Chereads / OMNI:First Origin / Chapter 915 - Chapter 38

Chapter 915 - Chapter 38

Both know him we'll enough to know what he's thinking rynx say if your not gonna make thing's easier for his buddy david then there's no reason to be waiting until the school is over since he will break up with them both in order to not hurt there feelings and choose a side plus get this dumb decision making business over with unless they are willing to put up with the idea of having a three way relationship with david himself then there chances will go down each coming month's so make your choices in the next coming month's or else he will tell david personally that they aren't qualified to be his girl's in order to stop this destruction happening to david daily life as he walks away heading toward the art teacher desk to get a good rest on his buddy lap who's still talking with the teacher both alexa and steffy look at one another angrily before taking a deep breath saying the little creature is absolutely right about them they have been trying so hard to force david to pick a person to date for a quite a while now haven't they since they each found out that there was another girl in there exes life that he still cares about looking at one another.

Both girl's agreed that they can see why david likes them in the same way they are beyond cute and pretty lucky enough to have met him in there school day's not later on with steffy saying to alexa when did he first meet david if she don't mind answering the question she says she don't mind at all explaining this all happen during there elementary school year in the first grade alexa explains that she recently move to that school or town only because her mom family wanted to see her in person so she lived for most of her life with her grandma and grandpa who we're kind to her no matter what as she went to her school starting her brand new grade she and her classmates we're introduced to a new student by their teacher a boy named david aztlan who was expressionless from the start who didn't say or talk much taking a seat far away from the rest of the student's while she wouldn't put any attention or effort to a boy like that who had no feelings though she still decided to do something nice asking him to eat with her during their lunchtime so they can get to know one another or at least talk with each other but he was so far away.

Stuck in his little world not knowing that he was mind training this whole entire time to be better than his dad and uncle so after many fail attempts to talk with him she decided to forget about him and just go on with her day but she didn't know that she would have been attack by her bullies later on by older kid's after school since she was a walker herself so making her way down the same sidewalk soon reaching her grandpa home she was grabbed out of nowhere by four older kid's who we're waiting for her to pass by wanting to steal her lunch money since she always bought ice cream and chip's during lunchtime everyday without sharing with anyone but herself like she's special than the rest of them as they have her pin down trying to check her backpack and pockets for any leftovers cash that she might have hidden away as the group leader decides to beat her up there and then to show her a lesson that she would never forget in her entire life for trying to act high and mighty in front of them lower class people as they are about to swing the first hit david show's up just in time calling them out saying leave the poor girl alone you bunch.

Of stupid tall bullies who got nothing better to do than steal from the rich as the four bullies let's go of her pushing her to the ground hard that she whines in pain from the impact david looks at this saying to the four boy's you guy's are worst than the actual monster's roaming the earth with the boy's taking this insult to the heart they all attack him at the same time but they can't seem to land a blow on david who's just smiling to himself saying is that all you got so sad that he picks up four little pebbles out the ground saying he will knock them out with just these shaking the pebbles within his right hand palm saying start he throws all four pebbles at his enemy forehead knocking them out with super ease that she can't believe it running toward the boy arm's who has saved her life saying thank you thank you with tears in her eye's thinking what would've happen if he didn't showed up just in time david tells her nothing bad will happen to you again he will watch over you couple day's later from that bad incident the four boy's we're sent to juvie and she was soon dating david the boy who saved her life before her dad came to the school.

And try to take her away by force causing david and her father to fight one another leaving him with a sphere shape scar on his left chest area where he also got his dad hand scar print from training way earlier steffy says damn that must've been so scary for her being only a couple year's old at that time alexa say yeah but now she has been trained by her father in all style of fighting so that little incident wouldn't happen again what about you steffy can you share your story on how you first met david with her saying sure as she says this was during the second semester of school freshman year one week left before summer break started as she was late to grab her lunch since she was focusing on doing her homework like a smart girl she was back then alexa looks at steffy head to toe saying she can't see it but steffy say it was true but let's not worry about that anymore going on with her first meeting story saying she was running out of time since she was almost late to getting her own lunch tray but the lunch lady decided to lay out a tray for her as she grabbed her milk and food to eat quickly scanning her school id she went to look for an empty table.