Chereads / OMNI:First Origin / Chapter 532 - Chapter 47

Chapter 532 - Chapter 47

Turner send his stretch arm toward ethan grabbing him by the neck so he can rag doll him all over the ground and destroyed building's dealing considerable amount of damaged to him and his body over and over again until turner lift ethan up in the air using all his strength to slam him to the ground creating a deep hole well for ethan to be thrown down at reaching the deepest part hitting the ground hard ethan says this guy won't go down so easily like everyone before him cracking his neck side to side saying come on turner let's go who flies toward him enlarging his arm smashing it across ethan who blocks the attack with his forearm planting his foot deep into the ground so he won't be sent going back as he does this he sends haki energy throughout the whole arm blowing it up entirely making him scream in pain before using his other arm to enlarge it to big size swinging it toward ethan who jumps above it running up his arm until there face to face ethan does a quick frontflip landing his foot on his neck hurting him enough to make him fall to his knee before planting his foot to the side of his head smashing him to the ground hard.

Turner gets back up turning his hand onto a blade slashing left and right swiftly without slowing down at all ethan moving out the way he throws two slime shuriken at turner who makes a shield out his hand taking the most hit from the explosion he gets back flinching a bit from the pain he turns his hand into a chain with a ball tied to the end trying to smash ethan head below the heavyweight ball hardening his hand ethan cut the chain holding onto the ball letting it roll away while ethan jumps up in the air with his leg holding onto turner face making him flip forward his face smashing onto the ground before ethan kicks him hard sending him flying far turner says to himself this kid is getting out of hand thinking just because he's an aztlanian doesn't mean he will become strong like his elites he is weaker than them turning his attention toward the heart core that he has from him saying they will be together once again like the old day's planting his fist into the ground summoning slime tentacles out the ground to attack ethan who jumps on top of them dodging left and right before he uses his beyblade slime attack spinning even faster than before slashing both the tentacles arm's and cutting.

Turner body in half sending him upper half flying up in the air gasping from what just happen saying he has grown his bottom half before ethan finishes him for good showing his own heart core that's now exposed for him to see ethan uses his left palm using a slime blast at his direction but it don't hurt him that much since he surrounded his whole body with hardening slime to protect his heart core from getting damaged on turner grows back his missing limbs saying too slow ethan appear before him saying got you bitch punching him across the stomach with haki blowing up his chest revealing a bit of his heart core using this one chance to create a small slime needle to throw at the small hole he has created earlier as it goes through hitting his core blowing up upon contact making turner whole body shiver down to the spine falling to his knees hard saying no way he actually hurt his core seeing it with a crack now he makes turner angrier than before his whole body sending raw energy all over the city in a matter of seconds his body changing to make up for this new power up boost getting taller and bulkier he grows a tail and wing's that spread open from his back.

Saying he is growing along with spikes growing all over his body and more darker skin color his yellow getting more darker than before looking like gold color he cracks his neck saying time to be whole brother charging swiftly past ethan who is caught off guard by sudden speed growth from turner who's now behind him before he even has time to react ethan sees turner now has the heart core that belongs to stumpy charging toward him trying to get it back but he is suddenly stop by his tail wrapping around his arm using that time for turner to unleash a full powered punch on ethan face sending him flying back off to the nearby tower building still standing crashing through the glass as he gets up slowly groaning from the pain he is feeling now he see turner have created a huge energy ball above his head throwing it toward ethan who moves out the way jumping out the building broken window falling down to the ground barely dodging the attack destroying the upper half of the tower leaving scorch mark on the steel beams saying to ethan he is grateful toward him being useless and not smart enough to know when he is beaten making him stronger than he ever was.

Before crash landing in there planet now his power has risen beyond his own belief grabbing onto stumpy heart core planting it inside his body to be merged once again with the other heart core as they become one growing bigger than before the energy they both are giving off from his body makes the surrounding area crumble down intense pressure he has been radiating off him ethan says no way he is almost strong as david when he's at his base form full powered that reminds him that he has to win now getting him all hype up from his gene's telling him to keep moving forward with this fight knowing if he can beat this monster in front of him then he will close to reaching his goal to be the strongest among the crew member's getting up his cracks his neck side to side before taking a deep breath of air through his lungs saying ok he has one chance to do this staring at the new enemy before him who's color has changed to a mixtured of dark green and dark yellow with his white eye's looking deep into his soul while flapping his wing's from his back and tail moving around to get the chance to grab hold of him again ethan say okay now or never.