Chereads / When the Time Comes / Chapter 3 - Chapter Two: Evangeline (Part 1)

Chapter 3 - Chapter Two: Evangeline (Part 1)

I didn't really want to see them, but once they hear I've been found, they come running. I can smell the booze on Mom's breath as she plops down in a chair by the side of my bed, leaving Dad to stand awkwardly.

Her eyes are practically rolled back with her head lolling to the side,"Honey! Baby! So great to see you again! You fight monsters a lot, huh? I can see you sometimes!" She slurs her words together and runs a drunken hand over my arm. Dad sits down silently at the edge of the bed. His red hair is frazzled in a few places while the rest is gelled down, looking just like the mad scientist that he is. I can't wait to talk to him about everything that happened to me, but my mother needs to leave. Now. I am also getting increasingly worried about Jake. He hasn't come to visit yet. I don't know what's wrong with him, but he's definitely changed since I disappeared four years ago. Mom is still incessantly mumbling when I cut her off with a low voice.

"You both need to leave. I'm tired and need to sleep," Dad looks hurt but Mom laughs hysterically. He quickly stands up, seeming annoyed with Mom, and grabs her by the arm, escorting her out of the room. He looks back after shoving her into the hall. The stress lines on his face glow brightly. The rest of the world seems black and white except for how much I've hurt people, including myself. He smiles wearily and walks out to the hallway. I sigh and roll over on the bed to face the curtained windows. This solitude reminds me of my first day there…

I woke up with a cold sensation hitting my right side. Opening my eyes, I couldn't see anything. I tried to sit up but a striking pain pierced my left side and I screamed out in pain, a hollow, raspy chuckle following. Whimpering, I scooted to the far wall to try and avoid more pain as large, slapping footsteps come nearer to me. I yelled into the darkness,"D-Don't come any closer! I-I'm dangerous! I have a- a weapon!" I did my best to squint into the darkness and see the person approaching, but strange colorful lights danced in my vision. The footsteps didn't even hesitate for a second. Then a bright, yellow grin appeared in my vision.

I gasp and jolt up in bed. I'd fallen asleep and dreamt about my first time in the Place. I rip the IV out of my arm and grab my messy clothes from the night table, rushing into the bathroom. I come out fully changed and clean a few minutes later with my long dark hair done in a french braid over my shoulder. Counter sinks are surprisingly good substitutes for showers. I then remember my leg and look down. It was supposed to be broken, but it seems to be perfectly fine.

Shrugging it off, I creep out of my room, silently as possible. The hospital is blindingly white and clean. As I pass through the corridors, ducking under tables to avoid doctors and nurses, it takes me about 15 minutes to get all the way to the entrance where the weather outside is ghastly. Lightning, sprinkles, thunder, a distant tornado ripping houses out of their foundations. I expected as much. The weather always goes crazy before something bad happens. Rain begins pounding the pavement as I stroll along. The sky is gray and lifeless where heavy clouds don't cover it and a red tint lines the horizon which seems to be an endless distance away. The houses and shops around the streets seem to all have their colors faded.

Nothing looks the same as it used to. I sigh, remembering the beautiful scenery back in the Place.I was there for four years, kept in captivity for two and a half. I'd seen equally beautiful and terribly terrifying things after being released. I remember the last year I spent there.

I shiver, thinking about the bombs and lighting. The war cries, the death, the smell, the anger and agony. It was one person against the entire world, and that person somehow won. I got tired of burying friends and comrades, grave after grave after grave. When I came back, I vowed to make sure that future would never happen.

I lean against a dark wooden fence to gather my thoughts for a few seconds, then hear a commotion from inside Penelope's Cafe.

Walking into the shop, I inhale sharply. My brother is lying on the floor, eyes squeezed shut, limp with his head in some older lady's hands. I speed forward into the middle of the commotion, skid to my knees, and turn to the lady.

"What happened to him?" I demand. The lady looks up, bright hazel eyes calm. I recognize her as the owner of this place, Penelope's daughter, Marie. Before Mom was down the alcoholic hole, she used to take us here for brunch on Saturdays and we became the family every waiter and employee knew.

"He wandered in here wet and shivering and gasping for breath. Then he just fell on the ground. I used to be a nurse… I think… he had a panic attack." Jake tensed and groaned, shivering slightly. Penelope looks up with understanding in her eyes,"We just need to give him some space and time, he'll be better quickly." She sets down his head gently and stands up, brushing off her pink and black uniform. She shoots me a look and I understand perfectly.

I cradle my brother's head in my arms. Then I realize this scene reminds me of someone and my mind takes me back to the Place.

I woke up in a room lit only by candles. I itched to get out, so I moved, but pain crept up my arm. I was bound to a pole by ropes around my hands and feet. Shifting around and pulling on the ropes didn't work… they wouldn't give.

"Don't bother," a voice said. I looked up to see a boy bound with the same rope. It was extremely dark, but I could still make out his bruises, black eyes, and bleeding scars. He looked incredibly hopeless,"I've already tried."

