Chereads / OMNI:First Origin / Chapter 902 - Chapter 25

Chapter 902 - Chapter 25

While since he thinks about it with both girl's saying no they are still human's blood unlike him who is an alien origin as david says wow you two have become racist against his own and there people since they both are hispanic also like him before the race changed with alexa saying they aren't racist they are talking about him actually being a born alien from outer space from a system far far away from their solar system david say oh okay so they aren't being racist so what's up with this weird meet up inside this building if they could've approach him in the first place in public and not in hiding with the two girl's revealing themselves in the shadow still not being able to make out what they are wearing or doing since it's so dark in the first place david says so what y'all wanted to talk about then there are missing there seniors graduating planning for this coming year and the prom theme party event they are attending for fun plus the last games of the year for the athletes as both alexa and steffy take a deep breath wondering if they could compliment on there chosen outfit that they pick out for him to look at today with david seen thinking about.

What tony said earlier about not picking either side's since girls are way different from picking an ice cream flavor to eat this multiple choices can mean life and death in his own case that he has to deal with in the coming month's as alexa and steffy walk out the shadow at the same time since they couldn't wait any longer for david to respond to them as david gets a good look of there outfits they are wearing for him especially today he can't help but act like his younger self falling over for a girl body that he hasn't seen in a while his eye's attach to there bodies scanning every edge and corner to remember this in his memory as he stops looking getting back to his calm demeanor he tell both alexa and steffy that they look cute and good as usual nothing has changed about them before telling them that they have to take there leave since they will close the door on them with the two girls smiling a bit about being complimented by there man but not ready to call it quits yet each girl take an arm to hug tightly from david who says to himself he has no idea how his future self made this relationship work in his past life with him just grabbing each of the.

Girl' hands firmly making the two girls happy about this saying first of all they are just friend's nothing more and nothing less is that understood with the two girl's saying yes hubby with the girls making face at each other trying to win the guy they both like as they walk out the boiling room together with david feeling a bit overwhelm by having two pretty girl's he's familiar with on each of his side walking alongside him like this is supposed to be normal in there book as they keep on walking through the sidewalk then entering through the school open gate with steffy asking david how was his two year's away on training like with him saying it was fun since he got to find out about more powerful opponent's living in the planet itself who are beyond what he has ever fought in his life as alexa joins in the conversation saying david we also had fun training together with his dad right about being able to used conqueror energy better than before without any trouble on his side or causing his body to go through muscle tear if he wasn't too careful steffy ask david so he can see he has his friend with him who was hiding in plain sight.

Pointing to rynx who says hi while alexa greets him like they have known one another but he is keeping his own distance from them not wanting to be used as a good leverage on getting more david point's as this keep on going all three with rynx arrived at the theater arts door with the long line getting more and more smaller than before with multiple line's being form earlier to check out if they humans or evolved humans blood to get either the elite plan or normal plan from there school principal who is looking around at the small amount of evolved human's in this school itself saying do they suck or something they have only about ten evolved humans member's on there elite plan side with more than triple amount of normal humans sitting in the front row seat as david spots his brother tony in the front row seats saying so they have to be evolved human only nothing else that's good for them with the alien blood makes them unnecessary to the elite plan that they are planning in the end of this school year meaning it's all good news for him and his two girl's who are full blooded human and nothing more as they each get searched by the school security.

First before going forward to the school nurse who uses a small device to poke there finger and give out a reading result to see if they go either upstairs or downstairs in the final as david let's his two supposed girl's go first to watch them be told to go downstairs or upstairs but the teacher's says down with him being next hearing some of the boy's in the theater art room talk to his girl's saying looking good or your so pretty trying to ask for there phone number but they both hold each other saying we are taken already so they don't want there name's or numbers walking away leaving the boy's dumbfounded by there smart remarks as david moves to get his finger poke he is told by the school nurse to go talk to the school teacher who point's to him going down with him being happy about this saying that shit made him mad nervous in end with the teacher staring at you before deciding your fate as he takes a sit between the two girl's alexa and steffy who are holding his arm tightly again while giving the other girl a death stare to stay away from his men causing david to say please calm down you two they are only friend's nothing else or he will.