Chereads / OMNI:First Origin / Chapter 788 - Chapter 1

Chapter 788 - Chapter 1

After the long trip they just came from in hawaii land was over with everything went back to normal with bryan gonzales grass attribute user can be seen going through the base hallway reaching into the mission room with a portal already created by both neo and mia who have been waiting for his arrival while david can be seen sitting down on a chair who tells him good luck on this mission today as he give his boss a thumbs up walking into the portal arriving at his destination he looks around to see the area he's in full of tree's and plant's life for miles to no end making his way down the muddy road with few cars passing by back and forth until reaching a town full of people and home's doing there normal day to day life routine with a few people turning there head at his direction as he walks by with them saying another tourist coming here for the urban legend story going on here in there hometown being the center of supernatural activity and what not how bad has things have gotten for them since this place become known to people around the world making it a major attraction for those who want to see mythical creatures as bryan walks past them ignoring.

There whiny attitude reaching a hotel building asking the front desk clerk guy how much for a couple days rent for a single room with the clerk saying about twenty-five dollars per day plus a place to eat makes it around forty-nine dollar's in total would that be okay with him bryan pulls out his wallet from his own back pocket saying sure here you one hundred ninety-six dollars in total for four day's stay can he pass him his room key now with the clerk saying sure your room number is seven so enjoy your stay waving goodbye at the new guy with fear in his eyes saying how scary he was with bryan seen arriving at his room he puts the key in turning the doorknob very slowly for anything suspicious as he opens the door to see his room bright with the curtains open wide to let the light in but he hates the light so he closes the curtains putting his backpack down to pull out a laptop with him turning it on with a button on the side as it start working he sees many news about people mysteriously dying around this woods from time to time with no body found in the end but the town police force plus the mayor don't do a damn thing about it just ignoring it.

Making there lives better they think as he searches through a few recent news about this place he sees a small news clip about a small team of three we'll known hunters in houston town from boss david old master name damel leader of the hunter guild called unknown soldier's who sent his men here who we're last seen going inside the amazon forest temple alone to take care of the monster causing so many deaths in this town as a job but they have been missing for a few day's longer than usual since they are elite hunters they should be able to handle thing's alone but if that's not the case then where are they feeling something off about this place and it's mysterious temple that no one seem to be worrying about or just trying to ignored it from their mind completely he decides now to gathered few information about this place and it's people along with finding out where the temple came from or how long has it been here from the very start time to get to the bottom of this mission he was entrusted by david who told him to either save the team members or put there body to rest for their family sake who are worry sick for their return as he wears.

His casual clothes leaving his room seeing he has all daytime to go look around or meddle with the townsfolk for information as he decides to act the tourist part following a big escort group of people who have camera's and backpack ready to explored the area for the supernatural being causing death and fear to spread over the townspeople as the tour guide begins to talk about the town past with extreme details that sounds scripted but everyone else seems to be following his bullshit like nothing he decides to piece some things he has together already like how the small team of hunters came here to take down something inside the huge temple in amazon forest but it has been more than a few day's since they enter with a tour guide to help them on there way but he left the place heading back home where he has also dissapear the same time the hunters did making it all a coincidence he thinks not also many unexplained death's have been going on here with no one knowing what the fuck is going on or not even caring about it in the first place he then thinks about how something.

Like this could have survive for so long since the first unexplained death happen few hundred year's ago in the fifteen-thirty when this place was becoming bigger and bigger with more people coming here to grow into a huge community as that happen more death occurred one by one every year where it has been recorded to be between seven to eight dead or missing person have been reported but the mayor and police force have done nothing about it since there either are scared to anger it or know what it truly is within those temple in the first place keeping it a secret from the people who live here so they wouldn't look weak among the people who looks at them for leadership as the tour guide walks them around the huge town showing off many of it's own attraction and other urban legend stories to get interesting in explaining the monster inside the temple is very generous asking for some offering in order to give them good luck on there food and water supply to keep on running for another year if they offer the offerings in time before the year is over as someone in the crowd ask have they ever decided to kill it or subdued it with force.