Chereads / Omni First Origin / Chapter 877 - Chapter 46

Chapter 877 - Chapter 46

Over his shoulder saying time to go home crew brother you did good in your mission asking neo and mia over the wrist device to please make portal back to the base if they would with them saying sure as a portal appears before david who enters through it arriving back at home base with him telling neo to please give him a senzu bean to give to walter who is not waking up as neo fetches the bean from his very own made senzu farm handing it to his boss david who tell walter eat this putting the bean into his mouth before he swallows it whole waking up instantly saying what happen to his fight why is he back home david tells him he had finished his job stop the evil threat from taking any more innocent life in lansing city but walter stands up saying he has make sure the boss is going to deadlock prison to pay for his own crimes asking mia to make a portal to the hospital room he was just in with a portal appearing walter says give him a few seconds to make things right with him being back in the hospital room waking up bobos jr who eye's goes wide from seeing walter face to face who begins to scream help help help but walter puts a hand on his mouth.

Telling him to shut the fuck or else he's dead with bobos jr keeping his mouth shut walter ask him so he gonna do him a favor by turning himself into the police station saying he is the one who was doing all the killing and he caused the destruction to his father circus fair along with the worker's and his own dad death saying he was stop by him from doing any more harm before leaving through the still open turning back around one last time saying to bobos jr if he comes back and finds out he hasn't done what he asked of him then he knows he has the right to hunt him down heading back home with the portal closing on his back meeting face to face with david and gabe who says good job crew brother as they put a hand on walter shoulder saying is he ready to take small mission's or will he be taking a break in the meantime with walter saying small mission it is with him going through the portal once again to his next mission back with bobos jr who tells the two unconscious cop's who are barely waking up to take him to the police station now he wants to confess to his own crimes he did to this city as the two cop's says sure couple minutes has pass.

With them reaching the police station with the chief of police outside to greet his criminal mastermind telling bobos jr you are under arrest for the murder of over one hundred innocents civilians plus his circus comrades plus the life of his own father he will be given a lawyer to help his case but bobos jr says he is guilty of all his crimes saying take me to prison already he don't wanna be in public view just put him away with the chief of police calling the head jailer of deadlock prison asking for security guard's for a special inmate pickup in lansing city on michigan land to be taken away with the head jailer saying his team will arrived there in ten minutes so please have him in a cell until they get there as the head jailer hangs up calling on his guard's team to go pick up the new inmate in lansing city on michigan land check the police station as they leave the chief of police says to his men to put bobos jr in a cell until the security guard's get here as they all go inside glad to be done with this mess for good as thing's have calm down at jester castle who can be seen talking with a pale man with a bushy beard wearing a nice clean suit face to face.

About joining under his rule his old friend fears what this might mean but nothing much will changed says jester since he will still be in charged of his own group or organization plus he will have his name to show off bringing even more fear into the normal human's who didn't get lucky to evolved like the rest but all he wants from every group or organization that join his injustice order is first loyalty plus second thing is some handful contribution like money or information to help his vision of the future earth with peace and no war come true showing off his immense power over the nine region leader's and the seven emperor's with him having control over the dark and light of humanity making the pale man say he will join his order along with his five closed associate's and his huge force's who all agreed to follow there current leader while also being under there new king jester banner as they shake on it sealing the deal with there two huge group's with pale man saying as contribution to the grand injustice order he has two ss-rank fugitives he has been looking for a while now naming them both saying guilmer aztlan and wilmer aztlan who will attending.

A meeting this coming wednesday with his first close trustee comrade from his first made group the five edges name bill who bows down in king jester and his boss cain the first murderer presense saying he's the leader of the five edges the first group that protect there boss cain from any incoming threats saying yes he has been in contact with the two former usa region champion for some time now they have agreed to meet up once again this coming wednesday so he will let his men come to his building to stake the place to ambush the two warrior's king jester says good work my underlings but they will have to talk about this on a much later day with cain and his five edges group member's leave king jester castle to go back to their base as king jester talks through his hologram calling betty luke saying to his information guy has anything news worthy happen with any member's of worst prodigy crew betty luke tells him to chill he will have a report ready for him each week about what's been going on in the outside world so tomorrow at midnight he will received his news reports okay king jester tells him thanks hanging up there holographic call cursing.

The other person off as david is seen looking over the news media and news station realizing that betty luke has been getting busy making bounties for his crew member's bryan gonzales and walter lopez who had there pictures taken plus getting we'll known in the usa region for there either good or bad work but he knows deep down they are doing good as the news on michigan land capital city lansing killer has finally been caught this morning name bobos jr who was behind the many death's including his father and his circus group who work alonside him being sent to deadlock prison to served his sentence for his crimes turning off the tv thinking on what to do next since school will start next week making him technically a senior this year who has been missing out to many school day's going to bed while telling neo and mia to keep an eye on the bunker system and job's on the chart with rynx telling him to relax and go to sleep as they both fall asleep on there soft pillow with the night going by slowly with no interruptions any longer.