Chereads / OMNI:First Origin / Chapter 988 - Chapter 12

Chapter 988 - Chapter 12

He gets up out the ground before deciding to look around while making sure to not get too close to the river itself to be snatch by a hundred year old ghost lady into the river to drown that would make him the laughing stock of the crew so he will not fail again as he searches and searches around for anymore clues left behind by the culprits except the golden jewelry that someone who might have something to do with llorona appearing here every day around midnight drop on the ground floor for him to find so easily unless this was all according to there plan in the first place naw says lucas as he decides to end the search for clues today while bright and early still to talk with the other local city folks on this weeping lady matter that has got them locking up there own door's with protection locks to not lose anymore children to that horrible ghost who lives beside them as he starts walking away from the crime scene he hears someone coming from behind him quickly so he turns fast to see who it is but all he sees is a black body figure person dissapear on him when he makes eye's contact with there form before he was even able to grab hold.

Of them tightly for a split second leaving lucas alone meaning that they are fast with there speed alone or have abilities they might owned that deal's with either teleporting or enhancing movement's reflexes to there limit to not get caught by anyone who is catching up to them as lucas decides to leave the area fast as he can so he won't get sneak attack again with him soon leaving the location someone wearing a black hood over there head show's up where lucas was last seen standing on earlier with his right hand seen holding on to the same golden jewelry that lucas had in his right pocket earlier but not anymore with the hooded figure looking down to her hand to see she is shaking from the close up experience saying that was closed on her part she almost got caught by the young man who managed to sense her energy and hear her come up from behind him so quickly that she had to used her skills fast to avoid physical contact from the man who is trying to stop there plan from happening only a few more children soul is all she needs in order to get her plan in order as she calls on her many hidden lower class disciples.

All over aztec city telling them to be very careful of this man showing lucas face to them all saying he is a warrior looking to stop there plan from starting with few woman disciples calling her out on her immature action as reckless since that could've been what he needed in order to start hunting them down foreal this time with many woman disciples saying they have to leave the city soon or else there whole cult organization will be uncovered by this lucas boy who is now up to them close because you wanted to attack the boy alone with no backup of any sorts what do you have to say for yourself consa with her saying i'm truly sorry my sister's she will stay here for a bit longer in order to stop the boy from catching up to them so please take your leave for now and she will return soon with good news about the death of the boy with many disciples leaving the magic call except for one saying she better keep her word or else she will become the llorona partner and do the bidding for them also from now on with no resistance or betrayal coming from her as consa hangs up the group magic call with her lower class disciples telling herself.

Fuck out loud why did she had to attack the boy while he was alone and not called on her sister's for backup now look at her she's going to get in so much trouble with the higher ups when she returns back to azteco region for failing the simplest rule to never attack alone as she dissapears while holding on to the golden necklace jewelry saying watch your back kid she's coming for you now and knows who you really are calling him by his name lucas martin while smiles menacingly at her true intentions to not fail her sister's and finished the job we'll with no worries or trouble in her future as lucas returns back to the city after a whole thirty minute's has passed by from leaving the animas river location and having a close encounter with someone unknown making it closed to one twenty-seven pm as he takes a deep breath saying wow that really took a lot out of him to be able to react fast to someone coming up from behind him quickly with no hint or warning at all making him way on the sidewalk he sees many people looking at him with unsure on there eye's to decide whether he is a friend or foe but lucas known that he is.

A good guy deep down who has to stop the killing of little children from happening anymore or else people won't be able to live a normal life like they wanted as he goes back to his motel room opening his door he takes a seat on his chair before looking back at his open monitor screen that talks about the weeping lady folklore legends and stories but he knows they have to be somewhat fake or else they would have seen her a lot more than just a few time's as he thinks about going back to his old house to have a talk with his mom about the weeping lady folklore that she might have heard of in her time over at the azteco region when she was younger but he feels that they will only argue with each other about him not staying home like he should have and him not doing his hardest to pass in school but he knows this is for the greater good no matter what he has to helped the people of aztec city or else there body count will only continue to rise up with each passing week with him telling himself that he took this job to help the people feel safe and protected from any threats coming there way so lucas takes a deep breath before.