Chereads / OMNI:First Origin / Chapter 423 - Chapter 16

Chapter 423 - Chapter 16

Liuu puts away his sword onto his wooden holdster saying he hasn't fought someone in hand combat for year's now he will see what he got charging toward zion who blocks the incoming attack with better ease than him using his swords instead hitting some couple body shots on liuu body that's still getting used to fighting with hands in close quarters combat getting push back against the wall by zion furious skill in close combat knocking him off his feet he falls taking this chance zion call out his attack sword hand slashing him from across sending a powerful wave of energy to the whole room but the damaged don't do any harm to the room walls just cut liuu on his clothes but it means that liuu will get even more serious soon liuu punches zion on the face hard hearing his bone crack a little from the intense pressure he's giving off but zion managed to add haki to his entire face in case that happen as zion adds haki to both of his fist and feet saying they will do even more damaged to him flying towards in incredible speed liuu adds haki to his fist only flying toward zion direction too both about to clash in the middle zion calls out his attack saying sword fist.

While liuu just add his haki energy through his entire arm punching each other fist creates a huge explosion that shakes the entire room there in but good thing liuu made it super soundproof and also very durable as the impacts calms down zion spins his body to add extra force to his feet saying sword kick knocking back liuu against the wall while he prepares another sword punch aiming to finish this fast liuu uses his future sight to see what gonna happen smiling saying he has changed the course of there future seeing the fist go the way as his future prediction weaving his head to the right side just in time to see zion punch the left side of the wall getting his hand stuck he can't move anymore while that happens liuu draws out his sword from his wooden cane saying back to using either weapons or hands to fight saying one sword style wooden thrust charging towards zion who's still trying to unstuck himself from the wall grip as he sees liuu heading his direction zion pulls out his free left hand around his sword che saying sword cutter attack while adding haki to the entire sword blocking liuu attack head on but thanks to the strong force he took all over his body.

Zion is able to free himself off the wall leaving the area with a back flip dodging the incoming attack zion draws out his sword ita from his scabbard saying x sword charging toward liuu who adds haki to his single finger blocking the full force of his attack with ease before throwing a punch cover in haki that makes a deadly blow to his stomach making him spew blood from his mouth falling off the air to the ground before he regains his senses using his hand to balance himself out then he flies toward liuu who just has his eyes closed zion uses his observation haki to see ahead into the future he then see what is about to happen putting his two swords on his chest before he teleport behind liuu then he strikes but before that happens zion jumps above where liuu was gonna cut him now but thanks to seeing ahead in time he dodge a fatal blow to his insides he then counters his attack with his own attack putting his blade in a cross position saying cross sword slash cutting through liuu defense and finally leaving him a cut on his chest but then liuu kicks him in the face sending him up in the air before he fall's back to the ground floor as zion gets up he see his sword ita and che.

Separated from him trying to run after them liuu swing his sword telling it let's show them real power woody style cutting tree's slash throwing multiple slash attack at him making it harder for him to get his swords he then take this chance to appear before zion hitting him with a uppercut sending him back farther away from his swords zion looks at how liuu is moving way different than before and how he heard him speak to his sword calling it woody style so that's it name ain't it before he dodges the incoming attack he charges straight for them causing some explosions where the attacks landed shocking liuu who just see tons of blood on the floor walking closer to the place at the attack zion smiles powering up his sword roar attack saying full power shooting a huge range attack with tiny swords on them pushing back liuu while cutting through his clothes and his body leaving him a bit on the wounded side but not before liuu sees what was the true plan of zion with his future sight seeing how he grabs his two swords off the ground smiling at his persistent self he spots zion jump above him saying sword charge spinning himself and the sword in circle.

Gaining even more speed liuu finally uses his real sword name calling it woody telling it help me now changing it's appearance into a katana instead of being a cane stick showing zion how the blade is only black like it's cover in haki energy but he don't sense it at all from it liuu say this is what happens when a real swordsman activates his own sword true strength and power revealing the harsh reality that he hasn't train hard enough to change permanently his two blades to color black watching liuu give it his all zion tells his swords to please lend him there overwhelming strength if they ever hope in being a true sword the sword ita and che begin to talk to him telepathy saying let's kick his ass back to the olden day's zion says about damn time let's commence the assault flying towards liuu who has his blade hidden on his back concentrating a good amount of energy to a single point but zion don't let this slow him down at all adding even more haki to the swords making them show more strength of there real own power making him happy to know they are atleast starting to understand one another appearing in front of liuu who finally fires his powerful beam attack.