Chereads / OMNI:First Origin / Chapter 283 - Chapter 28

Chapter 283 - Chapter 28

Magili say nope it's no trouble at all since he already knows that this crew are made up of ancient species magic user mostly and some handful of modern species magic too magili tell david that his opponent grinlock can transform into the king of dinosaurs better known as a t-rex so he better bring his A game or he will lose immediately for not taking him serious david has a huge smile on his face when magili just revealed that he's gonna be able to fight a dinosaur but not just a normal dinosaur but the biggest and meanest one there is the king of carnivores a fucking real life t-rex david jumps out his sitting chair smiling proudly to himself saying to magili that she can stop now he made his choice already he's gonna go and fight grinlock the dinosaur emperor of the caribbean sea he's gonna be his first major opponent when he comes out the two year training skip gap cracking his knuckles and his neck david power's up his base form saying he can't wait to fight him magili ask him so does he want to know more information about the rest of crew major player's before he goes in blindly and get himself killed along with his crewmates david calms down for a bit saying he is so sorry for the disturbance.

He was just caught off guard by the sudden exciting information on emperor grinlock she can continued explaining the two major squad member's who are protecting the emperor at all times full of ancient species user's who are gonna be a handful at first hand if they don't get taken down by his crewmates during the beginning of the raid attack david says that might be true asking magili to tell him all about grinlock crew magili smiles saying of course the first thing he has to know is the primary squad better known as the jurassic four lead by grinlock right-hand man swoop the one who commands the sky flying around as an pteranodon dinosaur david smiles again holding back his excitement in his voice but everyone can see how happy he is to know more about this specific crew power and abilities david ask so swoop must be hella really fast if that ain't he real name magili explains that members part of the two major group leave there name behind while taking new one's as part of there initiation to the crew most members in the two group have done so with no hesitation but swoop he is different something that grinlock had never ever expected from someone new.

Choosing his own name proving to his own leader that he ain't someone to mess with he can make his own decisions and had his own way of thinking so grinlock saw this chance and decided to honor his alpha status rival by making him his second in command of the crew swoop was honored by the title he was given bowing down to his leader but grinlock stop him before he can bow his head saying they aren't master and soldier but master and right-hand man now shaking his hand in admiration to the new member of his crew david says wow that was a good story on how someone joins a crew he made all his crewmates fight him in a 1v48 and he won thanks to his earlier training with his own crazy family david says continue with the information as magili continues with the story she says that first of all they we're just two at the time but over the coming day's thanks to this young man who barely was the age of 28 when he started his journey into the real world david say I thought he would've been alot younger since he join the emperor crew not long ago right yes say magili a couple month's back he caught the eye of jester who was pleased by this young man by his smart and dangerous skills.

In analyzing the matter in hand before doing anything making a move he had to be double sure on the idea he does thing with alot of thought first so jester ask the young man if he wanted more grinlock wasn't a big fan of being we'll know in the real world just do small thing's without bothering other's yes he had his huge business for fuel industry that help out all around the world but no one know he was the man of the building he had a dummy act as the owner for him all this time so jester said he can help each other he paid him for the fuel and maybe he can introduced him to a bigger platform to be part of but first grinlock didn't join the seven emperor's he said that's not his thing so he left jester and his offer behind not ever seeing him again until jester once again decided to gather more information on this young man so he can be we'll prepared when they meet again they once again met each other in public one day talking about the world changing for the best or worst asking him does he want to help out the less fortune in a specific area in the caribbean sea all he had to do is accept his offer and he can control a huge territory in the area and help out the people however he wants too.

With no one telling him what to do at all he would be an emperor of the sea all he has to do is shake his hand and they both can make a small contract to discuss matter between them he can become an emperor but he has to take some orders from him here and there whenever they have a meeting with the other's emperor of the sea with no talking back to him grinlock reluctantly joins the ranks of the emperor working for the dark order before it became the injustice order couple year's from now making good on his promises he become we'll known among his own crew and the territory he controled the people who lived in his area where treated we'll and fairly most emperor and empress hated the idea of him being kind to lesser class beings since human's don't bring nothing good to the table most people who join grinlock crew after his rise in power we're from the safe territory he took over most people wanted to join the crew was a way for them to repay the kind man who gave them a better life since he took over so grinlock then decided to make a secondary squad full of people who used to live in the area making them part of his crew earning his trust and admiration.