Chereads / OMNI:First Origin / Chapter 507 - Chapter 22

Chapter 507 - Chapter 22

Saying what how did he get him so fast as he backs up saying not bad kid this is truly something horrific surrounding his body with slime armor saying he's ready for round two if he don't mind keeping him entertain for a bit longer ethan says no problem let's go both run towards one another blowing up the area there in as ethan see scarlot transform his two arms and slime tentacles into miniguns firing multiple slime bullets at ethan who says shit gotta move out the way using the surrounding for good cover taking this chance to throw two slime shuriken at his enemy feet as he does scarlot say nope not gonna work only destroying one but the second one blows up as soon as it hit the ground he's standing on but scarlot slime partner is more durable than most slime he has fought this past three days as the miniguns has ethan pin down he decides to attack first jumping out the cover throwing five slime shuriken at scarlot along with a bigger one as they go charging towards the main target scarlot uses his slime tentacles to grab them but they suddenly get cut off making scarlot screech in surprised and shock asking what just happen but before he realised what just happen.

The shuriken pierces scarlot body all over making him flinch in pain saying good keep on hurting him more but as he tries to removed them off his body they all blow up dealing good amount of damaged to the slime armor making it break apart while scarlot fall to his knee spitting out blood from his mouth saying nice one kid you got him good with that one now let me show you my technique he says with a proud smirk on his face touching the ground beneath him with his bare palm changing the whole environment to his own liking making it turn into slime like his own armor color summoning multiple huge tentacles to appear all over the park slamming where they spot ethan who flies all over the dodging the attack with ease thanks to his upgraded speed and strength as he tries to get closer to his enemy trying to land a punch he gets sent back flying across the park crashing into multiple tree's saying payback huh looking up to see many more tentacles come at him doing his best to not get overwhelm by the huge numbers growing cutting down one splits into two so it's just an endless cycle while scarlot laughs at his enemy struggling from his overwhelming power saying he gets more stronger.

The more he uses his slime power ain't that how his works or is it inferior to the real deal ethan backups getting some good distance away from the enemy saying nope he's the original he gathers all his energy to his feet charging forward where he calls out his attack slime slide getting even faster than what the tentacles can react to in time scarlot witness this saying crafty devil but it won't be enough to stop him but soon ethan teleports dissapering out of nowhere scarlot looks all around confused saying what what what then hears the sound of someone walking behind him cutting them down the figure he thinks he see but it's no one then he feels a huge impact on his stomach looking down to see ethan plunging his fist into his gut fast that knocks him back to the base hard passing first through the waterfall then hitting the cave wall collapsing on him as ethan flies to where he is firing multiple slime shots at him making contacts but it don't do much damaged to his slime armor taking the attacks head on after getting back up he creates multiple tentacles from his back firing slime spikes at him but ethan sees this already happening dodging with confident.

He jumps above scarlot who says got you by using his arm to grab him midair but ethan cuts the hand into little pieces he then land's behind him firing many slime breath at his enemy body but they just go through him like nothing hitting him even though he's using haki energy with his attack but it also don't seem to effect him at all looking for another way to get good hits on him saying he does remembered doing good amount of damaged to his armor and physical body when they fought in close combat saying that might work but he has to strengthen his attribute power's to the max can you help him out by lending a bit of his energy to his slime attack so it can some permanent damaged or teach him how to upgrade his slime power's to the next level asking stumpy who's been listening this whole time saying of course partner you can rely on me you never have to ask they been doing this for so long together they are basically compatible with one another both wanting to do good for those who are weaker than most don't you ethan who's smiling to himself saying yeah they have been fighting together now they are truly gonna rely on each other for this victory of theirs against this slime beast wannabe.

But he has a selfish request first that he has to ask stumpy who says what could it be he has agreed to him using his powers without question ethan say he will show off his true side to him so don't question his crazy side when he's in a heated battle like this he gonna way different than before so please stand by him stumpy say okay let's beat this guy until he is knock out cold or surrenders to them ethan say he is ready powering up to his upper limits breaking the ground beneath them two while scarlot watches in shock saying he still has this much power what a true monster he is can't wait to keep on fighting him till the end ethan say he is gonna go all out now no more using his fake nice persona he can be who he really is lifting his head up at scarlot who stares at his yellow eye's scaring him a bit making him take a few step back close to the edge but he stop himself saying he can't back down now when his enemy has showed him his true power as they stare at one another for a while scarlot says he is way different than before ethan teleports in front of him without him knowing about it until it's too late channeling a new slime color to his fist coating it in haki energy.