Chereads / OMNI:First Origin / Chapter 824 - Chapter 37

Chapter 824 - Chapter 37

Making him realized he has failed his main mission to save his boss comrades saying to tour fez please help me wrap this hunters member's into the rug to be properly buried with there families in a proper manner as the two cover up the three dead hunters body before placing them somewhere place so they can look around for anything that might help them out about the warrior's titles known as guardian's and how many more are there in the world as they keep on searching finding nothing but garbage and messes they decide to go outside now to deal with the hunters body and the temple itself since it has no need to be here anymore as they each carry a corpse with bryan taking two with tour fez taking one up the long flight of stairs finally reaching the top to see sunlight on there faces after a few minutes seeing the same two following bodyguards waiting outside the wall hole saying are you ready to go home with tour fez saying yeah it's time while also asking his guard's to call on the mourn place to prepared three high class casket for this three men who died in trying to help out there town with bryan saying thank you friend with tour fez saying.

Don't worry about it they deserved to be buried in there home city to honor the dead in a good way as they walk back to town to the mayor building that now belongs to babino and his family members like his wife and son after year's of being homeless they now have a sweat home to live in as they reach the building with the guard's being told by tour fez to put the body somewhere cold so the body won't rot any further until the casket are ready for them as bryan and tour fez enter the building they see tour fez mom sobeida sitting down in an expensive looking couch with tears in her eyes saying how much they have gone through to be here just for them to enjoy this after so long as tour fez say don't worry mom while holding her hands saying no one will ever kick you out ever again since dad is the new mayor he will do right for the town future and it's people so now they are together and happy for good no more trouble coming their way as bryan talks with both tour fez and his mom sobeida for a while who all look happy to have babino back and be a true family once again with bryan saying he will be right back he wants to talk with babino.

Before he has to leave this place as he walks up the long stairs he reaches the mayor office knocking on the door three time's saying what brings you here mr.bryan with him saying he just wanted to have a talk with him about his new job as the town leader as he says fine come in with bryan opening the doorknob he enters the room to see new member's who we're added to the new council group that will help out babino in his new position from now on as babino tells them to please leave them alone for a bit he wants to have a quick talk with his buddy bryan here alone with no prying eye's or ears is that understood with the council group looking at one another in disbelief with babino saying don't worry bryan is the one who fought the monster's inside the forest temple alone so he is a trustworthy comrade he trust with his own life so they have nothing to worry about his safety is in safe hands while in the same room as him so leave now as the council group member's finally decide to leave the office room hearing the door close on there back before babino slumps in his chair saying oh my god these young kid's have nothing in their mind but work.

And work it's making him stress out so much while having tons of work to do left after this one picking up another piece of paper talking about safety and defense law's to make sure no one takes over the town again in the near future as he drops the piece of paper back on the desk he puts his hands on his face saying fuck man this job sucks he only took it caused he can't trust no one on this town except for his wife and kid plus you bryan who says awe thanks man that means a lot so what brings you here ask babino as he relaxes in his chair stretching his arm's and legs that are starting to get sore from to much of this as bryan ask babino so what kind of leader is he planning on being after he leaves with babino saying he just wants to get thing's settled down first before anything major to the growing town that's in the middle of the amazon forest with bryan saying foreal that's where they are right now crazy thought they just in a basic ass forest location but nope they in the biggest forest in the world he thinks unless the other world brought in bigger forest from their biome as they talk with one another on what they plan on doing.

Next after all this temple guardian trouble has seize down from the public mind's with babino saying he wants to relax with his family and live his life until the very end with no worry about his son future who has become an adult since he turned twenty-five year's old this year already with bryan saying he's really old but for him he has to go back to school while being a hunter stopping anything or anyone acting super evil towards normal civilians that's when he interfered as they shake hands with them giving each other a big smile on there faces as they let go of one another hands they start to go their own way but babino stops him asking him to take a quick walk with him back to the mercenary camp remains so he can show him something before he leaves sure says bryan as they leave the office then the building itself heading into the jeep car while driving through the street's in there new vehicle given to them by guard cap who says to keep it since he will need it for moving around as they drive through the road passing through the town them entering the forest as they drive to their location bryan ask babino so what are they gonna see when they.