Chereads / OMNI:First Origin / Chapter 176 - Chapter 41

Chapter 176 - Chapter 41

David before he take a good amount of damage he fires a roar on the ground field before he makes contact so that he won't take to much damage as david head goes thru the field predator gets up picking up david by his leg pulling him out the ground breathing hard he fires a huge air blast at predator face burning part of his face leaving little burn scar marks making predator drop him david hits him with his own move air bazooka slamming his two fist at predator gut spewing green blood from his mouth as both look at one another beaten and bloodied up they tell each other that they will end this battle with one attack both warrior's powers up to there fullest no holding back finishing this now predator uses all the armor energy for his brass knuckle punch getting a head start towards david as david sees this he cover his right arm with haki yelling out air destruction fist glowing in orange color as they both meet up in the center jumping in the middle pulling there arm back to get momentum smiling one another as their fist collide glowing brightly surrounding them in bright light making david and predator disappear in a instant making the whole school stadium blow up with a huge explosion.

Leaving no trail except for a huge crater that covers the whole stadium as tony and gabe feel the explosion impact all the way from the school building saying david better be okay and not down tony waiting patiently for gabe to finish disabling the barrier and signal jammer machine tony see that the hunter spaceship start hovering in the air leaving the school building heading to the stadium to meet up there boss tony tries to get out of school but gabe tell him over the earpiece to stand still they can't make it obvious that they are part of the fight that just broke out because he got multiple dots on the radar that are closing in telling tony that it might be uncle wilmer with his squad pulling up to see what is the commotion david open his eye's looking up at the sky saying once again he is alive and we'll trying to get up he looks next to him seeing predator who's already up and we'll waiting for him to wake up david ask has he been waiting for long or just barely woke up himself predator looks at his bloodied all over his face telling him no he been awake for about 10 minutes david stands up asking where they go from here predator points at his spaceship telling david that a deal is a deal.

He's gonna return rattrap to him safely like his other buddy gael who is still in school building with some random student's that he told to take care of for him or he will hunt them down along with there family david laughs at this saying he has a dark sense of humor but he likes it predator goes inside the ship for a bit coming back with rattrap on his shoulders with some supplies to heal there wounds predatir drops the prey on the field next to the crater telling david that he should wake up in a couple minutes tossing a small glowing tube at david telling him to inject the stim in his arm to heal from the wounds and anything broken david stab the stim in the shoulder letting the healing medicine enter his body completely healing from all wounds david gets up telling predator that this stuff is amazing he has no more pain in his body where did he get this stuff from predator point's up telling him in space it's very common used everyone has it for any health issues they might have david eye's glow brightly saying wow space is full of cool amazing stuff he can't wait to go and explore in the future when he gets a spaceship or makes one himself.

Predator say to david that he will be waiting for him for a rematch so he better get way stronger or he will leave him in the dust next time they meet faking a smile knowing that they won't ever see each other after this david ask by any chance did he clean up his mess in school like anything people won't show in the news like alien contact or witness predator says to david that he told his ship a.i to clean any evidence of his being here but he can't do nothing about the people who witness them fighting in there school courtyard david gives predator a fist bump goodbye telling him to take care and not caused to much trouble in there universe predator smile saying he will try but no promises waving goodbye one last time to david before the ship door closes david watches the ship engines turn on and he leaves for good heading into space knowing he made a new rival friend david flies to the school courtyard feeling a bit better picking up his two swords that neo made changing back into his new casual clothes with no holes or dirt on it he ask tony and gabe to look for the kid that predator brought into the school while he pick up a friend he left in the stadium flying away to the destroyed stadium.

He puts rattrap over his shoulders telling his buddy that everything is over he can now rest safely back with predator he makes a phone call with his employer showing a dark figured asking him if he captured another strong species target predator responds by saying no he had one but it died in an accident the unknown employer takes a moment looking at his device saying to predator that if died easily then he wasn't a worthy target so he has to find more as the employer is about to hang up the call predator ask him to find another hunter to do his job he just wants to get paid what he owes him the employer sighs saying of course he will send the credits to his account he hope's to work with him again predator thanks the employer for the honor to work for him before hanging up the call telling a.i to take him back home to universe 13 the ship a.i says of course master making a wormhole appear in front of them heading insided leaving the battle with his new rival behind but not forgotten making predator smile back with david who's landed in the school courtyard asking his two brother over the earpiece if they found him yet.