Chereads / OMNI:First Origin / Chapter 281 - Chapter 26

Chapter 281 - Chapter 26

About her in person or not she would kill them without any hesitation david power's up setting himself free from artemis tight grip touching his neck to make sure nothing is broken as he takes a couple breath of fresh air he looks over and see that artemis is gone nowhere to be seen looking around he can't sense her energy he stays put closing his eye's and not be distracted by the other five sense just using the sixth sense one focusing really hard he senses a hint of her energy but it fades away as soon as he lock on to it looking around he can't find her exact location just a piece of it david thinks of an idea to used the small pieces of her energy to predict her next spot she will show up at as he does so matching the small energy spots all over the room he finally sees a big portion of her own energy opening back up his eye's he power his base form saying I found you artemis charging toward the balcony door where artemis is hiding being caught surprise by how fast this child was able to locate her she can't do nothing unable to move quick enough david land's a good kick on her face that sends her flying against the wall hard david power's down his base form.

Walking up to artemis who should be by the wall but when david reaches her body begins to dissapears into little orbs like thing before vanishing completely david ask what has just happen alexa tell david to look back at artemis chair pointing with her finger david turns around looking back at the chair where she is once again sitting on artemis smiles saying to david that he fell for a baby trick he should feel proud that he is important to both magili and alexa or he would've ended up in the afterlife david say no thanks he's already face death once before he ain't go their again wiping a sweat drop from his forehead breathing harder than ever realizing this woman in front of him is no joke at all she is the real deal she can't be taken done by mere moves and techniques he has to go way beyond to do many damaged to her david takes a seat once again in the chair right next to alexa who tell him that he should feel honored no one has ever been able to survive the illusion by commander artemis and live to tell about it david just regains his compusure being calm and realizing how strong is her illusion and what other abilities can she do or have hidden until they meet again in the battlefield.

To take down the empress and her crewmates for good david waits looking around the office touching anything that might get his attention but he finds a picture frame with magili and paros holding onto a little girl that resembles alexa going to school for the first day it seems alexa calls out to him saying to put that picture down her mom is about to arrive at the office right now and she don't like anyone touching her stuff without her permission even if there friend's and family she will hurt them bad david puts down the picture frame and teleports into the chair just as magili is about to turn the doorknob and enter the room asking david and alexa they got here early sorry for the wait she was having a meeting with the other emperor's about having seen any aztlanian members from the worst prodigy crew she told them no but she will let them know if she see anything suspicious david ask that's all the meeting was about that she made them wait for about 20 minutes in her office but magili says no that's not all she was brief about a suspicious person who might be his uncle or father working alongside a unknown person that is hidden even from there radar who has no facial recognition.

So they can't place an attack on the man until they have more information on him and see who is working for him this whole time david say both his father and uncle member's survive the small clash against commander execution during the world order meeting empress magili seem impress by david father and uncle strength being able to come out alive during the battle with commander execution without loosing there own life he is the strongest human in the world even each region champions stay away from him when they are in his presence because the kind of aura he gives that makes there body and spirit freeze from the moment they lock eye's so he should also be really weary about talking to the the 3 law commander's about fighting them they will not take his request too kindly they will eliminate him where he stands and he can't loose him yet he has to give her a granddaughter to train and take care in her own way when she comes to visit her david says he won't forget the promise he made to her he don't break his promises that easily when it's about his friend's or family he earned there full trust and loyalty that way without breaking a single promise in his life.

Magili smiles saying that's what she likes to hear from him a young man like himself who has earned her respects more so than her ex husband paros david looks sad for a moment saying that sounds bad to his own opinion being compared to a man like paros who had lied to there face about him being alive to his daughter and paros lying to him about alexa being dead they could've met each other sooner if it wasn't for him lying all about it to there faces magili say that's true but paros always had good intentions just give him a second chance for her david agrees to giving paros a second chance but if he lies again or does something too make him question his loyalty towards them then he will leave the village and find another location to train for the remaining year's he has left no matter if he's being hunted down by the whole injustice order david says to everyone in the room to listen up there's two thing that he can't stand the first one is straight up liars and the second one is betrayers to there own crew or squad so he won't hesitate to leave his first location spot to get away from paros even if it causes his own death magili puts a hand on david shoulder telling him.