Chereads / OMNI:First Origin / Chapter 716 - Chapter 31

Chapter 716 - Chapter 31

Called normal blitz charging forward that he has his foot forward pushing him multiple pile of trash until he stops then gabe uses normal extreme creating a huge orb above his head then throws it at speck who turns himself into a cannonball that goes through the attack itself not taking any damage just hitting gabe on the nose that sends him hitting his back against the wall hard leaving him in pain looking around he sees speck still rolling after him saying your dead gabe says normal wave slamming his palm on the ground that creates a beam heading toward speck who says aww shit he get hit by the attack blowing him up into nothingness leaving him with another wound on his chest as he stands back up he put his hands together creating a small cactus sphere that he grows bigger and bigger reaching the sky telling the young boy what he plan on doing now to make sure this attack don't kill his comrades and part of the main city texas gabe say this using his right arm he adds energy to his own bare fist before charging toward the blast itself but before speck sphere can reach the ground gabe flies through reaching the center of the attack.

And destroying the core so no harm can be done to his comrades and crew member's as it turns into nothing gabe then says normal speed charging toward speck who get hit on the chest the safe spot where the sword still lies in piercing him so deep that he isn't allowed to take it off without gabe permission or else he's dead as he repeats the same normal speed attack he causes some long time wounds to start to open once again with speck turning the spines on his body to be sharper with his energy control and more offensive punching gabe on the side of his head crashing through the ground until he stops and jump up high so get the momentum going spinning his lower body fast to add more speed to his normal kick that he land's on speck spine shoulder not caring for that he deal's some injury to speck who falls to his knee showing him wincing in pain before backhanding gabe to a near trash pile as gabe feel the sudden pain on his leg he lift one of his hands up in the air creating a mini normal pulse that he throws inside speck body scaring him who says what have you done to me running toward gabe who is standing his own ground.

Even after speck land a strong cactus punch across his face gabe just say be careful to not move so much speck suddenly feels something weird in his stomach saying what is this warm feeling he's starting to feel inside him then outta nowhere a beam comes out his stomach leaving him with a huge hole on his abdomen falling to his knees he cough up blood out his mouth saying what have you done to me before clutching his gut that are hanging out of his body but he uses this chance to pull out the normal sword out his gut also that he throws it away telling gabe he had the chance to end why not do it now turning his body back to cactus mode recovering after he has absorbed some nutrients from nearby cactus that he has placed underground for emergencies like this healing almost instantly he smirks telling gabe now he is a dead men but gabe say smirking i don't think so before creating two normal dagger on each hand cutting all over speck chest that bleed red color making him worry by didn't his armor defend him like it used to do in the beggining as he start getting focus in his own thoughts gabe appears before him saying rubber stomp.

Planting both of his foot on his face sending him back hitting a few wall's on his way where he then stops saying he is losing his power little by little he has to start absorbing all his cactus underground now or else this will be bad for him and his group planting both of his palm on the ground where he then grows roots out his hands reaching toward the goods in the bottom as he reaches his cactus nutrients supply line he uses everything he has no more second thoughts only this one he's fighting currently saying he will go out in his own decision no one else as he absorbs the huge amount of nutrients he get back to his original state feeling even better than before that he grows a bit in size and height being tall enough to reach the room roof with his bare head smiling so this is where he goes to die as gabe walk up to him not being scared or worry about his sudden height and weight changed telling him don't get overconfident just cause your a warlord you will all be going down by his fist itself punching him in the face but he just looks at the hand that didn't go through his armor saying that's cute before uppercutting gabe on the chin then using cactus hammer.

On his stomach while squishing him under his massive weight making him have a harder time to breath he then tries to escape from being smothered to death that he uses normal crunch causing him to jump out the way as gabe can be seen bitting his arm before letting go unleashing a fast barrage of normal punches hitting speck in the stomach and face but those do nothing to him just make him laugh to himself saying weak transforming into his cactus ball form he hits gabe on the face causing him to bleed out his mouth then he returns the favor by saying normal dynamo punch attack hitting him on the back making him scream in pain saying no way he can't be harm he is made of tough cactus armor preparing his cactus arm he swings it toward gabe who meets him in the middle with his normal punch attack as the two attack moves meet in the middle causing both warrior's to be in a standstill both charge in with all their might screaming at the top of there lungs before they both blow up in the middle that knocks them back to there side as that happens ryan can be seen hitting rust lord on the top of his head with shield hammer attack.