Chereads / OMNI:First Origin / Chapter 295 - Chapter 40

Chapter 295 - Chapter 40

Oldre say he is a smart bastard but youn say shouldn't they help him out a bit that's alot of naga for him to take down alone oldre just pats youn back hard saying david is strong in his own right he got this but if he's worry he will leave a message behind to let master paros and their father know where they went and what happen got it youn say thanks for thinking for once laughing to himself before chasing after david and the naga pack oldre leaving a message telling the two masters where they heading and what's happening between david and the pack leader flying after youn who's already halfway gone leaving the village so he flies towards his direction catching up to him in no time youn tell oldre now can they fly faster instead of going slow he wants to see what's happening inside the village as they leave the village heading inside the fog cover forest of the endless paros along with his daughter alexa and his apprentice milled fann get a message from oldre about how is say they are leaving the village to give david a helping hand on taking care of the naga pack leader and it's younglings once and for all paros tell alexa to follow the idiots and bring them back here now.

Or they will really be in trouble with the naga clan as she leaves immediately paros tell milled fann to help him clear out any naga still in hiding inside the village and to send his whole forces to the tunnel where they can protect the villagers while in the underground safe house milled say okay sending all his forces to the cave now while he handles the nagas with paros david is seen leading the whole pack into the middle of the forest he thinks asking the naga elder to face him he's ready to end this david see the naga elder show herself foreal to david a tall woman snake lady who has tattoo all over her body plus green skin and light brown under the body with some sharp claws and teeth david say she is way bigger than any male naga he has met the female naga tell david that her kind isn't a naga but nagi instead david say so a nagi elder he will not come out without some scars on his body as the nagi and the naga pack chase after david he fires multiple air shots at the ground killing some of them with ease david flies down toward the ground fighting them in their own territory throwing and punching them with haki the nagi elder smiles as he see the young man killing some of her children.

Saying he will be a worthy slave to replaced all his children who died at his hand today david looks around saying they sure are many of them touching the ground below him he shatters the whole ground floor letting some nagas fall into the trap for a bit making a net and using it to cover the big hole onto the ground was smart say oldre and youn who have been watching the fight this whole time david see he needs to take down the nagi first if he ever hopes to finish this crisis flying towards her he's about to launch an attack when nagi spray gas from her hood like thing that's around her neck area getting on him david find a tree branch to grab onto while clearing up his eye's his whole face is cover in some liquid that was spray but david just stop for a bit no being bothered by the pain or what was sprayed at him he uses his haki and energy to sense the nagi elder flying to her again but when he land the attack it's actually a tree once again the nagi voice can be heard from all over the forest like an echo making fun of david weakness his desire to help out the weak makes him reveal most of his weak opening and some strong point's first he is real lucky that he survived.

The gas and liquid spray attack head on and not died afterwards most humans race would've died from that attack in less than 30 second so she knows he ain't human that much is already certain but what else is he hiding david says shit she really is good with illusions and messing with his head he has to find a way to beat her closing all the voices and noises in his surrounding he tries to calmly find out her presence but all he sees is the naga pack's presence only finding no way to end this he ask the nagi what does she want to do now she has got him away from the village and trap under her influence so why not end his life now so she can avenged her children and go back to her dark and creepy cave where she belongs so why not end it fast and quick already nagi gets mad at how he is calling out her out to his own children who are looking at her for it to be over nagi says fine he will end him but he want him to know she will keep attacking the villagers until they are all gone and dead as she is about to attack with her tail heading down towards him david smiles saying found you laughing a fist attack with haki hitting her on the stomach sending her flying upward.

David follows her sensing her presence full of hate and anger that makes her stand out from her naga pack as he about to delivered the final blow nagi calls out to her children asking them to be her shield as david kills multiple naga trying to protect their nagi elder she laughs and smiles saying he can't touch her david uses his eye's closes eye's once again to really focus on his perception against the huge pack of naga and the elder nagi who's giving him the most trouble of all right now david holds onto his sword handle from his back while locking on to his target the nagi who is still hiding away from him inside the naga shield barrier as he calms down enough to have finally be able to see far more ahead into the future than just a couple seconds now he can see multiple event play out in his mind while taking the safest path in front of him as he charges towards the naga dome shield who are firing multiple toxin needles or fang tooths at him but david dodges all the attack with ease and a smile on his face finally cutting down half of the naga dome with such mobility than before looking far more calmer than before that both twins and alexa notice this from their hiding spot.