Chereads / Chaos Eyes / Chapter 161 - Chapter 161: [Operation Spearhead XXIII (Conclusion)]

Chapter 161 - Chapter 161: [Operation Spearhead XXIII (Conclusion)]

[Komsomol'skana Amure]

The moment the crumbling down building comes to an end, Kanzaki then saw some streaks of blood spreading out across the rubbles, as he concluded that the Cerberus was done for and killed. But since it was taught that the chaos being are quite durable creatures, he cant be 100 percent sure whether such monster actually died from the crumbling building.

In order to make sure Cerberus was dead, he then plans to deal a finishing last blow with the use of his black flames. However the moment he tried to get up from the ground, a stinging pain suddenly strikes his eyes as the burden from using too much foresight had finally reached to him.

Agonizing over the pain, Kanzaki gritted his teeth till his gums bleed as he knelt to the ground while enduring the pain stinging his eyes. In fact the pain that was striking him was too much to the point that his eyes started to bleed, If one had to compare the pain he was undergoing , it was somehow equivalent to having ones eyes eaten up by a parasite.

The pain lasted for about a few minutes before he finally calmed down. Once the pain was gone, he then tried to stand up once more as he tried to circulate his mana in order to summon out the black flam trait of his sword.

But as if fate was jinxing him, thunderous strike rained down from above as it strike down the pile of rubble containing the body of the Cerberus. In under just one attack, the whole surroundings was blasted away as the two buildings beside it was completely destroyed alongside the rubble.

Following that strike, Farid then walked out from the far right of Kanzaki completely battered up as he waved his hand from afar. Upon seeing that Farid was fine and alive, Kanzaki then cancelled out his black flames as he went over to Farid.

"Hey! I kinda guessed that you wanted to make sure that the Cerberus is dead" said by Farid

"... Pretty much! How did you know i was fighting against the Cerberus?" asked by Kanzaki

"I saw you earlier... by the way where's the other one?" 

"the local Agents and soldiers got it trapped in their circle, it will be a matter of time till; they get rid of it"

"I see... so all we have to do is wait?"

"Yeah... or we can help them kill it"

"In our condition?" asked by Farid as he pointed out the state of their body

Upon seeing that both of them already had a hard time just by standing up, Kanzaki then sigh for a bit as he then gave up from helping the others and instead focus on recovering from his injuries.

The moment Farid saw Kanzaki slowly sat down, he then nodded in agreement as he too took his rest and sat down.


Soon after not failing their expectation, the other group that was handling the chaos knight then finally succeeded on subjugating the chaos being as they all cheered in pure bliss of success. the moment the emergency operation ended, various medical team then headed over towards the agents while the clean up crew quickly did their job of recovering the corpse of the chaos beings.

To that fact Kanzaki and Farid were immediately rushed towards the medical facility of the Russian organization as both of them had literally much more injuries and wounds in  fighting against the chaos being without any back up in comparison to other agents.

In Farid the medical team found wounds ranging from big and deep to small and shallow injuries. Alongside it he was also founded with broken ribs and internal bleeding in his body, thus the rush of surgical operation to stop the bleeding. In comparison to that, Kanzaki was much worse off.

In his body, the medical team found  a major internal bleeding all over his body despite having  received  only few injuries. What's more but his internal bleeding was much more prominent to his eye sockets. The veins around his eyes were clearly bulging from too much pressure which was causing his tears of blood. Also this pressure was what's causing his intense pain in his eyes.

If any of the veins near his eye pop accidentally, everyone in the medical team then conclude that he might go blind from the pressure in his eye. Luckily for him, such bulging veins weren't caused by any parasitic worms or diseases known to man, but instead just a side effect from using too much foresight.

Since that was the case, all the medical team checking him, then advised him to rest his eyes in order not to strain so much from it. While he rest, they would then proceed to an operation in order to stop his internal bleeding, thus he was admitted for the time being.


3 days after the operation, both Kanzaki and Farid finally recovered fully as they felt their body fully energized from recovering for a few days. 

From those 3 days of rest, they received various visits from the officials of the city as they thanked them from aiding them in their emergency despite the difference in nationality. What's more even Commanding Officer Zhang was greatly honored in this city due to their accomplishments.

Naturally since its the talk of honor, Commanding Officer Zhang  then greatly accepted their praise as he held honor to highest degree due to his culture of being Chinese.

Once that was done, Commanding officer Zhang then gathered everyone as he laid out his own findings towards the group. Based on his findings, he then found out that there were rumors of suspicious events happening in the west from some people who were travelling to different in tact places.

Since that was the case, then the terrorist group wasn't hiding in the frontier at all, but rather somewhere on the west which has more of a populated area in Russia. From that he then told everyone that they will then head northwest towards the capital city of Sakha republic of Russia, the city of Yakutsk.

From that place they will then rendezvous with two other teams heading towards that direction as they will have a joint operation of searching all over the capital city. Since they were now heading over the capital city of Sakha republic of Russia, they will then expect to meet the very president of Russia in this time frame.

With that they then prepared everything that was needed for a long trip