Chereads / OMNI:First Origin / Chapter 885 - Chapter 8

Chapter 885 - Chapter 8

Combined two planet's and gave everyone who was worthy power's while changing there race to be more superior than they we're originally kenny says wow he didn't get his power by the ritual he was born with it from the very start not like the rest of the human or evolved human race's naia calms back down saying so he was the lucky few to have power's by birth and not handed too like the rest kenny ask so is everyone in her team only human's worker's like herself naia says indeed she wanted to get a team to understand her pain and struggle by working two time's harder than the evolved human's kind so she's here to help out the other human's race who are left in the sidelines like them kenny say what a wonderful idea to help her kind is a good caused nothing evil he sees here just a grown woman who wants to do something nice for her own people in the following future as kenny ask so what started to happen before they contract was over with like the ants do something to cross there line or did they do something to cross there trust line also with naia saying yeah the ants did do something that made them double look since they thought they would.

Stay in there territory and only come out to get there food or material supply from them in person like there time schedule said so but they chose to ignored it at first and move forward with there exchanged deals but something else happen to there small research team who we're sent to collect a few plant and fruits samples from the forest ecosystem like they have discussed and we're allowed to do so with the ant queen permission but they turn against them by killing there research team members with no warning or reason whatsoever so they had to attack back by any force necessary even if it meant harming an extinct species from the cretaceous period like this giant ants who we're here to show them how they lived underground for so long without dying from food starvation or dehydration but they did it work together to thrived and grown better than before but it's a sad thing to be a war with them since the ant queen was so nice with them in the first place and she taught they could help one another in many ways but now that seems almost impossible thanks to the constant bloodshed from there battle with one another.

Over the coming month with naia saying if thing's could go back to normal she would love too but the ant queen is a proud woman who only looking to protect her colonies and home from incoming danger like the townsfolk or even people like him kenny says true but let him see if thing's are shut down for good maybe it was all an incident on the ant part or maybe her research team did something that was not allowed to the ant queen point of view so he will talk with her later while they finish up there conversation with each other like what are they still doing here and not gone to the mayor of new jersey city for help by gathering a small elite team of strong adventures or hunters who would be able to clear out the mountain cave system threats and not caused anymore harm to the people who have already lost there love one's life through there battle that they might or might not started that one day that she spoke off recently with naia saying she would love to ask the mayor of new jersey land but the thing is first they don't have enough money to for assistant help and second is they thought they could maybe work again like before.

But they we're wrong so they barely had enough money to call for help leading with him coming to there town today with them talking with each other about this serious situation but now what will he do to end this battle between humans and ants mr.kenny as he thinks about this he says we'll the only thing he can do is either make them work together again or end the ant species colony for good leave nothing alive that what he thought at first but now he will take the long path to get to his answer on this matter itself as naia says that's all she can answer him today he can come back anytime to talk or discuss important matter kenny says sure he will be back sooner or later as he gets up from his chair he start walking to the office door opening it slightly turning around slowly telling naia does she by any chance have anyone known that pop's in her head who might have connections with the dark web or black market in there free time with naia looking a bit surprised by the sudden question she has been ask is about to blow her cover there and then but she returns back to her calm compusure playing it off saying he has no clue or idea who might be.

Involved with those awful criminals online or in person she tries to keep everyone on a tight lock schedule and watch what they be doing in there free time's but if he has seen or heard something she would like to get to the bottom of this accusation also since it involves one of her teammates that she has been working side by side a long time now and it could jeopardize the mission of getting them back together in a win win situation with no more fighting among one another kenny says he just had a small hunch that's all since he has heard small amount of rumors spreading of this place being a hot spot for ant eggs or ant parts on the dark web recently when the battle between the two species happen so that must mean two thing's either there's a traitor in her research team or someone is benefiting from this coming conflict with the giant ants without anyone knowing about it he just hope's who are behind this are sent to prison for a long time caused this is bad indeed imagined the news station spreading this information all over the world those criminals will not be able to live like normal human ever again naia says to kenny is she sees something.