Chereads / OMNI:First Origin / Chapter 273 - Chapter 18

Chapter 273 - Chapter 18

He gets up asking alexa if she by any chance need some help changing out of her clothes but alexa punches him in the stomach saying he's not slick she already knows what he wants from her pointing to her own body saying it has been a while since they saw each other physical bodies david says to alexa that he wasn't looking at her body or thinking dirty he was just lending a helping hand alexa smiles rubbing her hands on david back giving him a comfortable message all over his body whispering to david ears saying so he's saying he don't want her body right now david say he does but they have to catch up later when they go back home to the village alexa laughs at his answer saying he has change alot over the year's but he always had a bad habit of honestly answering questions without thinking but she says that's why she like about him kissing david on the forehead before asking david to please wait outside her room door so she can changed in peace and not freak out being watch by his lustful eye's david agrees to her request telling alexa that he is a guy of course he be interesting in a beautiful girl body alexa blushes red hidding her face with her hands closing the door on david face.

So she can changed after a couple minutes david hears the doorknob move getting up to see alexa come out the room wearing a normal set of clothes asking david if he's hungry david replies saying yeah he is rubbing his tummy asking alexa what kind of food do they sell here by any chance alexa begins to explain that since the injustice order was form from the two main order branch they have done we'll for there allies like there emperess mom alike giving them technology to those who needs them or ask for them and bringing the many culture of many region's together to draw in more tourist david and alexa walk through a hallway arriving at a elevator on the 5th floor going in it alexa clicks the 1st floor button going down david ask alexa how she became so strong and why didn't she tell him that she's part amazonian alexa laugh at his stupidity saying no she is still human both of her parent are human it just this place that give women power and any abilities with a mark burn into there skins the same power of a amazonian without the need of becoming an amazonian race david say wow good thing she is still a full blooded human unlike him laughing at his own gene change.

To better and glad he was lucky to survive the changed alexa ask him so he isn't human at all anymore david is about to speak but they have arrived at the 1st floor opening to the lobby david speaks saying that he had a gene seed implanted into his body to make the change possible with a high success rate and not kill him like he was disposable so he has left the human race behind and has become so much more alexa say he don't mind that he isn't human anymore he just hope's that he is the same childish and goofy david from before david tell her that he is the same now let's go find a nice place to eat out for the day as they get starred by the women in the building david ask so no man have entered the island before other from their main guests the injustice order leader jester has alexa say yep but some men do come wondering here in there island but they get two choice death or peace when they meet one of there four commander's who is keeping guard always david smile saying he met all four commanders but the one he got close with was lady andrea she was nice for a lady warrior and she brought him to meet the emperess magili herself along with the other commander's.

Who each have a strong aura and energy around them that made him sweat from fear and excitement on how much bigger the world really is in a bigger scale now alexa tell david that he is battle crazy is that him or the new gene's david say both fighting feels calm and peaceful when your not trying kill or hurt your opponent but grow as a warrior yourself alexa say yeah she feels the same but in this era they have to be the best to survive or they will die along with the rest david say he knows to we'll about loosing and dying he has died before and loss two of his family member's a couple month back alexa ask him does he wanna maybe talk about it david say no he is good he just wants to eat at a restaurant and head back home with her to have a serious talk with paros alexa say follow him she knows a place to eat real good asking david does he still like burger like he did when he was little david he'll yeah do is there a awesome burger place here that he don't know about alexa say yep follow her david grabs onto her hand not letting go of this moment making alexa blush once again hiding her face while running to the burger place as they make it after a while.

David is impressed by the building's and island being able to be so big and wealthy like this as they both go in david opens the door for alexa letting her go first to be a gentleman in her eye's as the waiter takes them to a special part of the small burger joint with a good table and chairs giving them each a menu to read and look over what they want to eat for today asking them if they have refreshments already in mind that they would like to choose david say dr.pepper while alexa says a coke making david to laugh at her choice of beverage as the waiter leaves alexa kicks david on his ankles for laughing at her as they each talk about there life's after the playground accident alexa begins to explain that her father told her he was sorry for killing his boyfriend not knowing he was lying to him this whole time she spent her time training and focusing on finding a way to bring him back to life but she couldn't find nothing on the library she went to so she focus on training only always keeping up with her study to find something that can help her later but she gave up later knowing that there's no way to bring him back to life so she just focus on strength only.