Chapter 5 - the build

meeting the goldenstein family and riding in the gear i learned was called the durastale what interested me though was it rewarded me achievements three to be exact meeting a dragon which gave me 100,000 thousand points riding in a gear which gave me 1,000,000 points and meeting the goldenstein family which gave me another million points so i was back at 2,132,000 points and so i went shopping

"would you prefer i close combat machine or a long range combat machine" i asked

"close combat would be the preference but your the inquisitor it's up to you i'm just the evoker" lianna said i nodded and so i bought the GN sword five which for some reason costed less then the gebera straight i am not sure why but the GN sword five only costed 2,000 points then i want hunting for the GN shield binder which i bought that was 50,000 right there which made sense then i bought the destiny gundam's arms for the palma fiocina although the beam boomerangs and the energy shields were also handy that costed me 80,000 because of all the stuff those arms packed in leaving me exactly two million left so i went hunting through and so he bought the 00 sky's sky drive unit which was the GN wings of light that i planned to abuse the hell out of which costed another 80,000.....then i got an idea and so i went hunting for the valiancer coupling system which i would stick and test in this machine to further boost performance that was rather cheap as it costed me only 20,000 leaving me a million to spare so i went searching and i know what i wanted to sped my million on i spent all of on two ranged weapons the beam magnum and the buster rifle which i would combine together to create the buster magnum a weapon that literally no one could stand in front of then after i spent all i had i realized one teeny tiny problem i forgot the ahab reactor i cursed so much it shocked lianna but eventually i calmed down

"where do you wanna start" she asked hesitantly hoping i didn't explode again

"the weapons we will start there" i said 'cause i am an idiot' i said i wanted to see what the reactor cost and it was the cheapest thing yet only ten thousand probably because everyone used it in IBO

we decided to start with the most powerful ranged weapon this thing had the buster magnum it took me forever to properly create the E-pacs but once we made one the rest were a walk in the park we made several dozen magazines and would not be running low anytime soon the goldenstein families face was positively priceless

"honestly i was expecting more power kinda disappointed oh well i'll fix it" i said this got stares from the entire family thanks to building the buster magnum which gave me not one but two achievements creating my own thing and creating your first ranged weapon that gave me a hundred thousand each the first thing i did was buy the ahab reactor then i bought myself a twin buster rifle and used it as a reference and because of that we managed to double the power of the buster magnum

"now we make a second one" i said

"WHY" the whole family screamed at me they were thinking one was already overkill

"duel wielding of course" i said and they looked at me like i was a a mad man and i pretty much was since i wanted to be as over kill as possible

"oh don't worry this is just the start i have a way of further doubling my cannons power output" i said laughing like a mad sientist

"well we will never lose a war just send you out with your ridiculously overpowered guns" ben said lianna nodded while slowly looking over towards her insane partner

"is it okay to say i am now scared to pilot with him" lianna said

"we would be too trust me dear" gabriella said

construction of the duel GN sword fives now began there were no changes as i believed the blades were already perfect

"are you making two of every weapon this thing has" lianna asked

"yes" i said

"why" she asked

"duel wield" i said simply she sighed

"does everything have to be duel wielded" she asked

"yep" i said she sighed again

"well at least these aren't stupidly massive or over powered" she said

"there is a buster mode" i said expecting her reaction

"oh dear lord someone kill me" she said and exactly as i thought

"don't worry that buster mode is also how and boost the power of the buster magnums" i said and she looked at me with a truly scared look

"this is too much for one machine it will overload the core" she said

"who said i was only using a dragon core that's just so i can have my machine use whatever element we get lucky with" i said

"then how are you powering this thing" she asked

"there are three core two internal that being the dragon core and the ahab reactor the last being the GN drive is external" i said

"i am so gonna regret asking this what does the GN driver and ahab reactor do" she asked hesitantly

"the ahab reactor is just a boring core that gets the machine running" i said

"oh thank god" she said

"pretty much infinitely" i continued

"WHAT" she screamed

"don't scream i am right next to you" i said

"infinitely our machine can run forever without needing to be refueled" she said

"pretty much also it's completely indestructible" i said

"and the GN drive" she said even more hesitantly in the months she had known this man she knew he always saved the best for last

"well like the ahab reactor so long as you don't push the GN drive it will also run indefinitely however it is not indestructible that being said and the reason it is an external core is because of the trans-am system which temporarily triples performance of a machine

"how long is temporarily" she asked

"three minutes although it unwise to keep it active the full three minutes" i said

"why" she asked

"because then you drained GN particles and so output tanks significantly while the machine replenishes itself that being said using it bursts to dodge attacks makes a very devastating system with virtually no drawbacks in other words if you use it properly and not like an idiot there are no drawbacks" i said she nodded in understanding still thinking about how overpowered their machine is and remembering the fact that this overpowered machine is essentially in the hands of two kids

once the swords were complete we got to work on the ahab reactor and the sky drive unit making modifications to it so it had four arms the two holding the wings that would always point back at a diagonal angle the second would hold both the GN shield binders with all 12 GN sword bits that would be the key to further boosting the buster magnums out put of course the buster magnums had normal rifle setting not just cannon mode once the sky drive unit and ahab reactors were built and tested it was time to begin build the machine itself in all its glory