Chereads / OMNI:First Origin / Chapter 143 - Chapter 8

Chapter 143 - Chapter 8

He can do his homework but gabe teleports behind him saying he had already done his homework for all his classes tony is shock that even thoe he doesn't train alot he can still keep up with his school work but he doesn't train like the rest so he kinda in the low class with the two younglings daniel and michael but gabe head's to the training room with tony next to him betting he can whoop his ass in fighting tony takes the bet smiling he not gonna know what hitting him as they begin to charge at one another causing a huge explosion happen this causes david to smile for a moment feeling excited about his two brother's having a serious match rynx sees this asking him if he can hear his voice but david smile is short lived gone again in a matter of seconds making his little buddy sad all over again rynx fall's asleep after a couple minute trying to see if david is making any other movement's so he kept him some company as the night goes by everyone finishes there school work and head to the training room to work on there skills and power abilities all together tony and gabe leave the room first after there battle for the best fighter bet both look happy and a bit sad neo calls out that they both we're knock out.

When they collided with each other attacks holding onto each other gabe is about to head to the infirmary room but tony tells him to not leave yet he has a surprised for him he pulls out a senzu bean from his back pocket giving it to his younger brother who's a little bit more hurt than himself as gabe chews and swallow the bean itself he heals from all the injuries he had received in the earlier match with tony gabe looks at his brother with a suspicious look on his face saying where did he acquired this miracle bean tony says he just got them from a reliable friend who help him and david in the past and now gabe just shakes his shoulders not worrying about it no more he just go to his room and waves goodbye to his brother telling him to not fall asleep too late cause they have school tommorow early in the morning tony tells him to not rely on him anymore since he's acting all high and mighty already thinking he can wake up by himself gabe just show his middle finger before entering his own room smirking tony looks around making sure he's not in anyone view he runs down the hallway arriving at the infirmary room he look thru the window watching rynx and david sleep in peace.

Without no worries on their mind he leaves them be heading back to his own room where he falls asleep a bit less worry than today drifting into relaxation as he have a dream in a dark place he see his older brother looking around confused and a bit worry cause he has no clue where he is right now but he spots tony across from him waving his hand tony sees this he ask david if it really him in this dark pitch black room in the middle of nowhere as he ask his older brother where he is and what is this place david looks around in the huge open place in pitch black saying he doesn't know himself he just as got here feeling a bit confused as he tries to sense where in the world they are right now he ask tony how are they talking to each other if he's in a coma like state tony ask how does he know of his condition if he's been asleep for a whole day now david says what out loud saying what does he mean he been a day now tony says it's tuesdays today tony seem to be a bit worry since this new area is new and unexplored david says a little scary since it's all pitch black tony agrees with him feeling just fear and anger in here david fire a blast above him to see how high and wide the area around them is.

As the blast goes up up and boom it blows up after a whole 30 minutes both david and tony are getting a bit worry they should be waking up by now dream time is slower than there normal time since when they sleep for a short amount of time in their dreams hour's go by when it's time to wake up boom but in here they are already pass waking up for morning so this is a major problem even for them he has no clue what this place is but he can think of some places that are pitch black and endless david snaps his finger saying it's the empty or a cursed dream state but he thinks it more likely a cursed since the empty is a bit there pay grade and he doesn't exactly want to be in it or know if it this place like this as tony look around he tries to punch himself in the face but he just feels a bit pain but not waking up david is seen looking around touching the ground carefully but it does nothing making him feel at ease but as he back away a black goo like substance grab his wrist trying to pull him in but tony uses his lighting blade to cut it down the mysterious creature start to laugh outloud catching the full attention of the boy's as they get back to back david tell tony to not waste his any of his energy on major attacks.

Except for small blast attack they might be stuck here for a while until they can find a way to leave this hell a small goop start to form a humanoid figured in front of the brother's introducing himself saying what are two living mortals doing in his realm david put a hand on tony letting him know to stay quiet and give out to many answer to the being in front of them david says they have clue what this place is so if he could be nice enough to give them the right directions to leave this area he would appreciated the human goo smiles at them touching his head with his hands saying they are a funny pair but they can't leave without a powerful ride like himself david ask what is this place and what is he the goo man points to himself saying this whole place is part of him and he control's it all with his mind so it's weird to find two people wondering his side of the neighborhood without him knowing about it tony steps forward saying what is it that he do here that isn't mostly sleeping the goo man shows a pair of teeth with no eye's just a mouth saying he's the empty plus the area also there are a bundle deal nothing enters or leave without his permission.