Chereads / OMNI:First Origin / Chapter 990 - Chapter 14

Chapter 990 - Chapter 14

The front door and locking it telling his wife and son to hurry the fuck up with there little talk they are soon leaving for there family trip away from usa region for good now don't waste anymore of their time lucas he has chosen who his real family are when he left them to suffer for his crimes so don't think he will stay here for less than five minute's as lucas dad goes to the kitchen to grab a drink out the fridge with both lucas and his mom taking a small seat across from one another in her newly built study room with the two staring at one another with lucas mom saying the first line so sounds like your dealing with the llorona legend aren't you with lucas saying yeah mom she is real and is killing children in the city he's currently staying at for his mission request he took on to stop her from harming or killing anymore kid's of safe family who don't want to go through this themselves since they seen there neighbors go through this process already and they don't want to be next one on the long list of dying children's report with lucas mom face turning aggressive saying this is a serious matter indeed asking her son what does he know.

About llorona in the first place like stories or legends that he has seen online or in books maybe even heard folklore from people talking about her specifically in there hunter life with lucas saying he just knows the basic stuff like how she was marry to a man have two son's with him but he saw her get crazy over time and decided to cheat on with her another woman because he was stressed at work and at home making him feel that maybe it was time to take the kid's away from her and live with the new woman but the llorona lady found out about this and so in her rage she took her two son's to a nearby lake and drowned them leaving there body to be found by the cop's and the dad but for some unknown reason they could never find her even after looking for her over a whole year time with many rumors spreading that she might have ended her life somewhere else after killing her son's and she was washed up to the sea never to be found or she was cursed by god for killing children's making her remember her past always looking for her dead son's over and over again until the end of time with lucas mom face going from serious to laughing.

Out loud at her son crazy stories that have been passed down for each generation's saying oh wow you made her laugh real good thank you he got some part right but he also got some parts wrong let me actually tell what happened to her from the very beggining many, many, many year's ago back in azteco region in a small city under mexico land a young woman lived with her small family who we're poor from the very start never having any chances to get out the poor life even if they tried there hardest they always came back to the same city keep in mind now that city was small and with less population but now has grown big to become the capital city of mexico country and it's became a we'll known place for the hispanic people supernatural legends and stories to grow in reputation for all to hear about it as lucas mom goes on with the llorona story explaining that she was firstly dumb and young so she met this older man one day who she instantly feel in love with after a couple date's they went on together with her parent's arguing with her about meeting a man who was around her aged not someone who has live.

A good amount of year's already but she didn't listened to her parent's and left her own parent's house to be with him in his own house still in the same shitty city though as lucas calls her dumb for falling in love supposedly over a older man lucas mom says to his son that everybody does dumb thing's over there emotions when they are young like move out there parent's house at the aged of fifteen or move out to another region to start a family and have a son who does not visit there birth parent's even after wasting so much time to give him everything he ever wanted to make him happy but that wasn't enough for him so anyone can be called dumb in there early age right son with lucas saying fair point mother he didn't think about it through as she says that during that time with llorona who was living with her now husband decided to explored her other free options being a stay at home wife like cooking or creating art but all that needs finally led her to join the woman only cult who we're called weeps if she's correct about there group name with lucas saying maybe he thinks it through before saying yep weeps was the name of the group cult.

Who did many horrible acts to the human males to make there descendants pay for there ancestors crimes in using and playing with woman hearts and bodies throughout the many year's in history calling it in there way a payback but no matter what they called it meant it was super rude to do anything else other than that so as that was happening a early twenty year old llorona joined the cult group as one of there elite member's thinking at that time they we're good trying to help wounded woman and find them a place to fit in but for some reason after that her and parent's were not so on good terms with the cult weeps since they soon found out that llorona was married and not only that but pregnant with twins boy's so they kick her out the group warning her that she will be paying for her crimes soon with them never wanting to do anything with her as time passed llorona soon gave birth to her two son's who at that time was five year's old with the husband suddenly acting weird for the past year's each time getting more and more crazy for some unknown reason since llorona family we're killed and she just ignored it.