Chereads / OMNI:First Origin / Chapter 980 - Chapter 4

Chapter 980 - Chapter 4

With bill getting a small noticed from his secretary over his wireless head piece who says the police station has been called they should arrived at there location in less than ten minute's as bill smiles at this situation he tells the two division captains to stop holding back and get serious before the police arrived here to arrest the two old warrior's in his office breaking and entering it's a serious crime gentleman can send them away for a very long time with guilmer trying to blast the energy bubble all over the office room and run away into the sewers line's for a fast and secure escape from the injustice order secondary force's with bill giving part of his own energy to the two division captains telling them now do it now as they are about to do this the bubble breaks completely since erik landed a critical blow to the energy bubble earlier that it crumbles before the two warrior's very own eye's that causes them to get either shot or blown up by the two division force's knocking them out there feet with erik smiling at there victory saying time to arrest these fool's with bill saying let me do this first sending his conqueror energy.

To wrap around the two old warriors who are now trapped for good under the injustice order force's as the two division captains closed up the gap between them two staring at there perspectives training master with gloat in there eye's except erik who only feels ashamed from this horrible situation there in ever happening in the first place as they are about to arrest the two old man with bill hearing the nearby police car sirens coming to there direction saying yes they will surely get in good terms with king jester with kasha saying you really think that fool is going to treat you like an equal from now on nope just another added pawn into his army to control with no questions asked as she says this kasha uses her conqueror energy to incapacitate all the first and second division member's soldier's in one blast while the captains and general get themselves forced into the floor hard almost cracking the floor with just her energy alone as that happens bill tries to attack kasha but she moves out the way giving her enough time to duck under bill right hook arm making it to the two old warrior's location with her saying.

She's here to help like she said in the note she sent earlier to there hotel room with both guilmer and wilmer saying that was you helping them this whole time with kasha saying yeah she wanted to talk to them both in person but this is not what she had planned to happened at all this happen much sooner than she thought possible but nevertheless she is here to take them somewhere safe for talking and planning with bill yelling out in anger toward kasha saying what are you doing you are cain daughter you should have more respect for your father bloodline and his order why go against him like this she will be mark a criminal on the run with no chance to settle down in peace with kasha saying she is a grown up already and she can do whatever the fuck she wants giving old man bill the middle finger with her telling the two warrior's to follow her opening up a small portal in front of them saying they have no time to waste enter fast with her seeing both erik and john yell out in anger saying your not going anywhere bastards as they get out the hard floor slowly trying to reach out to them before they escape guilmer says to kasha.

Can they trust her with her saying yes this will all help benefit the new world and there family own future so hurry up and make up your mind or else you stay here with the enemy force's to be left to die for good as guilmer and wilmer look at one another before agreeing to go with the girl running toward the portal with kasha saying thank god you guy's made the right choice to not stay behind as they all run into the portal with her staying behind a bit saying you guy's failed horribly bad in your job's as she gives them another middle finger send off as the portal closes for good everyone gets released from her conqueror energy binding saying no way they failed this bad with john smashing his right fist into the ground floor yelling out in anger with erik saying nothing and walking up to bill asking him are you okay sir are you hurt anywhere with him saying no he is totally fine thank you for asking but he is a bit dissatisfied from this event happening against there favor and not getting the two wanted target's they was after by the king jester himself so it's means he has failed his master cain and new master jester for that he is sorry he didn't expect.

Kasha would do something so horrific to her father honorable legacy like she did today with her helping the two major enemies escape from there setup trap as they try to regroup themselves with bill saying he will handle the seeking attention he has drawn to his building so go away they will see each other again with him once again thanking erik and john for their service today even though it ended in a fail attempt in his part with erik saying it was not your fault only miss kasha the two captains seen leaving through there very own portal dissapearing for good as bill fixes his own suit tie saying let's go see the reporters downstair as that was happening guilmer and wilmer finally arrived to there new guest helper location with kasha behind them saying welcome to her very hidden base underground no one will be able to find them for a very long time so time to talk about business between each other about removing king jester from the world power throne he has currently over the other nine region's and there billions of people with guilmer and wilmer saying first let's get started with there resistance group initiate plan.