Chereads / OMNI:First Origin / Chapter 852 - Chapter 21

Chapter 852 - Chapter 21

To clean up the mess that they can't seem to do but marillo says maybe one of them was trying to clean up the mess but the second guy he felt had pure negative energy coming out of him since they first enter the tent wheeler says he did maybe he is the main suspect that they are talking in the news about killing young folks in there sleep inside there home's with no sign of breaking in or any evidence to point to someone making it all seem it might be a ghost killer who has vendetta against young people right no says marillo who say that sounds dumb as fuck to be true as they drive around for a bit longer before heading back to there base to see how their men are doing without supervision maybe they have found something to look at back at the circus tent with walter who seems to be getting with the cool act an8d tricks that the two animal trainer's are doing with there pets doing tons of frontflip and backflip while amazing the crowd even more with the animal's also doing cool tricks like standing on there own two feet like there dancing around with there arm's to the sky holding on to there master safely as they are done with there act.

The ringleader bobos says wow wasn't that just so cool and epic with the crowd cheering even more saying they want to see more guest do amazing performance for them with the ringleader saying they will see more act but first they have to take a small break to calm there heart down and not die of laughter when they come back as the ringleader tell everyone to please form a single line towards the tent many exists they have at disposal as they all do this leaving in a orderly fashion with walter looking around for anything suspicious or the ringleader who might be behind this countless death making there workers work for him even his own son what a shitty father he has saying he gets having a bad dad as he makes it outside he goes to look around dissapering among the huge crowd to not stand out to much as he has fun with the many fair tent games and food they are serving for a good amount of money like two or four dollar's as he sees the ringleader taking a small sip of alcohol from his little canister the flask from his jacket pocket while pretending to smile widely in front of the kid's who come to ask for either his autograph or a picture.

To be taken with as he does this he decides to go talk with the ringleader in person to get anything out of him since he might be loosen up a big from drinking as he makes his way there he sees that the line to the ringleader is getting even longer so he walks faster to make it in time before it gets too late doing so he gets a spot that's in the middle with people staring at him saying where's your kid but he comes up with a good lie on the spot saying he is a big fan of the circus ever since he was little as the line get shorter and shorter by the passing hour he makes it face to face with the ringleader who ask him what will it be for today with walter saying he would like to talk to him in private about becoming a circus employee with ringleader saying sure come on in let's talk fast inside the tent with the kid's getting a bit angry that they took away the ringleader from them as the two find a spot to take a seat and talk about working here part time with a good amount of paid with ringleader bobos saying sure he can always used more amazing employees at his circus circle who would be good at drawing in younger crowd's as walter says he can do that really we'll bobos.

Lift his right hand towards him saying your hired you can start tommorow if you like with walter saying sure he can come in early in the afternoon with them both laughing at nothing walter says he will take his leave and go off explored more of the circus fair leaving bobos alone who face turns to a menacing looking one saying to himself that he can't be trusted can he with a deep voice saying not yet but he will in time as he gets up taking another sip of his flask before going back outside meeting the big line of kid's who have been waiting for his return ever since he went in saying bobos is it there turn next with him saying yes it is kiddo why don't you come forward what would like from him today as that happens back with walter who's long gone he decides to call it a good days work and go back to his hotel room to get some good room service since they are treating him like a king ever since the little accident in the front desk with a young employee why don't he take advantage of this treatment for right now and see what happens tonight as he checks his phone to see what time it is saying 3:30 pm as he walks alongside the sidewalk while putting.

His phone away he sees that both wheeler and marillo have return back to their base from leaving the circus fair as he see them talking with there own men plus the chief of police along with his force's from the news station before about moving the civilians to michigan city for a temporary retreat as they say sure let's split up with wheeler taking the lead call on the high and middle class civilians first to be moved before they start moving the lower class civilians they can't take everyone to the michigan city without extra precautions from getting attacked by the killer if they go all together at the same time with no one staying behind the chief of police says okay let's him tell his force's over the radio back at the station to announced out loud they would be taking the first two class to michigan city first and have there ID ready to be check for conformation before they leave with the police force's being there main guard's on there drive and have one of the usa region president own ten enforcer group warrior from the 6th division watching over the lower class civilians while they wait for there turn to leave the capital city lansing as that happens the chief of police.