Chereads / OMNI:First Origin / Chapter 287 - Chapter 32

Chapter 287 - Chapter 32

As david leaves alexa alone she makes an annoyed expression whispering low in her breath saying why can't he hangout with her this is like a vacation they should be enjoying it but no stupid david wants to enjoy training more than spend time with his own girl before closing her eye's and falling asleep under her umbrella as david arrives at the back of the boat he says to himself that this boat is awesome he can touch the water and he has enough room to practice a bit more with his sword drawing it from his back holding onto it with his two hand covering the blade with haki turning it black holding the sword above his head he yells out zeus killer slash sending a powerful energy wave through the sea cutting it half all the way reaching as far as he can see david say he is happy with his results training with paros is good but he can't be going out in the open like this anytime soon cause he won't be so lucky if people know he's true identity as david continues on practicing with his sword for about an hour he takes a deep breath drinking water while relaxing and enjoying the warm sun ray hitting his face while taking shade under the 2nd floor balcony.

After a while david gets up feeling more energize he decides to spend the remaining three hour's to spend time with alexa as friend's but something inside tells him he can't escape his destiny closing his eye's he realizes that he has already met his two future wife's younger self so it can't be a coincident that it still happening in this timeline again walking back towards the middle of the boat he see that alexa have accidently went to sleep before they could enjoy there day off today david takes a seat next to her chair putting on more lotion all over his body so he won't get sunburn from the bright as sun hitting him while he relaxed on the chair under a nice dark umbrella enjoying a nice cold refreshing beverage as time passes by alexa wakes up from her nap rubbing her eye's and yawning while looking around he see david who's laying down right next to her also sleeping comfortably in his chair alexa look up at the sky saying she must've been asleep for a couple minutes or an hour even looking around she suddenly sees a creature come out the water and climb her mother boat she stays quiet for a bit following the unknown sea creature all the way into the rooms opening the room door one by one.

To steal anything valuable he can find inside but alexa calls him out saying to put his hand in the air or he will die for trespassing into her boat back with david having an urge to get up for some reason he open his eye's seeing multiple see creature's walk around the boat david thinks to himself saying they might be sea thief that alexa told him about looking around he can't spot her at all he sneaks around using his six senses to hide from the sea thief they might try to kill him if they notice him walking around so he does his best to stay out of sight and find alexa hearing a commotion happening in one of the room's seeing alexa fighting two sea thiefs single handedly but then he see another thief approaching his own comrades who are getting beaten up by alexa herself seeing from the window he waits to see if alexa can handle the sea thief alone but alexa is so focus on taking down the thief that the third one managed to get behind her but david fire's an air bullet at the thief hitting the side of his head knocking him out for good falling backward giving the necessary help to alexa but he leaves so he can make sure the captain of the ship is okay and not dead.

Because that would be bad for them as he walks to the front of the boat seeing a pack of sea thief banging on the door hard trying to break it down but it's fortified david comes out of hiding pulling out his sword from his back putting on a helmet he bought a while back from a garage sale saying it looks nice on him before calling out to the sea thief banging on the door still telling them since they want to steal a boat so bad he will show them what it means to mess with the wrong person and show them hell cutting down a dozen sea thief with ease while letting one badly wounded picking him up by the throat asking him who the he'll sent him to attack there boat saying he better answer his question or he will join the rest of his friend's answer the damn question says david while slamming the sea thief against the boat steel wall harder and harder until the thief is seen bleeding from his skull david kills him piercing his heart with his sword saying useless before dropping him on the floor and leaving telling the captain to just keep driving the boat he will check all over incase any other creature tried to sneak in heading to the same spot where alexa was.

He see that alexa has killed the two sea thief with her spear calling out to her saying he will be there wait for him arriving at the room david picks up the knock out sea thief from the ground tying his hand and feet up so it won't escape anywhere telling alexa that the captain is okay he will keep the sea creature with him saying maybe it can track down the other thief by using this one as bait telling alexa if she wants to go with him as there first official hunter job alexa say sure she wouldn't mind tagging along as both david and alexa walk around the boat holding onto the sea thief while he's tied up making sure they got everybody david ask alexa what exactly are sea thief alexa smiles saying it should be obvious to him saying look closely at the creature as david picks him up to get a better view he see that it kind of looks like a sea monkey but david says they are just fantasy they can't be real real like monster and deity real alexa put a hand on his shoulder saying they are real they live under water stealing the wealthy while leaving the poor alone david say so they ain't bad guys damn now he feels bad about killing a dozen of them alexa say wait you killed a dozen already when this happen.