Chereads / OMNI:First Origin / Chapter 278 - Chapter 23

Chapter 278 - Chapter 23

Alexa looks sad for a bit knowing she is causing david pain and making him suffer by her being bright aura david and alexa sit on the bunch looking at the huge island known as paradise island where there's many town's and small city's along with the huge kingdom where queen magili lives along with her daughter alexa as they stay in complete silent watching the sun rise up from the horizon lighting up the whole world in a beautiful aura the very same one that alexa is cover in david stands up looking at the telescope again he uses his emotions to turn the bright light into complete darkness as he look back at alexa direction with his eye's close for certainly he then opens them in surprised looking at alexa she has no more aura everything is back to normal hugging alexa tight almost knocking her to the ground but alexa caught him in time before falling alexa ask david what happen did the aura go away david says yeah he made it go away using pure emotions jumping up and down happidly before sitting back down on the bench telling alexa that he might has gotten a huge clue about the world 2 or 3 main power one with serenity and second with aggression.

Plus the third one both first and second power working together to balance each other power with no problem working with equal at first david used aggression or emotions to see through the scope making everything dark while the last time he used serenity or peace to see two females with each having there own kid's giving a bright aura to alexa but when he used pure emotions the aura was gone he has an idea of what happened but at the same time it made him more confused on what this old telescope can really do to people eye's or show them all depending on what they are feeling david ask alexa to go see through the telescope once again to check out his own theory while they are here alexa looks through the telescope all the same calm and peaceful david ask what did she see the first time alexa turns beet red whispering something under her breath but thanks to aztlanian good hearing he heard what she said him and her together living together with a kid in the far future so david thinks about what alexa said earlier about this telescope able to see through someone heart and reflect those feelings in a positive or negative way.

David saw only darkness because thinking back on how he had fail his family before they gave up there own life for him who could only run and hide from the bad guys but when he let those negative feeling leave his body he was almost overwhelmed by the bright light that he had seen through the scope seeing two girl's familiar to him having either one or two kid's one he knew was alexa but the other can only be guess but it might be steffy but he has no clue why the telescope is showing him this the future was changed and he broke up with them both for their own good and safety so he shouldn't be thinking about it david is seem holding tight onto his head hitting the side's harder and harder until the pain goes away alexa grabs him holding him tight with a hug that warms david up making him feel at home and safe at the same time before hugging back alexa who just smiles falling onto each other embraced david tells alexa the truth about what he saw inside the telescope so that maybe she can give him a bit of an idea to help him sort this out with her own vision david explains that he saw through the scope two girls cover in the same bright aura as alexa was before each holding onto there baby.

David saw her figured in one of the two girls cover in bright light holding a baby in her arm's while the second girl had two babies alexa explains that she had also seem a bright light around him like an aura but at the same time she felt incomplete like there was a missing piece to a puzzle but she doesn't know why so she just chose to ignored it and focus on him feeling better david say so maybe the incomplete part is her other half the other girl in the bright light that might be steffy since his future self was with two girl a black hair girl and a light brown hair girl with three children that he got to know one neveah aztlan her future daughter but he can't let the future turn for the worst again keeping his distance away from any romance from both girl's might have for him so that's why he has to keep it on the low telling alexa that he and her can't date at all no more he has to do the same thing he did to his ex break up before it's too late alexa looks at david with tears in her eye's telling david that she kind off knew this was coming but was hoping it wouldn't happen to her like he did to her ex can they still be friend's or is that not allowed anymore david say yeah they can still be friend's like they we're before.

But nothing more he had something more important to do than falling on love with her or steffy they will always have an important place in his heart to last a lifetime whenever they might be david tell alexa that for right now all he wants is some alone time he will swing by her place later to pick up his stuff and go find a hotel or motel to sleep in while they leave in the morning together for naruto village alexa she is about to speak and say something but she holds her tounge back staying quiet for the moment before telling david that he has to let himself enjoy the small things once in a while in life or it will bother him for the rest of his life if he didn't decide to try somethings while he is young david say he is right getting up walking up to alexa face and giving a long french kiss on the lips while touching her tounge with his own before biting alexa bottom lip david telling her that if she doesn't leave right now he will do something to her that they can never go back from alexa starts to leave down the stairs but she hesitates for a bit walking back up running to david arm's telling him that she wants him to be her first ever in having sex with someone she loves david smiles picking up alexa on his arm's.