Chereads / OMNI:First Origin / Chapter 653 - Chapter 43

Chapter 653 - Chapter 43

In the world named the worst prodigy with the crew emblem revealing itself in his right shoulder showing off his pride in his friends and himself as he start to get serious he uses his force bite crunch to destroyed the attack before it does to him as it blows up in his own face that causes a huge rupture of smoke to raise out the ground leaving a small area scorch with no snow or grass around just burnt dirt and some clothes that managed to survived as taro say he did removing the massive gun out the way with the trio seeing this from the rooftop saying no way he can't be dead just like that get up oscar all three screaming out loud taro then hears some rock's falling turning his head to see oscar flying towards him out the smoke faster than ever before catching him off guard for a split second getting a hit on him that causes his eye's to lose there focus on his target in front of him leaving a big opening for oscar who takes this chance to land a couple punches on him and a kick in the end that throws him back crashing through the snow until he gets up to see oscar nowhere to be seen as he keeps his distance from any sneak attack he might try to do.

To him seeing a bright light come from above him seeing a beam coming straight for him moving out the way just in time to see it exploded near him causing some debris to get in his eye's so he has to fight blind for a while with oscar dashing all over him landing couple weak punches that still do some damaged to him so he tries to predict his next move by hearing his footsteps so as he plan the next attack with oscar getting close enough to give taro the opening he needed both punch one another in the face that causes a massive shockwave to appear sending both warrior's crashing through the ground with the trio can't help but smile at this amazing event happening right now with conn saying you lucky bastard are still alive and we'll tion saying good to have you back in the land of the living formu just stay quiet nodding his head toward him with oscar returning the nod gesture as he fire's multiple force blast at taro who uses his arm blade to cut them down in one swoop then he slam his body on to oscar body that send him flying back with tremendous force as oscar get up he wait for this moment saying dual force palm strike attack.

Delivering a deadly blow to his entire organs that makes him stop in his track with this chance he has given himself he run toward him nearly dodging taro blade that cuts his chest with a quick side slice them he uses this momentum to wrap both arm's around taro own arm's and neck to trap him in a tight headlock so he won't be able to move anymore for a while as this happens taro begins to fight to set himself free from this prison he has fallen for with no way to escape the easy way he flies all over the snow mountain area crashing on to near forest or rock's to make him take enough damaged to let go but he has decided to not let go at all so he will have to try harder as taro spots a huge lake he goes flying towards it swimming taking oscar with him who whole body causes him to have his body temperature drop to zero in a minute along with taro who is putting on a brave face to keep his enemy from finding out he is not okay as they move through the lake oscar body has gotten used to the freezing water temperature saying being aztlanian rules with taro still holding on strong as he leaves the lake the wing hitting both of them quick that freezes.

There clothes on the spot after thirty minutes of not being able to remove the kid away from his back he says enough with this game's powering up his whole body to act as a bomb to take them both out catching formu attention who say you coward you can't be serious catching the other two attention with conn and tion asking what's wrong with him explaining taro plan on suiciding himself body and soul to take out oscar completely as they try to get his attention but it's too late since taro has started the one minute count down with his body heating up the place that oscar can feel it through his skin contact with taro who has a smile on his face saying let's die together oscar saying he's fine with that as they reach the clouds oscar see taro body begin to glow with him saying thirty seconds until nuke bomb goes off as oscar still smiles happidly taro then says ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, and zero his whole body begin to grow bigger and bigger from the huge amount of energy he has store in himself about to blow up so oscar say now touching taro head with his barehand saying thank god his last minute idea work as he.

Begins siphoning all his enemy stored up energy for his own uses as taro sees this his body begin to shrink back to normal then he sees oscar body have glown even brighter with his yellow aura surrounding him like an armor as he has his whole enemy entire energy reserves fill up like never before with the trio saying thank god he didn't blow up but man oscar is crazy for attempting that even though he has never been taught that aura technique with conn saying what but he did see how it works first hand from them fighting right says tion who turns toward formu who just smirks saying cheating bastard finish him for good now as taro tries to escape oscar grabs him in a flash with his left and saying you not going anywhere buddy saying his last and final move force palm retaliation attack with him then slamming his right palm on to his chest hard that cracks his ribcage with such force that both warrior's get caught in the huge yellow orb that covers the bright sky like the sun itself before anyone can say anything it blows up massively creating shockwaves and earthquakes all over the mountain area's that the people in the bottom.