Chereads / OMNI:First Origin / Chapter 759 - Chapter 29

Chapter 759 - Chapter 29

By getting tattoo markings all over his upper body with a few tattoos on his right side of his face and head after he has gone bald with a buzzcut hairstyle as he then changes his clothes to both be modern and ancient having his upper body not hidden with a shirt on while he wears pants with boots on it and a dead boar skin wrap around his neck like a small cape to show off since he was nicknamed the boar-men back in his time as he says he is ready to see the match today noticing it's about time to be a new day back with the trio after many hours has pass since there monster wave was taken care of they all went back to there motel room to spleep in and rest up for tommorow search of the true mastermind by keeping there mind and head open to anything out of the ordinary as time passes by slowly making it ten in the morning with william getting up from his bed sending in his daily report to his boss david who respond back by saying be careful and try not to die in your mission both of you wishing them good luck as he start by brushing his teeth and getting dressed in his casual clothes he hears a loud horn ring out loud from real far away coming.

From the same direction where menehume village is at he leaves his room with a worry face expression he jumps through the many building roof seeing with his super sight that a huge army of menehume warrior and guessing there three elders are the one's in the back riding horse's with some strong looking armor and weapons on their side give the horse's armor to protect them from any harm as pele and oliver show up behind william asking what are they doing out there watching there every move as oliver tell william that he don't like this one bit at all saying they have to move all the human's here to a safer location spot so they won't get in the crossfire between them two group as oliver pulls out the boat captain card from his pocket that he gave them to personally call in an emergency he gives him a quick call saying he needs him to come to the big Island like now or else they are dead but the captain say not even a hi how dare you call him during busy hour's knowing full we'll he could have customer's in his boat asking him question but here he is distracting him from his work time oliver say okay sorry i call you later then when your not busy.

But the captain says wait he was kidding business has been slow today with the high tide so what's up about life and death situation over there oliver explains that the island hometown people are about to get killed by some monster's called menehume and so he needs him to come fast to the island so they can saved as many people as they can from harm's way the captain says okay no problem he has started his boat engine so he will be there in a couple hour's at least so try to hangout with no or few casualties he be there right away just wait for his arrival as he says goodbye before hanging up on oliver who says we'll that's what they have to do until then seeing the army far away stand still in place while the three elders talk with one another discussing what to do next as a dark silloute show's up beside them looking way taller than any human he has seen in his life that's way beyond human average height maybe he's a monster or something supernatural what you think asking for pele opinion who tries to sense the individual energy but somehow he's blocking her skill to do so william ask are they gonna start moving the town civilians.

Now or later oliver say to william he got it handled the people movement with such quiet sneaking leaving them with a lava clone behind so they won't notice he has left the spot as pele and william talk with one another watching the dark figure open his palms to give them each some of his energy to make them even more dangerous than ever before with kamapua'a telling them not to attack just yet since it would be to early to destroy them he wants them to enjoy it plenty got it he will give them the signal to attack at once with the three elders bowing down to there master kamapua'a opens up a portal in front of his comrades entering before it closes behind him with the elders telling there men to take a break and relax cause they are going to wait just a long while as that happens both william and pele look at each taking a big breath of relief saying that save them maybe an hour or so leaving everything to oliver who is going house's to house's to tell the people to please follow him since there's monster's outside there town watching them so they can get ready to attack at any time so move it now as he does taking about an hour and half to get everybody.

To reach the backside of the town with everyone waiting by the boat dock so the captain can arrived and take them out to sea away from the battlefield with no death's in there fight as that happens making it fifteen minute closed to reaching twelve of the afternoon with the menehume army getting ready to start attacking now standing up and getting there gear ready as pele and william call on oliver to ask him to get his butt up here now before oliver leaves the civilians telling everyone that he will send in his clone to keep a watchful eye on them while help arrives shortly as he leaves telling his clone to go to the back now as he does so both meet in the middle of the town saying good luck on there jobs as oliver and lava clone oliver arrive shortly at their destination saying they are ready to get down to business both oliver and william jump down to the ground with pele watching from the roof building saying good luck guy's she will do her best to keep the borders highly secured from anyone trying to sneak in without them noticing both warrior's say good keep them off the human civilians for the time being as that is going on the captain.