Chereads / OMNI:First Origin / Chapter 972 - Chapter 95

Chapter 972 - Chapter 95

Of the boy who saved there life and town from the public and wide web eye's to not caused any trouble for both the giant ants species and there hero who wants them to make him out to be the enemy with the chief telling the police officer's to tell the reporters outside to write the kid as a villain on all this trouble they been through or else they will all be shut down for good understood with the officer's splitting up into two team's either going around making the townfolks delete any evidence of the boy doing good for their town or telling the reporters on what the chief told them to tell the news station spreading only negative stuff of the hero who was the one who caused all this trouble not the giant ants they have to make the news super believable for not only there land mayor and council group member's but also the whole world have to believed there news story or else they will be in huge trouble by the injustice order who are after the kid also for being part of a dangerous crew attacking the world peace they are currently in as chief of police gets to work that this town story comes out with no holes that will be questioned by the higher up bosses.

Since they are still on good terms with there land mayor as he takes a deep breath before looking out the open window in his office removing the private room mode by clicking the button on his desk lamp again as he wishes good luck on the kid before going back to kenny who's carrying the town supervisor on his back still finally arrived at the giant ant hill base landing in front of two giant ants guard's who are watching over the huge size door that's currently lock to any uninvited guest unless the prince allows it himself as the two walk up to the giant ant guard's asking them can they be let in they have an urgent meeting with the prince himself who wished to talk with the town supervisor for a truth alliance that will last far longer than the first one with the two giant ant guard's looking at kenny saying oh sir it's you welcome to our new currently being built base the prince has been waiting for you please go in as the giant ant guard open the door telling them both go inside and used the elevator until they reach the negative tenth floor the prince office will be there waiting for you so hurry up and not waste anymore time start walking toward the elevator.

And go down with kenny and the town supervisor reaching the machine doors opening up heading down they click the negative ten floor button before the door's closes and starts going down a couple floors before they reach the last floor the door's open up to revealed a long hallway that leads to a single straight door as they both start walking out the elevator town supervisor ask kenny so what are they going to do here with kenny saying just be yourself listen to your alliance partner and he will listen to you be on even terms since this will be the only way to understand one another and make this problem go away for good with no more issue's as they reach the office door kenny knocks on the door three time's saying it's me and the town supervisor to talk about making a new contract to start a second alliance with both race's in order to move on from this devastating battle they was part off because of one person mistake with ant prince ento telling them to please enter his office they have much to discuss about this new contract they will be forming with each other to not caused anymore trouble for one another with kenny and town supervisor.

Taking a seat across the prince who's watching them directly saying so what shall we start with like rules should be implemented firstly with law's to make everyone from both species hold accountable for their own actions and mistakes are we in agreement with town supervisor saying yes he agrees with that motion second they should divide the town small into evenly area's for both of them to be satisfied with there half and not make any complaints of there choosen side's is that okay with you ant prince ento who nods his head in agreement with ento saying can they also make trade route with them they sell some of there stuff and they get stuff from them in equal exchange for beneficial purposes with town supervisor saying sure that sounds good building a small market place can be built in the middle of there territory to not caused any trouble to there agreement as they keep on talking with each other with kenny smiling at this turn of event saying he is so happy to see them both working it out with ease with ant prince ento saying so they will be put in a bright light for their crimes while you kenny take the full blame is that right.

Kenny says to the ant prince you and your species have nothing to worry about he will be label the villain of this attack to there town with them just being used by him so they will be forgiven but will be placed under supervision so just do your normal thing's and live your new normal life with no worry about fighting or being attacked ant prince ento says he understands his actions saying thank you to him with both leader's going on and on about there meeting talks to make sure that everyone is okay with there written contract on the piece of papers they will each get to strengthen that awkward atmosphere from fighting one another force's as kenny sees this he says okay he can see there are starting to understand one another with no problem town supervisor says to ant prince ento what about helping them out with farming and finding good water sources to used for their survival style ento says sure he can lend them a helping hand but they also have to lend some materials to them in return to make this new base of their's heavily fortified to not be easy to destroy against other enemies who might want to attack them as the two agree with each other.