Chereads / Royebin: A Star Wars Story / Chapter 8 - Master v. Apprentice

Chapter 8 - Master v. Apprentice

4 BBY, Dromia 7

"Padraw! Stop this madness at once." the soldier who came out to rescue the hostages are pointed his blaster at the Sith. Padraw smirked as he began turning towards his apprentice and faced him. He stood in pride as he let the dark side churn and tide inside of him; looking at this poor boy as if he was a simple snack.

Jon reeked with fear, his essence played a tug-of-war match tipping from the dark side to the luminous light side.

Bothka closed his eyes and inside his mind called out of the force directing his energy towards the mere boy pointing a blaster at a Sith with years of experience. He knew Jon needed help. Beyond help, yet; he needed someone to fight close to him. This was a battle he couldn't face alone, so he glanced at his restrained hands and meditated to get it open.

"Apprentice, from here your choice is to leave! All these hostages will be killed anyway," he growled.

"Think again master," Jon began. "As I said before, you never watch your back!" Padraw glanced out the window to see the troopers bombarded with blaster fire from Beethree's army of droids. He cursed out loud to see Jon's victorious grin.

"There's only one problem though, I might be the only one escaping from this room," Padraw said as he ignited his lightsabre, emitting his angry red blade that shone the room bloody. Jon then threw his blaster to the side of the room then pulled a hilt out of his pocket. Bothka gasped in excitement at the young boy who defied the Dark Sith with his Jedi sabre.

"Not today master, today...we're walking out free!" Jon ignited the sabre, emitting a jade colour that defied the crimson colour. A battle between green and red that clashed over the room. "Alright then, prepare to die!" he then turned his hilt horizontally and out came the second blade. As Jon watched he gulped hoping for a weakness in his master.

The two opposing forces circled each other until Jon got to Bothka, checking on him. Then crashing down the sabre with the restraints of Bothka. Setting him free. In the force, Padraw felt his apprentice's fear of him; but he felt the prowl of Bothka who stood in a distance to wait and attack. Padraw then let down his Imperial coveted robes and out came his muscle hugging attire. Giving chills to Jon.

"Be careful apprentice, you wouldn't want to cut the old man in half," directing his insult towards Bothka. At the same time mocking Jon's flawed combat system. Jon moved his sabre to a Juyo ready form, ready to attack at all times. While Padraw went for simpler but effective Niman.

"We'll see about that!" he stood en guard against Padraw's double blade and leapt in for the kill. Padraw dodged with easy slightly force-pushing Jon away to get him distracted. Padraw would then channel his inner Niman and swing the tips of his sabre for a slice. Jon would twirl his blade connecting the two sabres.

In a moment of rest, the two gnarled at each other pleading to the other, 'Give Up!' Twirling his sabre effortlessly he created a perimeter of blockage where Padraw swung down on the boy. Pound after pound the lightsabres crackled with flashes of yellow that blinded Bothka for a while. Although after a while his master's strength would suddenly overpower him. Padraw began shooting downswings that left Jon crushing his teeth together. As the sabres met, they argued in friction as the two opponents stared at each other in intensity.

Padraw then let go of one hand and force-pushed him tumbling backwards to the floor. Yet as he tried to swing for killing blow, Bothka stepped in as if he had flown; clasping his hands together he pounded his back. Giving Padraw shooting pain in his spine. Calling his beloved sabre using the force, it flew to his palm and clenching it he began automated swings. A clear Shien artist he twirled his sabre to land his attacks until one landed in the middle of Padraw's sabre and cut it in half.

Padraw lay in the ground tired and almost defeated. As Jon watched his master's half sabre fall, he called unto it. It flew as gracefully as it possibly could be and met the palm of his hand to ignite the caught sabre. Using the sabre, the kyber crystal channelled all its dark energy through him and as a natural Juyo artist. Jon sprang up with the upper hand. The two stood in opposition of Padraw; Jon and Bothka stood in mirror positions taking on Padraw.

As the two began to swing different directions, the only option was to swing his double blade. Padraw would begin defending and scooting backwards to push forward his opponents while blocking their attacks resulting in a slow comeback. He would take advantage by swinging on one opponent at a time to catch them off-guard, striking deadly jabs and deadly kicks.

As all three sabres connected, Jon was left in a corner vulnerable to Padraw's strength. Pinned, suffocated and held in he felt claustrophobic; his eyes jerked as of theyd burst. Simply by balance his strength with all the adults around him. Force-pushing the connection away; they all stopped at once to get en guard with their preferred styles.

A moment that passed, Padraw acted in haste as force-shoved several items hurtling towards his two opponents. After they evaded Padraw's force-shove, they sprang up to their feet shared jabs and a few tumbles; sweeps of the legs that seemed choreographed.

"Oh wow!" Padraw said, grinning. "How powerful you've become!" Twirling his sabre to a resting halt he stood normally as if he'd gone through worse. In reality, he was approaching exhaustion. His ego had preceded him even as much as getting Jon sick. Bothka expected it anyway but only focused at the matter at hand.

Jon and Bothka went on harder this time, making sure Padraw didn't have a chance to rest. They stayed together in coordination and togetherness; doing the best they can to take down this dark lord. Springing and whirling, pounding blows at him made him weaker and weaker. Often traversing the room and cutting up a few chairs and desks; sending pieces of debris towards each other.

The simple way couldn't get Padraw anywhere he sensed in his mind that the force had lost hope in him, but had chosen this boy and this old fool. With time passing he began to growl and grunt to return attacks but persisting swings from both blades made his wrist fall weak. Until it was no more.

"AHHHHHH!" he screeched in pain for his begone wrist. Clenching his forearm and hissing at the sky as if commanding the gods to heal him straight away. Then Jon caused damage to injury by force-shoving him to hit the wall, forcing Padraw to lie in throbbing pain as blood began shooting out. Their blades deactivated as they stood out of position and stared down the Sith Lord.

"One lesson you gotta learn master," Jon started. "You gotta have people around watch your back!" he spat the advice to the master who sat regretting his choices in pain. Meanwhile, Bothka crept to a nearby computer and punched in coordinates to where Padraw would likely go to.

"Ummm, Coruscant was it?" Bothka mocked. "Maybe Dantooine?" he sighed in wonder. "Maybe the gas giant of Gropeal!" he chuckled.

"I heard the gravity there will crush you once in orbit." Jon laughed pushing the insult in as Padraw tried to do his best not to bleed out.

"I always thought you wanted this!" he began as he hissed after a few moments. "We were to become the greatest of all-"

"NO. That's not how it would've worked, I wanted to help people. Not to get them killed, but to get the oppressed to live in their own rights. "

"You're ambitions were weak!" Padraw screeched.

"But look where your's ended you up in?" Bothka giggled. "A sliced wrist."

"We were friends master, you became my father. But you left me for your selfish desires!" he said as he began leaving. Bothka followed as he took Jon's blaster and shot a round close to Padraw's head, getting him shaken up.

The two now victorious, Jon and Padraw walked out the Padraw's shuttle with its engines blasting off and his troopers looking at their doom. They ignited their sabres only to intimidate them all, but they fell on their knees ready to surrender.

"The Rebellion is going to like this!" Bothka beamed with his smile stretching widely. Jon glanced at him; looking at his new master.