Chereads / OMNI:First Origin / Chapter 242 - Chapter 62

Chapter 242 - Chapter 62

Who are powerhouses in there own right even making the two former champions have a hard time taking them down while even wounded david grab X by his collar telling him that this could've been avoided if he had more information to give on his father and operation also if he wants him to help out with destroying the generators under the island then he will help his family first then he help his mess up family issues second after he gave him a helping hand with the rescue mission he has three seconds to give his answer one.two..three... X tell david to stop he will help him but they can't just charge in or they won't escape from jester commander execution power over space david say so what can they do to help and they need to make it fast cause his family member's are loosing power's and sustaining more damage than before X whisper to david a plan he came up right now david say okay he will wait for his signal X jumps down to the room crashing the party happening between guilmer and wilmer vs world order and dark order as they all look at X in shock asking who the he'll is he aiming there weapons at him but before they can do anything.

David comes down in the hole sending everyone but his family flying back as the camera man catches all this while live david say to himself that fuck it he will fix this later before telling his dad and uncle to get out here now he will hold them off for as long as he can firing an air roar down through the chamber room hitting the first floor as everyone tries to hang on david and X look at each other jumping down and leaving the building fast heading to the underground tunnel to find the island generator to destroy it jester order all erik soldiers and troopers to find david and his accomplice now they can let them escape there island without punishing them soldier and trooper all say yes sir splitting into two group's one hunting david and the other will hunt down guilmer and wilmer but jester receives a call from one of the troopers saying they are so sorry but the two man who came barging into the room already escape without a trace jester smashes his wall leaving a hole telling them to focus instead on the worst prodigy crew member's he wants them all dead now telling commander execution that he will need his assistance once again hunt down the two younglings and bring them back.

Here the commander bows down before leaving his care to the other commanders as david crewmates are all running around the city trying to reach the edge without getting spotted and avoiding getting shot at by the security guard's turn evil but they know better than to ignored a code red from his leader as tony dodges many bullets trying to hit him he get shot in the shoulder by a sniper hiding all over the high ground as he falls down to the ground almost getting kill he hears someone say fireball and waterfall knocking out the soldier's and destroying the tall tower's where snipers might still be hiding as tony gets up holding onto his right shoulder in pain telling adam and carlos thanks for the assist but they still need to move around and not get shot at dissapering in an instant more soldiers and troopers chase after the crew members firing there weapons at them daniel and michael see that elijah is still alive and we'll but he has few scars and blood dripping down his forehead calling out to him saying come with them they can stick together as this happens back in the bunker base yango is yelling at neo telling him what happened to his 100% simulation without fail.

There family are in danger thank god david told them to try and escape through the edge maybe when they reach it they can teleport them to safety but neo tell yango that david wrist gadget is busted from the fight with erik yango slam his fist on the monitor telling neo to just keep him updated on the rest of the crew he believes david and X can handle themselves for now back with david and X they are killing the soldiers and troopers with ease but it get a bit harder to deal with them when they all work together and try to overwhelmed them as an unit telling himself that erik still is knock out so this new orders might be from jester himself trying to kill them first as they pass through many hallway finally arriving at the generator room david tell X that he will cover him but he has to hurry X say he got this closing the door behind them so no one will enter and get the jump on them david has his swords ready trying to sense the enemy troopers but he sense that thing's have calm down but he don't like that feeling saying something ain't right X tell david that he's dealing with the final generator right now but soon as he about to finish he hear soldiers and troopers surround them entirely with no escape.

At all only the main door is left alone with no guard watching over it he ask X that he has to hurry or this room will be there grave X tell david he has this one more generator and it over but as he about to shut down the final generator for good he is suddenly punch away against the wall as he ask X what happen he also get hit from the back of his head getting sent flying to the other side of the wall hard as he struggles to get back up he hear the doors open all around the generator room soldiers and troopers surrounds them with no way to escape or coming out with a only a cut david and X get up heading to the middle of the room asking the invisible man to come out and show himself they can sense him as the man show's himself to david and X they both turn pale saying now they know for sure there's no way can they escape out of here looking face to with jester most loyal and powerful right hand man commander execution as they think of a plan to leave out the room since blowing up the generator plan have failed bad so now there main objective is to escape the holy kingdom tight grip on them while they can but the soldier's and troopers charged in drawing out there melee and rifle weapons.