Chereads / Star Rangers / Chapter 2 - Self Discovery

Chapter 2 - Self Discovery

I wake up from my slumber. This time there are no bright lights. Rather there is a dim green light in front of me, Other than that, it's dark. I don't feel numb nor weak. I find my hands are free this time, so I slowly raise my right hand to about the same level of my face, and try to reach the light. It felt that I'm moving underwater. I find myself inside some sort of an capsule, which is full of greenish liquid, perhaps its because of the light, or is the liquid actually green?

My hand touches the smooth surface of the glass. I find a mask on my face, the same mask that I vaguely remember from before, in that strange room in which they forced me to fall asleep, technically. The mask has a hose connected to it, so I follow its trace to see where it leads. The hose leads 10 inches above my head, which connects to a circular shape plug on my capsule's ceiling, with colorful lights dim flashing around it. There is also a pentagon shape green light about the size of the plug, which is in between the glass and the hose connected to the plug on the ceiling.

One of the the pentagon's corners points toward the glass, and the flat line opposite of that corner is toward the hose plug. I figured that's where my oxygen is coming from. I am breathing faster than usual, and I could hear my heart beating hard. Perhaps excited to wake up? Or was it because of the experience from that room? Though this doesn't feel like...fear....wait..what is fear? At any case it didn't look like I would go anywhere, anytime soon, so I took a deep breath and calm myself down. I look around to observe my surrounding.

The glass extends and makes a sharp L shape on the edges of both my left side and right of the capsule I'm in. The glass wall and the wall of my capsule meet in the middle, on both sides. The walls near my sides are about 8 inches apart from my shoulders. I can't feel my feet touching the floor of the capsule, actually I my entire body is not touching anywhere, except for my right hand touching the glass. I am floating! Thanks to dim lights coming from outside and above, I can see above my chest, but further below my vision gets blurry.

I try to move and stretch my right ankle, which I feel it moving freely, however I can barely see something on my bottom right to move. I tried the same movement with my left ankle and got the same result. I want yo moving one of my knees forward, but then the distance of the glass in front of me isn't far, judging by how close my hand is touching its surface. I roughly estimate the distance of the glass to be about 8 or 9 inches away from me. Then I push myself back slowly; until I hit the back of the capsule which is about another 8 or 9 inches.

There isn't much room to stretch out, but that it is enough space to pull my knees up, and visually confirm that my limps were still intact. I mean, can feel they were there, but I just have a strange urge to check! As if something had suppose to have happen to them! Then the question pops in to mind, why? I remember the stranger say that I was severely injured, but I can't recall how I got the injury. I push the wall behind me with my back to float forward; I want to have a better glimpse of what's behind that glass.

I brought up both of my feet and press them against the wall behind me. I also used my left hand to touch the wall behind me and keep my right hand on the glass to keep my balance and to control my movements. I thought my vision was blurry because of the light last time, and the reason I couldn't see the bottom was because of the thick liquid around me. Once I reach closer to the surface, I discover that my vision is generally blurry, I can only see about 12 inches ahead more clearly, beyond that I had to guess what I'm seeing based of the shapes I can make out.

Was my vision always this bad before? Is it normally this bad? Or is it because of the injury? Speaking of injury, I need to figure out where exactly I was injured, but first I need to get out. Again I tried to think of the time before I got here, perhaps the answers to my questions lies in my past. No, I am certain! I concentrate hard to see if I can remember anything at all. Then suddenly, a sharp pain came through back of my head, and for a moment I almost lost consciousness entirely.

In that moment an image flashed before my eyes. I saw two rectangular frames connected to each other with an upside down U shape frame. Then on the outer portion of the shape on the opposite end of each other, another frame shoot backwards and forming a side-way J with the hook going downwards. Upon seeing that image, the word "glasses" pops in my head. Then I suddenly remember what glasses are, and that I always wear them. Guess that's the answer about my vision, but I still can't remember anything else. I thought to try again, but I was afraid to feel the same pain again and perhaps lose my conscience, besides I haven't exactly figure out where I am yet.

The best course of action is to go with what I can see, no point in panicking with the current circumstance. On the both sides outside of the capsule, there seems to be other capsules, and they aren't empty either, well the ones near mine aren't at least. There is also another capsule in front of mine even though I can't see it clearly, I could guess by its shape, which is where the other green light is coming from. I can see someone is inside it, but I can't make out who or what it is. It's too far, and too dark for that.

Then I realized there is an entire row of capsules as far as I could see and it seemed to go on even beyond my vision. I look down and I find no floor between my capsule and the capsule in the front; the gap seems to be about.... two feet? Just below the window of the capsule in front of me, there seems to be a keypad, a monitor with many lines and scribbles on it, a keyboard and a handle right below the monitor. Then about 10 inches below the handle there is another key pad with two handles on each side. The way the handles are, is as if it's made for someone to pull.

I look at the other capsules, and they are all made the same way. Further below, I distinctively could tell there was another row of capsules built in the same manner. I look up and I found the same view as I saw down below, in the front and on my sides. I looked at the upper corners of my capsule where the window and wall meet, and on both corners I found other capsules. I conclude that my side looks the same as the one in front of me.

Just how many capsules are there? Are the people inside in the same situation that I am in? Are they my kind? What am I? As I am gazing up at the endless sea of green lights, something rises right at the front of my capsule, or rather right at the other side of my glass, only six inches away from it.

*To Be Continued*