Chereads / OMNI:First Origin / Chapter 560 - Chapter 19

Chapter 560 - Chapter 19

Felix grabs both nuon and carl arm's asking them to jump down let him handle the rest as they jump midair felix uses all his own body strength to spin them around in circle along with his own wrist switching the person he swinging in circle over and over again so they can get even faster as felix gets closer and closer he sees his chance making it super close to the robot aim sight he launches first carl with all his might since he's the lightes to the end zone as he makes it safe and sound felix then throws nuon with both of his arm spinning a few more time's until he feels ready to throw him as he does so the boy robot ignores them both while keeping his focus on felix who say good they made it now he has to as the king and queen have been keeping up with the updated commentary princess festia says she hopes the warrior felix and karl both make it out alive since there her favorite rivalry in this tournament as she tell the spectators the two more player's have been knock out the second round game's making it in total now twenty-three participants left in the closes clutch of the game saying there's only thirty seconds in the clock left so please do hurry it up.

To end of the first day festival with a good note both felix and karl are neck to neck trying to reach the safe zone while dodging the lasers along with the other remaining player as they try to push each other out the way counting down the remaining fifteen seconds felix yells out why haven't you turn off the goddam machine yet guy's carl and nuon talk to him saying they currently busy with three assholes who aren't letting them pass through to push the turn off button on the robot felix tell karl to tell his guy to let them click the button no says karl he wants to see who are worthy and unworthy to be in the game's for the dragon king festival this year pushing felix out the way making him fall and trip but he picks himself off the ground saying cheap move you asshole running toward karl as they are about to reach the end zone along with other's who have already made it and those who aren't even close to the finish line as they both jump foward to the safe zone reaching the line and going over landing on the other side just as the bell rings outloud king festol saying that is all the time they have left so everyone who have not made it to the safe zone please go to either side of the colosseum and get on the teleporter pad to be transported back to the town gathering area.

As ten of the players who didn't make it to the end zone leave the arena walking through the pad being taken back to the town as king festol tell everyone who had made it to the third round saying for today the game's are over but don't think it will easy like the two first round he has a trick up his sleeve for tommorow game's so be ready my remaining eleven player's who are the best of the best and also to make thing's even interested he will tell them that there's three more round of fun game's to participate in order to reach the final round to fight his captain of the dragon knights guard's first squad giving a round of applause to him droon turning around with mouth full of food catching him off guard saying thank you his mouth still cover before he can fight any of you lucky player you first have to beat captain droon then he will challenged them one v one to see who is the strongest person on this proud kingdom of theirs everyone clapping there hands together saying they can't wait for tommorow game's it's going to be fun to enjoy watching and seeing who are gonna be the finalist king festol tells everyone who have made it to the third round please go through the pad portal behind them.

All turning at the same time to see the wall open up with a portal in it all going through it with felix group being last to leave saying time for a much needed rest as they made it through arriving at the town festol saying has the rest of the day to enjoy yourself with your loves one's or alone him and his queen turning into dragon flying to there castle follow by princess festia who waves goodbye to them also revealing to them her real form without the human disguise a pink color dragon with two arm's and leg with also two wing's flying close behind them felix say wow that's so cool staring at her from afar with his superhuman eyesight nuon and carl ask so what now they have the whole festival for them to enjoy alone before they shut down for tommorow morning felix say one thing only pulling carl by the arm to where droon is at eating still saying mister droon carl has wanted to fight you for a while now please give him an audience also can him and nuon watch in his dojo this has to be witness only by a few chosen right droon say okay let's go right down stuffing his face with many food paying what he owes also living a big tip for the kind service.

The tent workers thank him for his kind donation and service walking down the streets to droon dojo felix ask where is it he points to another mountain side next to the colosseum saying that tall floating building is his dojo with a light lift so they won't walk up the long way using the stairs it's there choice honestly they can choose whatever they want as they walk towards the floating dojo location karl and his group see felix group leave with droon saying so they know each other good makes things even more interesting for them as hunters saying they won't fail like droolev who's on the mic on there ear saying sorry sir for the embarrass defeat he will do his best with this mission he has given him karl tell him don't fuck it up or this whole operation will fall apart without him so get it done as droolev leave the call karl say he has his mission now it there turn to do the part that matters second if droolev does his right now they have to split up spinatter and bubbe form team one while him and writhe form team two you know what to do so go all dissapering into there team's going to where they have to go running on top of the house's roof karl and writhe talk.