Chereads / Reincarnated as a Dragon!? / Chapter 7 - So won’t you come on home

Chapter 7 - So won’t you come on home

North was the village that Elysia told me about, so north I went. On the first day north, not a lot happened, except for some troubles along the way. You know those wolf-like creatures, yeah, they found me again.

Fortunately, I had grown quite large, and I still couldn't shake the feeling it had something to do with killing those humans. Not that it mattered; killing the wolves was easy enough, and I had food for the day. I also got the sense that I had grown stronger again after killing the wolfs.

It was pretty hard to find a place to sleep, though; due to the difference in size, it was hard to find a place where I could sleep. Then I came up with the wonderful idea of climbing a tree and trying to sleep in it.

Climbing the tree was easier than expected; it was probably because of my sharp claws that could firmly hook themselves into the tree. The sleeping in the tree was… well, it sucked, to be honest.

If it weren't for the fact that I would slowly move off the branch every time I fell into a deep slumber, and then I could barely save myself from a terrible fall. Then it would take some time to fall asleep again, and the cycle would repeat.

On the third day north, sleeping in trees would make me feel sleep-deprived. But I had no choice; sleeping on the ground would be as dangerous if not more. Constantly having to wake up to rearrange the way I was lying in the tree was a tiring thing to do.

It also didn't help that I hadn't found any food, not even a bush of berries. Water was still in plentiful supply; when walking north, I found a river and decided it would be smart to follow it, as a village would likely be next to it.

This seventh day has been taking its toll on me; nobody to talk to, lousy sleep, and lack of food wasn't the best thing for my mood and well-being. Thinking clearly was also harder, even though this new body was better equipped for these kinds of situations than a human body.

Still, my legs were tired! I'm tired! And I can't find this village! If only I could walk into my house, jump onto the sofa, watch some tv, have dinner with my mother, go to bed, and sleep like an angel on my mattress.

On the Eleventh day north, I found food! It was still small, like rabbit creature, but it was enough for me! In my opinion, it tasted a lot better than the wolf. The meat from the rabbit wasn't as tough like the meat from those wolfs.

But there still wasn't a village in sight, not that there was a lot of 'Sight', the forest was so thickly grown that you could barely see 10 meters ahead of you. If only I could enjoy the beautiful sight of long grass fields, with mountains in the distance.

While I was drooling from my imagination, I could hear something, it sounded familiar. I stopped walking and listened to the sounds around me. It was the sound of a rhythmic beating of footsteps! But it didn't sound like just any animal, it sounded like a human! Maybe I found the village!

But if this is a human…, couldn't it be more of those hunters! I decided that I would follow these humans towards their village and from there I would decide what to do. That a few humans hunt creatures like me doesn't mean all of them do, right! I really hope I'm not doing something stupid here.

I followed the footsteps; these humans were awfully quiet, so it was hard to follow them. It was also quite hard to pinpoint which direction they were walking. After a little bit of following the footsteps, I suddenly didn't hear their footsteps anymore.

No! I lost them! How could I have lost them! I started to run into the direction where I had last heard them. But instead of seeing and empty spot I saw two tall… humans? They didn't look like humans, for one they were a lot taller than a normal human, there face ended in a pointy chin, with lush silver hair growing down from their heads and almost glowing gold eyes.

When I looked closer towards their faces one of them looked more feminine even though both had long hair. But there was also another thing I noticed; the pair looked shocked, almost like they couldn't believe I was standing in front of them.

The woman opened her mouth, I didn't understand what she said, but the voice in my head resounded, "Elred, is that what I think it is?"

Another voice resounded in my head when the man, Elred, opened his mouth, "Yes, Diana, I think it is a dragon. I'm not sure if it is a wild dragon or a true dragon, like father told us, but we should tread carefully all the same."

"You think it can understand us like father told us?" Diana said, "it's looking at us in a very peculiar way,"

"Can you understand us? If you can, could you give us a growl?" Elred asked me, it was quite an odd request why not ask me to jump? Or walk a circle? Not that it matters, I'll do what he asked that'll probably show that I'm not, what did they call it again? a wild dragon.

I growled the best I could, Diana started giggling, "Awh, look how cute he is, Elred!"

"Diana, don't underestimate it, they don't rule this country for no reason, before you know it has made us into his servants." Elred scolded Diana, "Dragon, do you mind following us to our village? It would be a lot safer for you there, the past few months the forest has been a dangerous place."

I looked at Elred, I responded with a growl, Diana then said "Don't worry, Dragon! Will make sure your safe! My brother might not look it but he's strong, probably the strongest in the village."