I breathe slowly through my nose, coming back to the present. Everyone around has already gone back to their previous activity while I sit and hold my brother. It takes a few minutes, but his eyes open and he jolts out of my arms. I scoot backward to sit in front of him to talk, but his eyes are glazed over. He isn't in the here and now.

"Jake?" His head turns slightly toward me, but his eyes remain on the doors. Penelope was right and it looks like he has a lot on his mind. I put my hands on either side of his head and pull it to my chest in a hug. I squeeze him tightly until he struggles, trying to pull out. When he's out, he looks directly at me, confusion in his eyes. Probably wondering why I'm out of the hospital. I shrug, signaling I'll explain later.

He sighs, getting up. We shuffle out the door, him in front of me. I'm almost out when the world pulses and I freeze. No one else is moving and the world is black and white except for me and another figure shrouded in shadows in the corner. I automatically know who it is.

"Show yourself, Geon. I know it's you," My arms are crossed over my chest in annoyance. Geon walks out of the shadows, hands resting in his blue jean pockets.

"It's been a while, huh, Ev?" Geon still looks as ruggedly handsome as I remember. His shoulder-length light blond hair is covered by a green beanie and he's wearing a white collared shirt under a black vest. His muscles ripple under the clothing. He looks around, light flashing off of his stubble,"Uh, what're you doing 'round this dump?"

I roll my eyes,"Just hanging out with someone. Why's it your business anymore?"

His eyes narrow at the shape behind me, my brother. Ignoring my question, he continues speaking,"Why'd you leave us? You were a key part in the war and in the Studies… you come back for him?" That last word dripped with venom. I shiver, sometimes Geon can be… intimidating.

"Yes, I came back for my brother. What else would I do? The war and the Studies can move on without me. I'm not needed, I was just a pawn for Guriel. Same. As. You. I'm just not so naive as to fall for his plan. You do see what's happening, don't you? He wants to-!" Geon spats at that.

"You don't know what you're talking about! You left, you're the traitor! No matter what you do, the apocalypse WILL HAPPEN!" I shake with rage and march right across the room and up to him, punching him in the jaw. He doubles over in pain and I stand over him trying to be intimidating while he isn't taller than me.

"You don't understand, you have no family to love. I do and I'm going to try and save him because that what family does!" My legs almost falter as I storm back toward the door. I hear him take a shaky breath in and let it out as he stands up again. I turn to hear the last thing he's going to say. It's Geon, he always has to have the last word. The new bruise stands out on his cheek and he spits in my direction, eyes narrowing. The world unfreezes and he disappears. Jake stops outside the door, looking at me quizzically. I shove this conversation to the back of my mind and take a deep breath, moving in front of Jake. Nothing happened, according to him. Geon's power is that he can freeze time, but also allow people of his choice to operate outside fo time. I take another deep breath to calm myself. If I act natural he won't suspect anything.

Suddenly, Jake addresses me,"Who was that Geon guy? And what was his problem?" I freeze in my tracks immediately. How does he know? When he notices I stopped walking, he stops too. We are standing merely three feet apart yet it feels like so much more distance. Is the apocalypse is going to happen no matter what I do? I guess we'll see.

I sigh. I can still try to do something,"Come with me. We need to talk about a lot but didn't get the chance before."

~ ~ ~

We are sitting at a cute little ice cream and frozen yogurt cafe. This place holds so many good memories for me. When Jake first got a job, he always took me here in the summer for some frozen yogurt and to chat about whatever we needed to. Even with the rain clouds hovering over our heads and in our minds, this place is so much more colorful than the rest of the world. It's like a small corner of heaven.

Jake has avoided my eyes since we began walking here. He is slowly stirring his frozen yogurt when he speaks,"You need to tell me what is going on. A lot of weird and crappy things have been happening all our lives. Then you suddenly disappear one day and I'm alone. We used to be close, and I can't be the only one sensing distance between us since you returned," I see a tear fall from his eye though he's looking down at his yogurt. He continues at a whisper,"I can tell you went through a lot to get back here, but you have no idea what I've gone through. Mom has gotten worse, as you've probably seen, and Dad doesn't do anything but work now. All of a sudden you're back along with this weird weather and this… mention of the apocalypse and weird people with… with powers… What's happening?" He looks up at me.

I look past him at the darkness outside our small bubble of competence. It's almost as if I can see his demons waiting for him outside. Depression, Anxiety, Hopelessness, Sadness… Fear. I wonder if he can see my monsters too.

I lean closer and brush the tear off his face with my thumb. I hate to see my brother like this. I inhale and exhale slowly, eyes on the people around. They all look so happy, basking in the bright blue and pink neon lights of this cafe. One young couple has a baby boy, the baby is dabbing his yogurt on his mom's nose and she's laughing. She's glowing with joy and her husband is grinning across the table, utterly happy. I almost wish I was back in sixth grade, blissfully ignorant about life and what is to come. Jake grabs my hand, bringing me back to reality where I realize that I'm crying, too.

My voice is shaking as I speak these words,"The world is ending in a week and I know who causes it."