Chereads / OMNI:First Origin / Chapter 735 - Chapter 5

Chapter 735 - Chapter 5

With one another on what's going to happen in this fight with david ignoring them saying let's go aaron showing off his fighting stance as they both power up to base form full power beggining to charge toward one another with such high speed movement's clashing with enough force to push back the people watching from the restaurant porch who are a little excited to see this be another victory for the great chef aaron who hasn't taken any Ls since three year's back if he's not mistaken as they discussed with one another david pushes back aaron across the arena with such power david then uses this chance to throw many air punches and kicks at his enemy who dodges with such precision using his energy sending skill he predicts david next couple moves landing strong direct hits on his body while david uses his haki skill to see ahead into the future just couple seconds to not get defeated so easily or fall for any of his trap moving around he spots an opening to attack aaron who is moving side to side as david gets closer to his enemy landing a hit on his armor with his haki coated air punch that knocks him back to the ground landing on his feet he used.

His knife to throw many slash attack toward david who's moving forward still not wanting to stop if he has too as he reaches his space he tells him so who was it who beaten you three year's ago he's kinda curious to know who it is as he throws close air punches but aaron move his wrist side to side to not get hit by those powerful fist of his talking to david at the same time saying it was two young man younger than him he thinks not so sure he brought his own buddy also who was part robotic like arm and leg was missing you know so he fought them with the robot kid not knowing his name actually managed to beat him afterwards he fought the boy with brown hair who was the leader of the two man team wanting to see for themselves if they had what it took to beat a member of the leader's eight group and so they did beat him david say so the robotic kid he fought first did he have maybe a attitude problem at first glance aaron say yeah he was the other one was nicer even though he had the mean teammate by his side so he lost to both of them giving each warrior a medal to get the chance to fight the next leader eight member so why he asking.

Personal questions about this two unknown warrior's he fought before does he know them personally david say while he swing his leg across the stomach area of aaron who just barely dodges it doing a backflip then hitting david on his arm pushing him across the arena shaking off his still twitching hand like nothing as they continued fighting on while talking to one another david say he knows the duo's one with the brown hair is his long time friend while the other one is a enemy who he ever gets the chance to he would kill him in a instant no hesitation but going about his friend what he tougher or weaker than him in his base form aaron say while cutting with his knife toward david who uses his hands to defend himself from harm's way aaron say honestly he was always in his base form when they fought even the mean boy both might've had the same power's that reacted like pattern appearing on there body only hand or arm where cover nothing else but that markings made them even more dangerous than they we're in the beggining with each clash they grew more and more powerful until he lost to them in the end two times david say damn firing an air uppercut punch attack to his opponent who blocks it with his knee pushing back david who uses this chance.

To fire a air roar attack toward his enemy but he cuts it in two like butter smiling at his foe saying to david does he have trick or power like that he can used with him cause he wants a challenged david say okay but he has to go first as aaron say deal he begins to power up to his full power causing the ground and city to shake violently until he calms down with the sun appearing once again behind the clouds covering it as he tell david this is him going all out with tons of energy radiating from within his body like a burning fire he can't hope to touch or get too closed as he see that he hasn't changed at all in appearance just gotten a bit bulky plus his energy signature has gone through the roof being so high like nothing he seen before except for his part-time master paros the buddha who taught him alot for this whole two year's away from home training so he can hang just a bit as he begins to power up causing the ground to shake along with part of the island there in causing aaron to say ever since the injustice ritual many more youngsters have started to appear from all over the world to try there luck and fight him for the honor to received.

A medal from him but no one has beaten him yet implying that maybe david might have a chance to do so as he sees him powering up he says don't hold back now second opponent of mine as david say never he let's out a powerful scream causing the sky to dissolved into nothing revealing his aztlan force form bright orange light coating david who comes out of it looking normal with his eyes being different both black and orange in color he tells tony sorry for not using his base form then back to aaron who actually looks excited for once telling david let's move somewhere else this place will not hold much longer if they fight on like this as they fly to the sky heading to the open beach area with no one around many drones seem to follow the duo to their destination for the audiences to watch inside the restaurant tv's they have all over without missing anything going on with the fight as that goes many of the worst prodigy can sense there boss going all out against a strong opponent but they know better to be worry about david since he can handle himself against most enemy he fights now as they go back to relaxing in this nice hot summer weather day.