Chereads / My Vampire System: A Dragon's Revenge / Chapter 56 - Martial Arts Club

Chapter 56 - Martial Arts Club

Now that they were second-years, their schedule had changed. Instead of starting the day with basic training, students were now required to attend their club training in the mornings. After lunch, they would move on to their special knight training.

The ranking system from the first year had carried over, and Ray was currently ranked number 10. After his fight with Sebastian, he had wanted to avoid drawing any more attention to himself. To make sure the focus shifted away, he had forfeited his matches before they even started, causing his rank to drop.

They were no longer required to spar against each other, though students could still arrange fights outside of training. Instead, they were now expected to participate in a school-wide tournament, which included both second and third years. The winners of this tournament would go on to represent the academy at the AKT—the All Kingdom Tournament, where the best knights from all kingdoms competed.

What excited Ray the most, though, were the hunting trips. Once a week, students were sent out in groups to hunt magical beasts. This would finally give him the chance to obtain more beast crystals and become stronger.

The first day of training began with students receiving directions via their communicators, which guided them to their club locations. Most clubs were based inside Avrion Academy, but some were located off-campus. Sylvia, for instance, had been sent to a hospital for her training.

Ray followed the instructions on his communicator. A red dot appeared on the map, with an arrow indicator guiding him. The martial arts hall seemed to be located outside the academy grounds.

After ten minutes of walking, he finally reached his destination. It was not far from where he had first met the old man in the city.

The entrance consisted of an open gate, flanked by two large red pillars. On top of the pillars, a worn wooden sign barely clung to its frame. The words on it had faded with time, but he could still make out the letters.

He stepped inside and found himself in a peaceful green garden. A small pond lay to the left, with a bronze stone statue meditating at its center. At the end of the garden stood a single, wide building, only one floor tall.

Ray walked up to the building, but he couldn't see any other students.

Was he in the right place?

Even if this club was unpopular, he should have at least seen some third-year students.

"Hello, is anyone here?" he called out.


Ray approached the building cautiously. Walking around its side, he noticed that it had no windows. There was still no sign of anyone else.

With no other choice, he slid open one of the door panels and stepped inside.

The interior was empty. The main room had a large open space, its floor covered with soft mats. A separate smaller room was off to the side, and judging by the faint scent, Ray assumed it was the toilet.

At the center of the room, an old man lay fast asleep.

Ray approached him carefully. "Hello, I'm here for the martial arts club," he said.

The old man didn't respond.

Ray took another step closer. "Hello?"

Still nothing.

Annoyance creeping in, Ray finally knelt beside him and reached out to shake his shoulder—

In an instant, the old man's eyes snapped open.

Before Ray could react, the old man grabbed him by the head and arm and flung him to the ground.

Ray barely had time to register what had happened before the old man raised a fist, aiming straight for his face.

But the punch stopped inches away.

"Who are you?" the old man asked.

Ray's first thought was that this man was completely insane. Who attacked a stranger like that?

But considering how powerful he was, Ray decided not to voice his complaints.

"I'm here to join the martial arts club. The communicator said this was the location."

The old man paused, then grinned. "Oh, a new student, I see."

He extended a hand and helped Ray off the ground.

"Sorry about that," the old man continued. "I was attacked recently, so I've been on edge. We don't get many students here."

"Where is everyone else?" Ray asked, glancing around. He expected someone to pop out at any moment.

The old man chuckled. "What do you mean? You're the first student I've had in years. That means you'll get all my attention!"

At least someone seemed excited about this.

"Before we start," the old man said, "what made you choose the martial arts club?"

Ray raised an eyebrow. "Do you really not remember? You were the one who asked me to come here."

The old man's face scrunched in thought. Then, his eyes suddenly widened.

"You mean… you're that student from yesterday?"

Ray nodded.

The old man burst into laughter, only stopping when he started coughing violently.

"I'm glad you listened to me," he said between coughs. "It must be fate that we met yesterday. I've been looking for someone to pass down my skills to, but no students ever come here. Honestly, I thought you'd never show up. I was only planning to teach you a little, as a reward for helping me, but now? Well, that reward is useless—because I'll teach you everything I know!"

Ray crossed his arms. "Then answer my question. Why was the black guild after you?"

The old man hesitated for a moment. Then, he sighed. "It's a secret… but I suppose I owe you one. I am currently one of the six elders of Avrion Academy."

Ray's eyes narrowed.

He remembered seeing the elders once, during their first year. They were the top figures in the academy, ranked even above the Master Knights. Unlike the knights, however, their power wasn't what earned them their position—it was their influence. They were the ones who operated behind the scenes.

"Then what were you doing all on your own? And why are you still on your own?" Ray asked.

The old man smirked. "Hiding in plain sight is still hiding," he said. "Let's be honest—without my elder garments, I look like any other old man. The only people who would recognize me are high-ranking officials."

His expression suddenly darkened as he said the last part, as if lost in thought. But just as quickly, he shook it off.

"Anyway," the old man said, his grin returning, "it's time for your first lesson."

He cracked his knuckles and gestured for Ray to sit.

"Let me teach you about Ki."