This is the explanation of the system. It can be skipped, but can clear up any confusion you may have.
Welcome to the system! Here in Nistridian, at the age of 14, you enter the system. The system gives you a class based on your personality, and alters your original race to match as well. Everyone starts at level one, and gains quests. The quests help you to level up, and you can increase your strength, vitality, and many other attributes through it. The systems was a great leap for this world, as it increased lifespan and the overall strength of the world. This is especially useful as the age of space travel is beginning. Some of the other great benefits of the world include: protection of minors, no unwanted pregnancies, fewer deaths, and complete justice. Or at least justice by the system. Which, tends to favor bad behavior. Without trying, the world has fallen into more sexiest patterns however, the culture being male dominated, and most females becoming commodities of sorts. But society has pressed onwards! Now that you know how the system works, let me tell you a bit more about the classes and races that make up this world.
Every one is first sorted into one of these factions
Our friend Yuki is placed down in the magical category
Each of these areas come with their own quirks. Those in the medieval faction immediately gain 2 to strength, but -2 to magic. Magical gains 2 Magic, -2 strength. Technological gains 2 vitality, -2 dexterity. Paranormal gains 2 dexterity, -2 vitality.Â
Each of these have sub classes with their own pair of quirks
Medieval classes:
Magical classes:
Elemental (Water, fire, earth based powers)
Item (magical girl transformations)
Creature (due to animal bond, or with transform ability)
Technique (Like an alchemist, uses signs, signals, drawings to cast)
Manipulative (power to alter things around them, like telekinesis, umberkinesis, basically any 'kinesis' power)
Summon (can summon either items or creatures with which to use)
Technological classes:
Paranormal classes:
Bestiary (anything like werewolves, or half breeds)
Undead (zombies, vampires, ghosts)
Demonic (liked with demons, sins, or hellfire)
Botanical (morphs of plants with different races. Liked with nature)
Fae (nymphs, mermaids, fairies)
Chemical (matter shifting things, such as slimes)
Each of these have their own sub classes as well, and typically are linkede it the race assigned. An orc race is unlikely to be assigned a magical class. The factions are often at war with each other, each mostly confined to their separate areas around the globe. In order to level, you either perform class specific quests. Like an Item class would have to transform X amount of times, or defeat X amount of dungeon creatures. There are also many other ways to cultivate, and those of a higher level can even have 2 classes.Â
While defeating others in the system does give exp, it's often not worth it to go around murdering someone, unless you have a specific cultivation technique. The most effective ways to gain exp are
1. Defeating dungeon creatures
2. Fulfilling a carnal desire (especially for demons)
3. Completing menial tasks (like jobs, working out, etc.)
4. Advancing technology
Each faction gains a bonus for completing one of those. Especially if it's for their rival faction. If a Technological class advance tech for a medieval, the gain double the amount they would have received for completing it normally, which gives a 75% experience boost for that action from a technological class. If a paranormal uses a magical to fulfill a carnal desire, or a magical works under a paranormal, the same effect happens. It helps curb the systematic hatred between the factions, at least.Â