A."
"Thank you Phyro."
Tehmo, Cael and Zoe are sitting on the long couch when Kassandra and Phyro come inside the special Cafeteria Longue.
"As I was saying earlier, our new member is from II-Class A. She is an earth bender but has some special abilities that could help-" Zoe was cut by Cael's signal.
"Zoe. Someone unimportant is coming to our direction." it was Cael.
Tehmo angle his chin sideward. As if he is imposing his power and position to the person in front of them.
"Someone is looking for you." Phyro moves sideways to give way for Kassandra.
"Kassandra." It was Cael.
"Thank you Phyro for assisting our guest." Zoe was indicating that he could go.
"Your welcome. Zoe." Phyro looks at Tehmo Ruprecht as if he is mocking him before he moves away from them.
"Speak. Why are you here?" It was Tehmo.
"Mraz inform me about your kindness. You ask him to order Alyza Frigore to heal my ankle the other day. To pay for that kindness, I wanted to give this ice cream sandwich to you." Kassandra paused and offered him the last ice cream sandwich she has. The ice cream sandwich she saves for her lunch. "This is the only thing I have now. I will pay you back more once I got my allowance."
Tehmo looks at Kassandra then at the ice cream sandwich in her hand. He stares at her coldly before he gives her a smirk.
He stood up before he snaps his fingers. After a few moments, the ice cream sandwich placed on Kassandra's palm ignites.
"Tehmo!" Cael and Zoe said in unison.
Tehmo did not say anything to them. He just walks away towards the exit.
Zoe immediately dashes towards Kassandra to check on her hand. He is expecting a burnt hand because the ice cream sandwich was still igniting on top of her hand.
"Kassandra put the burning thing away from you. You will get hurt." Zoe held her hand and was about to grab the ice cream sandwich when he notices Kassandra's face. She was showing no emotion, no sadness or even a hint of someone who is in great pain.
"Are you not hurt?"
Kassandra shakes her head. "No. I was also wondering why. But I felt nothing." Kassandra closes her hand and the fire vanishes.
"Zoe. That was unbelievable." Cael mouth left ajar when he saw what Kassandra do to Tehmo's fire. Nobody in this entire city could do such a thing. She could extinguish Tehmo's fire.
"Kassandra. Can I check your palm?" It was from Zoe.
When Kassandra nodded. Zoe carefully opens her palm. He is expecting some ashes, but he was surprised to see a palm-free from any sign of burnt.
"Zoe, can I spend my entire day in the practice studio today?" Kassandra asked.
"Are you skipping classes?" Cael joins their conversation.
Kassandra just nodded.
"Sure." Zoe smiles sweetly at her.
Lunchtime was almost up but Alyza was still inside the World Academy Building Library. The library for all the Noel Academy students. She was browsing the books about Elemental Stone. Hoping she could find some clue about an elemental stone turning into black.
"Elemental stone turns blue when the one who holds the stone has an elemental power of water. It turns, not here. Red, green, brown. It is not here." She was talking to herself.
"Ms. Frigore. That is all the books about Elemental Stone. If you are looking for some special cases, you could find it in the books of dark elements." It was the librarian.
"Dark Elements? Maybe I could check on that. Where could I find that book?" Alyza felt a little hope.
"The book is not kept in this library. It is in the Dangerous Section of Night Grand Quarters Library. You need special approval from the dean to access the Grand Quarters library. But to access the Dangerous Section, you need the permission of our director."
Alyza felt like something cold like a bucket of ice pours right into her head. The little hope that she felt earlier vanished in a matter of seconds. To retrieve that book, she needs to complete a lot of impossible work.
Three knocks on the door were heard before a tall guy in black enters Prof. Aerea Lucila's room. She was currently reviewing her lesson plans when the intruder of her peaceful day came inside her so-called haven.
"What do you want?" She said without looking at the person she was talking to.
"I heard something new. About Ruprecht and Kassandra." Lennard gets a cup and saucer before he went to the pantry side of the room to get some tea.
"Did the two fight again?"
"Sort of. I heard from the Class A Elite student that Kassandra went inside the Elite Longue to find Ruprecht. She was giving something to him."
"Something? Why did she do that?"
"I don't know what it is. And I don't know her reason. The thing is, Ruprecht gets annoyed and burn the thing while still on top of Kassandra's palm."
"What?! What is he thinking? Does he really want to harm Kassandra?!" Lennard finally caught Aerea's attention. "Where is she? I need to check on her." She was about to exit the room when Lennard Gunnar stops her.
"Oops. Don't jump into a conclusion yet. Kassandra is fine. But that is not the climax yet." Lennard sits on the couch before he takes a sip of tea from his cup.
"What? What happened? Could you please finish your story first!"
"Relax, Prof Lucia. Your favorite student is fine. Has no sign of burnt hands. The more intriguing thing that happened was, she closed her hand and was able to extinguish Tehmo's fire."
Prof. Aerea cannot utter a word because of so much surprise.
"I think we are right of our assumption." Prof Lennard Gunnar smiles after smelling the warm tea inside the teacup.
