Chereads / Short Stories The Ancient Owl / Chapter 25 - The Nomsty

Chapter 25 - The Nomsty

Have you ever had a monster under your bed?

Yes, you have. There is one right now. It's a Nomsty.

Oh no, don't be afraid. They are harmless. Everything they do has the sole reason of protecting you. Yes, they don't hurt you, they protect you.

Nomstys are not physically existent, not really, that is. They are invisible and not touchable. You can imagine them as a smoky cloud. They can morph and change shape as they like. However, every Nomsty has one favourite shape, which is different to every other. It is said it resembles the personality of their person. They can gather themselves, though, so they actually become solid. This way they actually can influence their surroundings, make noises and knock things over. They don't do that to harm or scare us. They are preventing us from stepping onto little legos, or scold us for not sleeping yet. A Nomsty takes care of his person.

Some kids can sense their Nomstys. They have a better perception of spirits, and some even claim they have seen them. This ability fades as you grown older. That is why parents never see anything under their childrens beds when told there is a monster.

A Nomsty's main duty is to eat the stress and worries of their person. There is a reason why the bed is the most comfortable and safe spot; our Nomstys eat away our problems. Children often experience their Nomsty's as nightmare-eaters, while adults need them mostly as stress-relief. A Nomsty completely adapts to his person and acts and eats accordingly.

Sometimes they get bored, too. Then they enjoy themselves with fooling us. Then they pull some little pranks on us; they steal our blankets, make our hair all messy or just wake us up in the middle of the night.

The name Nomsty originates from two words: moster and nom. Their actual name is Nomster. But some children thought it was too scary and named their friends Nomsty instead. This way, the Nomsty was made cute and not scary.

Our Nomstys are by our side the whole life. most of the time we don't notice them, but they are always there, watching over us and protecting us. There is a reason why we are being buried in bed-like coffins. Our Nomstys pass on with us and continue to protect us, even then.

Always be aware. Your Nomsty is with you. It will never doubt you or your actions. You will never have to justify yourself. Your Nomsty is yours only and always your ally. It is always doing it's best to help and protect you, so rest assured. Your Nomsty has your back. No matter what, no matter where. Even if no one else believes in you, this one will. You are not alone. You never have been and never will.