Chereads / OMNI:First Origin / Chapter 103 - Chapter 17

Chapter 103 - Chapter 17

David screams shit out loud as he get slam hard against the ground he is choking once again swallowing a ton of water loosing his grip on neo arm who chokes him tighter everytime he tries to get a way from him as neo about to break his neck david closes his eye's trying to figured out to take the air from the water and used it to breath without worries as he fails for a couple minutes he finally figure out a way to learn this new technique he absorbs tons of water's and figure a way to break apart the air components from the water component finally opening his eye's he surrounds his whole fist with haki knocking back neo against a wall with a hard thump he follow him delivering many punches and kicks cover in haki doing some damage to him but not alot thanks to the material he's made of as he backs away he fires his zeus cannon attack at him from close range blowing up most of the river area getting future david attention who's still gathering energy for his blast david looks around the river getting happy at the idea that now he can breath underwater without any worries as he looks around trying to use his haki senses to find his energy but he comes out empty handed.

As he get out the water he finds out that his older self is still safe powering up the huge blast david ask his future self if he can sense neo in the river he shakes his head to the sides telling him to figure out himself or he won't get stronger or learn any experience from this battle david summon two huge air shuriken from his palm and closes his eye's to find him and feel a bit of his energy laying around as he feel a bit of his energy he throws his first shuriken at that location to see if there's anything there but after it blows up he gets mad for not being able to find him even thoe he has master the beggining level of using haki but it still no used he can't find neo future david tells him he doesn't have to try that hard to find someone all he gotta do is sense his other stuff like emotions or strength and maybe his presence so don't just focus on his energy since he can maybe make fakes and spread them out all over the river's david closes his eye's focusing only on the target that he wants to find he ignores everything except his future self and him as he scans all the area learning to search high and low he finally finds his target behind the waterfall he shots a blast at his direction.

Forcing neo to leave his hiding spot and come out in the open like everyone else's he tell david that he's very impress in his sudden growth and how well he is in using haki to a certain degree david power's up his aztlan force and begins to throw many punches at his direction while this happens he tries to used his observation haki to sense his next couple of moves or better known as look further into the future to predict his next move but neo laughs at him saying he hasn't train well enough to use that advance move on him or anyone yet he is still young but that doesn't mean he doesn't have to be in a rush to develop this new found power he has to take his time while getting experienced and harness the power on his own but at this moment in time he has to grow quicker than neo so they have a fighting chance to end this horrible future for good david backs up focusing on using both his observation and armament haki simultaneous while battling he gets the hand of it for a bit but he falls short when fighting a professional like neo and his future self he relaxes his entire body only using his six senses and nothing else closing his eye's tightly he tries to see what's it like to know the next couple of attack coming at his way feel like.

What he has to master so he can see a glimpse into the future and used it to a certain advantage to find a way to counter his observation haki from finding out his next moved before he can act on it as he raises his head at his direction he put a hand up telling him to come on or is he scares to face him himself as neo charges towards him david feels this and gets a bit excited finally able to sense other thing's with his six senses as neo fires multiple lasers attack at him he dodges them each attack with ease dodging to the left and right and blocking the one's that get a bit too closed to him his older self is left awed with how fast his younger self is learning how to used haki to a certain degree and the first stage of the technique that there grandpa told them to learn because it will come necessary in the future as he smirks knowing that his other self is gonna reach new heights and shatter thru his limit and not be tied down to a wall that he can't reach as he tell his younger self to find a way to tie him in place david summons a air chain to surround around neo ankle and wrap around him so he doesn't have a chance to escape while he get hit by the huge blast david tell him to throw it now.

As future david throw the huge blast neo face becomes scared as he see the masisve amount of energy coming his way he tries to break free but it's too late he has been tied down for good and his reign of terror ends today along with the whole fuck up world as the whole attack covers him entirely getting wasted by the attack he screams in pain as his body starts to take huge amount of damage from the inside and outside as neo looks around he can't find a way to escape so he sends a copy memory link to his boss satellite location so he can come back to life and leave the shell of his body behind while the boss man makes a upgraded version to his new body and transfer his matrix inside it as he sends his link he leaves the body behind letting it get blown up and destroy in a instant as the whole area is cover in smokes both david's raise there hands and blow away the smoke so they can see and find any remains of neo robot body as they look around they find a whole arm from neo body with a familiar emblem on it that's been scratch out many times over as david gets a good look he is shock to find out that neo wore the mark of his race on his own body.