"That bastard! If he does not want to eat the ice cream sandwich, he should just told me! I sacrificed my lunch for him!" Kassandra releases the first arrow and hits the center of the target.
"I am so hungry and angry at the same time! That was my lunch! The only food I have!" Another arrow was soaring towards the target.
"I hate you for burning my food!" The third arrow was released. Because she was very annoyed, she stumbles and falls on the floor. She did not get up. She just lies down on the floor and closes her eyes. She released a long sigh.
"I did not know that you will get annoyed by that." Someone was standing on top of her head.
"Why are you here?" Kassandra knows who it is. When she opens her eyes, she met the gaze of the intruder.
She was a little bit of shock because he was sitting in front of her head. His legs were crossed, and his eyes is looking down intently on her face while wearing a smirk in his lips.
"I skipped class because my seatmate was not there."
"What does your skipping class has to do with me?"
"So, why do you skip class after you get annoyed with me?" Tehmo put a paper bag on top of her stomach.
"What is this?" Kassandra moves her hand towards the paper bag.
That is the time that Tehmo realized what he did. "Did Zoe heal your hands?"
"No. Why?"
"Nothing. By the way that is an ice cream sandwich I bought in the market."
"And?" Kassandra was confused. She gets up and sit on the floor to check on the paper bag.
"Well, to compensate for your lunch, I think. I burnt your only food, right?"
Kassandra looks at him. "That was for you. Since you don't like me giving you my food, I will- "
"No. You're wrong. I burned the thing because that food is not from you."
"What do you mean? That is my lunch." Kassandra took a bite of the ice cream sandwich from Tehmo.
"Yes. But you did not buy that. Someone else did."
"Ohhhh… I get it. Since I did not buy it with my own money, you could not accept it as my payment. Alright, the moment I get my allowance, I will buy you something you want."
Kassandra took another bite.
Tehmo slightly slaps his forehead because of disbelief. This girl is interesting. A very pure and oblivious woman.
"Ok. I will be waiting for that."
"You want some? This is more delicious than what I have yesterday." Kassandra offers him the half-eaten ice cream sandwich.
Tehmo secretly bush. His heart was beating very fast. If he would eat the sandwich, it could be an indirect kiss. He was about to accept the offer when someone loud opens the door.
"You know, Kassandra must be practicing because of-" Cael stops when he saw the romantic act that is about to happen.
"I guess the lover's quarrel already ended." It was from Zoe. He released a soft laugh.
Tehmo gets embarrassed. He slightly pushes the ice cream sandwich away. "No. I am already full."
"Alright then. I will just offer it to them." She stands up to meet Cael and Zoe.
"Ey Cael, Zoe. Do you want to taste this ice cream sandwich? So far this is the best ice cream sandwich that I have tasted." Kassandra offers them the half-eaten ice cream sandwich.
Zoe looks at Tehmo first before he talks back to Kassandra. Even though he could not see Tehmo's face, he knows that he is getting annoyed because of the evil aura he was emitting.
"We are already full Kassandra, maybe next time we will try that brand." Zoe's hands are waving in front of him as a sign of rejecting Kasandra's offer.
"Me! I am not full yet." Cael was about to get Kassandra's ice cream when Zoe slaps his hand.
"No Cael. You are really a glutton. Let Kassandra finish her food. That is her lunch. Don't be greedy."
Cael did not get Zoe's signal. "But I want to try the sandwich."
Zoe hooks his right hand around Cael's neck. He dragged him away from Kassandra and whispered, "Do you want to be burned alive? Tehmo's mood is not getting any better."
The oblivious Cael fugitively look at Tehmo's location. Zoe is right, Tehmo is not in a good mood. But he has no idea why.
"Aright. I must stop now. But still, I don't get it."
"Maybe you should start observing your surroundings from now on if you want to keep yourself alive."
Cael remembers something. The time that when his hair got burn was the time he was lifting Kassandra. He whispered to Zoe of his realization. "Are you saying Tehmo has a thing with-"
Zoe put his index finger in front of his lips, signaling Cael to stop talking. "I am not yet sure, So as Tehmo. I think he does not realize it yet."
Cael slowly nodded. As if he is agreeing with Zoe's observation.
"Cael, are you not taking a bite?" Kassandra was waiting for his response.
"No. Kassandra, that is all for you. I realized I am full and you know, I love my life." He released an awkward chuckle before he looks at Tehmo who is still sitting down the floor.
"Who is this Kassandra?" Agatha was standing in front of a big glass window while sipping green tea from a small white teacup.
"She is the new student of Prof. Aerea. The one she saved from the falling igniting debris." It was Elizabeth. She was reading a comic book while lying down on the sofa bed.
"Ohh... the reason why the mighty professor got hurt."
"Yes. I heard Prince Tehmo despises her. She oppressively took the seat beside the Prince's chair."
"Does she have a death wish?" Agatha glares her eyes on the Pink flowers planted on pots just outside the window. The flowers turn grey.
"Don't worry, Princess, the Prince is currently taking some action on that bitch. I heard he burned the thing that bitch is offering to him."
"Good. Nobody is allowed to get close to him."