Chereads / OMNI:First Origin / Chapter 289 - Chapter 34

Chapter 289 - Chapter 34

Dragging him down into the water so he gets wash up david uses this moment to used his breathing under water technique using the oxygen inside the water he can breath now using the element of surprise he pretends to lodicolo that he is still drowning and struggling to get a breath of air as lodicolo gets closed to him taunting david for not seeing this coming this is his territory he knows the area we'll so he can give up now or fall unconscious from the water entering his body getting inside his lungs making him unable to breath or think anything lodicolo cover his hand with water saying sea punch hitting david hard on his stomach making him open up his mouth and swallow a whole bunch of sea water still pretending he is drowning all part of the act lodicolo swims up to him getting ready to delivered the final blow to david but he see david smile making him question what he is planning but he knows that he won't be able to swim around fast as him still charging fast david take a deep breath saying got you bitch powering up an air punch onto lodiloco stomach making him back up from taking good amount of damage to his lung asking david how is he able to breath and talk under water.

He explains that he learn this technique from his old master incase he had to fight sea creatures or below water so he won't drown lodicolo say that's impressive but will he be able to move around in water like he can lodicolo changes his appearance his hand and feet getting longer with webbed skin along with his tail so he can swim more faster in water and his body gets small to be able to used his own water abilities to the best of his own ability saying to david that now he is ready to fight in the water david power's up more in his base form saying this is gonna be fun using the air around his as a speed boost amplifier to catch up to his opponent as lodicolo say start both warrior vanish as soon as they heard start leave his word as david and lodiloco clash all over the ocean making strong waves around them appear david kicks lodicolo on the face hard sending him back but he still follows him close behind lodicolo uses both his hand to absorb some water into his skin and carefully aim his fingers at david surrounding firing a bunch of water arrow all around them david covers himself in a bubble to deflect the attack as david continues on with his attack getting closer and closer to lodicolo.

Summoning an air sphere attack hitting him on his stomach hard pushing his all the way back but lodicolo uses his enhanced under water body to stabilize himself and charge toward david with greater speed never seem before making david used his haki to see a bit into the future and find an opening to attack him but his haki is slower than lodicolo speed getting attack from all over the place david makes an air bubble around him to seal off any incoming attack while he figures out a plan of attack to counter him but realizes he's out of his element he can hold his breath for a while but he hasn't mastered it at all so he will start to suffocate unless he goes up for air lodicolo grabs the air bubble taking him all the way down into the sea floor saying how long can his bubble hold in this dept with strong pressure not suited for his body david say now he tries letting the bubble pop powering up his base form saying he has to learn to make any environment he's unfamiliar with his own or he will loose everytime closing his eye's focusing on his body and soul merging them with calmness before becoming one with peace lodicolo comes in forward about to delivered a good punch across the jaw.

But david add haki to his face only doing damaged to lodicolo himself who backs up saying he has learn the way of haki closing his own eye's covering his hand and feet with haki saying now they really fight david smiles saying now it's serious charging one another toward the middle clashing with there haki fist making the fight more amazing both warrior saying in there mind before david fires multiple air blast at lodicolo who uses the water around him to turn them into bullets heading toward the air blast attack as both attack cancel each other david swims to his opponent more faster thanks to his air ability catching lodiloco off guard before he can realize what just happen taking a good punch on the stomach making lodicolo spew out blood but he comes back swimming toward david grabbing his fast with his hand and slamming him into the sea floor over and over again making waves appear above the water both alexa and the captain feeling it even though their in the boat safe and sound david kicks lodicolo in the knee making him fall onto the floor and let go of his tight grip before summoning a sphere attack to his stomach sending him flying away.

David rub his face saying ouch ouch ouch before closing the distance between him and lodicolo striking him with his dual palm attack harder to make sure he has some time to get some fresh air from above or he drowns as david land's the attack lodicolo holds his stomach in pain while that happens david flies up to the surface at full speed having good distance between them but since lodicolo is a sea monkey he has advantage in the water using the water david he makes chains wrap around his hand and feet plus his neck to drown him faster stopping him on his track unable to move david tries to figured a way to get air to him but he suddenly started to loose councious from the lack of air control going in and out his body finally about to loose the last amount of air he has in stored david realizes that since there's air in water molecule he can do this using his hand that are tied up to split up the water in half by separating the part that are air and water taking a big breath of air david smiles saying he is back to 100% breaking away from the water chain he jumps on top of the water surface closing the water he split up causing waves of water to hit lodicolo hard with full force.