Chereads / OMNI:First Origin / Chapter 609 - Chapter 68

Chapter 609 - Chapter 68

While being pummeled by felix who stands above him with no longer having emotions from his past self as karl begs with tears in his eye's he loses all consciousness he had being out cold by the fifth punch as felix doesn't seem to be slowing down at all after his enemy gave up on the battle and pass out he still keeps on punching his lifeless body until his nose and face start getting smush by the fist force bleeding all over seeing nothing of karl normal face carl and nuon show up tackling back felix telling him this fight is over stop hurting the enemy before he dies from any more force trauma festia walks slowly toward the ground saying don't do this felix you are a kind person who she fell for don't ruin her perceptive of him from crossing the no return line as felix looks at his comrades saying nothing to them but a death stare he's giving them off both at the same time carl and nuon say they have to beat this man up first so he can return back to normal as he charges toward the duo beating them both up quickly that he just blows them away from him own aura he's giving off as they see felix walking slowly toward karl who's still alive but not for long.

Making his way closer and closer festia turns into her dragon form firing a pure dragon beam attack at him blowing felix up like nothing as the trio watch the smokescreen clear out before there eye's seeing felix take the attack head on like a boss as he begins to turn his attention toward festia who is ready to fight her crush in order to bring him back to the light side as felix charges to festia really fast he grabs her tail without anyone noticing he's lifting her off the ground where he then smashes her body against the ground hard festia coughs blood up saying to felix to remembered who he is but he just ignores her walking straight to karl direction but carl and nuon stand up saying okay asshole give it his best shot they can stand here all day as they clash all over for less than a minute carl is bloody on the ground while felix begins punching nuon to death on the ground the same way he was doing to karl before as he stops punching his target nuon before heading toward carl direction punching him in the stomach over and over until he see him pass out from the pain as no one stands in his way about to delivered the killing blow master droon stops his student.

Aggressive instinct by kicking him in the stomach as he begin to smile saying strong warrior let's see what you got buddy as he charges fast toward droon who says forgive me felix as he feel a intense pain in his addomen out of nowhere before all his body start to crumble in pain at the same time falling back to the ground felix say help him regaining back some of his control he tell droon to knock him out for good as he can't hold on much longer droon say okay lifting his pinky finger up in the air before he does a slashing motion across felix chest without touching him that causes felix immense pain all over before he closes his eye's thanking his master as master droon squad one and nuon squad two arrive seeing the whole area covered in destruction telling them to spread out fast and arrest the criminals who try attacking there proud kingdom today as droon carry all three royal family to there castle with his squad members taking the trio students back to the base to be healed by the doctor as soon as possible after a whole day has pass by with droon and his dragon knight squad's helping all over with any damaged they can find outside and inside the kingdom.

Wanting to make sure festol and festiana and festia have a long needed rest since they don't get one as the sun begins rising on a bright sunday afternoon with the trio waking up except felix who's body covered to the hair in bandages as nuon and carl see each other full of wounds and scars saying good job idiot nuon tell carl he did good beating two enemy's alone without any help and carl say he also came in clutch with the backup help as both stay in bed after a while has pass the doctor who was watching over them three for a whole two day's coming in with two maids behind him bringing in two huge plates full of hot meals for them to enjoy as they place the plates in front of both carl and nuon who say thank you before digging in eating there food one by one with a glass of water next to there drawer to drink as the maids leave the resting room the doctor tells the duo they can be released after a few hour's of rest but felix has to stay here far longer than anyone else cause he is in serious condition from friday battle carl and nuon put away the huge plate before falling back to sleep as the doctor leaves he tell felix why did he wanna stay.

In the clinic much longer if he has already fully healed felix says he doesn't want anyone to know he's awake cause then they will act all worry and shit because he was not himself when he fought karl asking him by the way can he have some food too cause he is starving doctor say he knew he was gonna ask for something to eat so he ask the chef to prepared him something delicious from the dragonia kingdom coming in he brings the huge plate toward felix who eye's glow happily saying thank you doctor as he digs in without any hesitation devouring everything in front of him as five minutes has pass he let's out a loud burp telling the doctor he is done with lunch he's gonna need some time to train real quick to make the food belly go away walking out in his crutches he tell the doctor to keep an eye on them okay with the doctor saying just go train already and also don't get hurt cause he ain't going to bandage him up once again it took him to long the last time felix smile saying okay walking out the clinic he goes to the battle arena made for droon saying we'll he had gotten enough rest so time to train and see how much he has grown powering up to his aztlan form.