Chereads / OMNI:First Origin / Chapter 308 - Chapter 6

Chapter 308 - Chapter 6

They eat as yami enters the mayor house saying thanks for the invite to eat with them sam tell yami to relax he won't be kill her or hunted down at night yami say he has no idea on how wrong he is saying they always look for them as quinn is seen in her room taking pills from her medicine cabinet saying she will need a refill soon before heading to the living room where yami and sam are at laughing while talking quinn ask what's funny but yami looks at her covering his mouth saying he is drunk right now and he's pretending to laugh at his horrible dad joke as mayor sam goes back to the kitchen cooking the dinner for his granddaughter and his guest as yami finally calms down he ask quinn how she feeling quinn respond by saying better than being dead both look at each other smiling and giggling as yami ask quinn to sit down and relax or she won't reach her old age quinn sits down by yami saying it this good enough yami say sure whatever makes her happy so as they talk each other family and life goal mayor sam finishes his dinner telling them both to wash there hand and sit at the table both yami and quinn get up heading to the kitchen sink to wash there hand.

As they finish drying off siting opposite side from one another sam tells yami to bow his head while he says prayer as sam begins to pray telling all to close their eye's quinn smile kicking yami on his leg making him open both his eyes seeing quinn being goofy through the prayer throwing a wet piece of paper at her as she tries to block the spit ball accidentally moving her chair causing mayor sam to look at her direction yami bows down closing his eye's mayor tell the granddaughter to be more like yami he kept his head down all this time smirking proudly quinn kicks yami leg hard making him get up making sam now look at him with sadness saying he thought he could teach his granddaughter some maturity to the table yami say he is sorry for the second interruption first one coming from her quinn herself sam say he has pray enough now time to eat yami takes his plate and grab some potatoes and chicken along with some bread and orange juice to drink for tonight meal as everyone start to eat the food yami is shock to know sam can cook actually good while a little intoxicated as they all eat there own fill sitting back down on the couch with a big belly.

Quinn lay down by yami side of the couch yami tells her to move it otherwise she will loose more than a finger sam is washing the dishes and not putting attention on the kid's focusing only on his beer taking a big sip saying that's good quinn kicks yami on the top of his head making him fall on the floor hard saying ouch,ouch, ouch,ouch to his poor head rubbing it softly until it has calm down a bit looking directly back at quinn who's laughing her ass off saying did that hurt the little warrior mocking him yami decides to grab her leg and drag her to the floor to hit her head against the carpet floor as he does this quinn hits her head hard making the whole floor shake a bit she gets up jumping on top of yami trying to hit him as sam gets out the kitchen after washing the dishes he tell quinn that if he like yami from the start she should've just told him quinn ask what does him sam point to her and yami laying down on the floor together she's pushing herself onto him without his permission yami say right lifting her to the couch safe and sound hitting her head with his finger before he goes to his side of the couch and lay down for good sam ask yami.

Does he spend most of the time in the cave base or does he anywhere else yami say he train's everyday for a couple hour's so he won't be getting rusty and he practices fighting skill or his attribute ability why he ask mayor sam say because they we're hearing like loud crash noise coming from the beach so they thought it was a bunch of animal's fighting or a sea monster lurking around the area good to know if was just him sam turns on the tv with the remote watching the news channel to see what's new going on with the world as they see that injustice order leader jester stand up from his seat with his commander's in the back are making new rules for the whole world to follow to the absolute and talking about making a new system for heroes to give the people around the world more growing support and the light of hope against any enemy who might want to cause harm to them so they feel much safer yami gets mad standing up with hatred in his eye's saying jester don't care about helping any of the human race just his own kind getting madder he tell them both that he will take his leave today he needs some time alone with his thoughts.

As he leaves the mayor house quickly sam and quinn look at each other before quinn opens her mouth saying she feels bad for yami and what he has to go through seeing the man who cause him harm right sam ask quinn does she know also saying yeah quinn looks at him with a sad expression on his face telling sam that they should do something nice for yami tommorow they are all free from school so they got time both smiling working on the secret surprise for yami while this happens the small pirate ship that managed to escape from yami grasp arrives at the island base all taking a breather saying they have to finish the job for their captain as half agree with his statement the other half are not that keen on going back with that monster on that island a deep voice can be heard by the remaining 5th pirate crew who all turn there head towards their own base seeing a guy who is laying down on a chair sipping on a coconut cocktail saying did the job go we'll a pirate member walks up the stairs giving him the map and coordinates about the island saying that's all they could get in short time before getting attack the unknown guy jazz tells them to be more calm down.