Chereads / OMNI:First Origin / Chapter 236 - Chapter 56

Chapter 236 - Chapter 56

Telling david that finn is one of a kind he should respect him more david say he does so all his crew are respected and admired for their hard work and loyalty to the crew worst prodigy as they wait for hour's finn is seen still doing his best in the small kitchen cooking everything in good speed and taking his sweet time to admire the food quality and taste quality to make sure everyone else is gonna enjoy it too as everyone in the living start whinning and groaning in so much pain from waiting for a couple hour's now finn cleans his forehead from any dripping sweat telling the crewmates and miss magaly that the food dishes is finish and done picking them up planting the huge plates full of side dishes and main dish full of sandwiches as finn tell the crew member's to grab the food one by one with pushing or he will throw out the food that spend hour's making for them today david and the crew all agree to what he said lining up in single form line with there own plate in there hands waiting for the first people to move out the line and let the next one go as they all do this until the last crewmate get his plate full of foods all sitting down taking a huge bite of the special sandwich made by finn.

Thanks to the big help of magaly who trusted finn to let him write down the recipe for the sandwich as everyone start munching on the delicious flavor of the sandwich they all day this is the best sandwich they have ever taste before finishing it all in one bite asking for seconds finn tell everyone if they want seconds first they have to finish all there side dishes all of it then they help themselves to more sandwich as everyone eat there side dish heading to the kitchen to grab a handful of special sandwich after 10 minutes all the sandwiches are gone everyone laying down on the floor or sofas while magaly who didn't eat much is just chilling washing the dishes and putting them away as david looks outside he can tell that it's about to be nightime soon for them meaning that tommorow will be there last win or fail mission depending on how the job goes during the world order conference meeting as david tell his crewmates to get up it's time to head back home now and sleep in early for the job tommorow telling them that they will need to put the alarm clock to ring at 11:00am then they will get teleported by him who got the coordinates in the card that jester gave him to used for tommorow morning.

Everyone gets up thanking finn and miss magaly for the meal it was 10/10 rating they hope they can be invited again for special sandwich day every day magaly tell them to stop spoiling themselves with her cooking the sandwich is only meant for the month of december only no other month's marcel makes a portal to the bunker base as they all line up walking through the portal arriving home to be greeted by yango and neo who tells them how was the family dinner with his daughter in law everyone says great now it's time to talk asleep for tommorow as tony and gabe head in first david follows behind them but he stops running back too his mom and giving her a hug telling her he is happy to be his child magaly hugs him back telling her to hurry back to his own room finn leaves the bathroom telling them to keep the portal open magaly tell finn to keep the recipe paper and give it to steffy if he ever sees her in the near future tell her for her that it's her turn to serve his husband finn nods his head telling her he will asking finn to delivered this plate to yango for her as thanks for taking care of her three children finn say yeah he got her entering the portal.

Magaly watches it close in front of her before heading to her room to get ready to sleep in early finn arrives last meeting up with yango who's was waiting for him asking if that plate is for him finn say yeah here you go old boss man before heading to his room yango sits down in the lobby room table opening up the plate cover in tinfoil he see the delicious sandwich with side dish meals he takes out a spork and start eating the side meal first with a glass of water as he finishes first he grabs the special sandwich that all his family members talk about the most he takes a bite trying to be calm and give his honest opinion about the so call special sandwich as he swallow the piece of deliciousness he drops the sandwich back on the plate saying this is the best thing he has ever eaten it's like eating his first wife ayasha homemade food once again letting a tear run down his cheek saying it's been ages since he has anything remotely close to her food but this sandwich taste just like it maybe it's a special spice they added to it but he doesn't care for it now taking another bite remembering about the old day's back in the village telling himself he is so old.

But he doesn't have much time maybe a month even two if he's lucky enough telling himself that he hopes that his descendants don't mess with the witch that cursed him cause they might be in real trouble before finishing the whole plate he gets up drinking the rest of the water he walks to the mission room sitting down on his office chair he calls on neo who wakes up immediately asking if he's hurt or feeling worse but yango reassures him that's he's okay at least for now laughing at his own demise making neo sad with fear but yango ask him that he just playing but how are the chips are they ready and working 100% without fail even if they are in another realm neo say yeah he thought about all possibility that could happen and ran the simulation 100 times with no error so they are good incase something bad happens they got everything thought out and are prepared for the worst to come also they have david leading them if he feels something bad gonna happen he will let his crew know and call on him for a rescue escape immediately yango breaths better knowing they have david with them at all time as he leaves for his room and finally finds peace for tommorow morning.