Ray woke to the sharp clanging of metal pots, the sound echoing through the mansion. His sensitive hearing made it even worse than for the others. Standing at the door, Joe banged the pots together—a traditional way to wake new students.
"Can you not just wake us up like normal?" Gary groaned.
They quickly got out of bed, dressing in their standard academy uniforms before lining up in front of Joe. He inspected each of them, ensuring their gear and sashes were in order.
"Good, you're starting to look like real knights now," Joe said. "Unfortunately, I have some bad news. Training has been canceled for today due to an emergency meeting between the master knights. You're free to spend the day as you wish."
"Can we go outside?" Ray asked.
Joe shook his head. "Until you've learned the basics at Avrion Academy, you are not permitted to leave the city. Feel free to visit the library or the church to receive a blessing from the Divine Being."
With a final salute, Joe left.
"What are you going to do now, Ray?" Gary asked.
"I'm heading to the library. What about you?" Ray wanted to research the Dragon Knights and the Divine Being, hoping to uncover more information about what lay inside that tomb. While grave-robbing was an option, it wasn't something he intended to do on his first free day.
"That sounds boring," Gary replied. "I'm going to the training grounds—maybe I can find someone to spar with."
Monk decided to head back to the dorms to catch up with the others, while Kyle followed Gary. That left Ray alone, which suited him just fine.
The library was just as grand as the other buildings in Avrion Academy. Standing in its vast halls, he felt like it would take a lifetime to read through all the books stored here.
He began his search with books on the Dragon Knights. As the founders of Avrion Academy, there was no shortage of material on them. Skimming through several volumes at random, he found that most focused on how the five knights had united to protect the kingdom from the Shadow Plague.
According to historical records, the Shadow Plague originated from a distant continent. When it reached the southern lands, it spread rapidly, forcing a truce between kingdoms. The Dragon Knights had led the fight against it, ultimately halting its advance. That had been fifty years ago, and there had been no recorded activity since.
Though he learned more about their past, the books contained no details on their weapons or armor—the information he was truly searching for. Then, he came across a book titled The Truth About the Dragon Knights.
Unlike the others, this book didn't glorify their deeds or recount their battles. Instead, it focused on the knights themselves—their personalities, their armor, and their weapons. This was exactly what he had been looking for.
Settling at a nearby table, Ray studied the book further. One passage, in particular, caught his attention. It described how the Dragon Knights wielded abilities that weren't human-like. Their powers weren't standard magic but a unique set of skills—abilities thought to belong to the lost age of dragons.
Although many assumed they were called Dragon Knights because of their armor and weapons, the book suggested otherwise. It claimed they earned the name due to the techniques they used in combat. Unfortunately, it lacked further details on their abilities.
Turning the book over, Ray checked the author's name: Lenny Steel.
"Lenny Steel—an author known for exaggerating tales of the past," a voice said from his right.
Startled, Ray turned to see Slyvia seated next to him. He had been too absorbed in the book to notice her presence. He had no idea how long she had been there.
"What do you mean?" he asked.
"Lenny Steel used to be a knight at Avrion Academy a long time ago, but he quit and became an author to make a living," she explained.
"Is he still alive?" If Ray could find him, he might get real answers about the Dragon Knights.
"He stopped writing books long ago, so I'm not sure. But maybe Wilfred would know more about him."
"Do you know if he ever wrote anything on the Divine Being?" Books on the Divine Being were difficult to find. Writing about it was considered taboo, and most available texts contained only generic, heavily curated stories.
"Even if he did, I wouldn't use him as a credible source," Slyvia said. "His books are entertaining theories, but most scholars consider them fantasy. If you want real information, you can always ask me."
Ray leaned forward. "Then why is the Divine Being so revered here? People in Avrion City seem more devout than anywhere else I've been."
While exploring the city, he had noticed many people ending their conversations with "Bless the Divine Being." Churches and shrines dedicated to it were everywhere.
Slyvia nodded. "That's because the Divine Being is said to have given the Dragon Knights their powers. It also guided them to establish Avrion Academy, warning them about the Shadow Plague."
"Is there any way to see the Divine Being?" If such a thing was possible, perhaps he could ask why he had been turned into a human.
"The Divine Being is said to reside in the Alure Capital, near Roland Academy. But they don't just let anyone see it."
Ray had hoped his trip to the library would provide answers, but instead, it only led to more questions. He continued talking with Slyvia, asking her more about what she knew, but her knowledge was limited.
Eventually, they left the library together and headed back to the dormitories to rest before training resumed the next day.