Chereads / OMNI:First Origin / Chapter 93 - Chapter 7

Chapter 93 - Chapter 7

David says he choose them for a reason not just because there his favorites everyone agrees with his decision to lead a special team to the future as the one's who we're chosen they head back to the base so they can used nevaeh time machine portal and cross over to the future to defeat the bad guy who's causing so much trouble for his future self as david waits in the base for the remaining team member's to arrive nevaeh tell his dad that the enemy there facing is very familiar to him and his crew his eyebrow raises up in confusing whispering to her ear asking who is it she looks around making sure she is not being watch at the moment by anyone she whisper to him that the bad guy they are facing is there a.i friend neo david backs away from her trying to get his compusure back trying to understand what he just been told by her daughter he ask is he really the bad guy there gonna have to face she says yes david ask what kind of power's or abilities do he have to be able to become such a threat to everyone even including himself in the near future nevaeh says that she only knows a little bit of his true power because she and her brother's we're always hiding with there mom's in the safe house.

David tries to figured out what could his powers be or any tricky ability that he hasn't show up his sleeve nevaeh confirm that he has bionics power's and abilities to help his robot body work to it fullest david looks happy for a moment saying he finally has a body but this is not what he expected to happen when he got it turning to the dark side fuck slamming his fist against the wall leaving a small dent on it before calming down asking nevaeh if they had ever decided to you know sit and talk with neo to see what he really wants or why did he turn evil on there friends she looks at him a bit confused asking him if he's gonna be okay fighting him david says yeah he will do the job if he has no other choice as the team member arrive one by one after a couple minutes they still are waiting for the twins to come thru the portal as they wait a bit longer they arrived both saying there sorry they had a bigger threat on there hand but they managed to win with no casualty just destroyed homes david tells them that they did a good job and they should be proud of there accomplishment david then turns serious telling them that they have to be super careful where they get teleported at too.

Because everywhere in the future is dangerous with strong monster who are way more skillful in taking down opponents like themselves and won't show hesitation to them everyone nods there head in sync letting david know that they understand the risk that comes with this mission as everyone goes to the mission room they wait for nevaeh to summon up the time portal device as she pulls something out of her back pocket everyone looks at the small button on her palm before she throws it on the ground everyone ask why isn't it moving or at least transforming into something like a portal or a gate she clicks something from her wrist gauntlet that turns the small button into a fully working time machine david and the crew mouths open wide from what just happens in front of them nevaeh speaks for a moment saying that the portal is working at one-hundred percent but they don't know where they gonna be teleported at or the location so everyone gonna have to stay we'll communicated and know there location well nevaeh says that they gonna be somewhere in there home region spot at least everyone line up for a hard landing david tell neo to keep an eye on this portal gadget for them.

Until they come back from there trip as everyone dissapear into the portal neo wishes them good luck and hope they can defeat his evil self from the future and hopefully not cause them anymore trouble for his friend's as david along with his crew member go thru the portal they are flying into a huge wormhole that takes them too the future they all see one another before they all go there separate ways and dissapear into there different locations as david shoots out from the ground landing on top of a house in the middle of a forest he looks around and tries to sense them but he comes out empty he uses his headset to see if anyone got his message but it still quiet he jumps down looking at how the future looks he a bit caught off guard when he realizes that his premonition and this are the same he gets a bit worry he looks inside the cabin making sure it's empty before he breaks in to take some cover and have a place to for shelter so he can get a good night rest and look for his crew after the morning sun rises so he won't be walking around in the dark as he looks around the house he finds old pictures of a family who used to lived here before the whole world went to shit.

As he finds out that there's two room and one bathroom all together plus a creepy basement that's just empty with dust and spider webs and a huge chest that has a lock on it but he doesn't bother with it because he knows better to touch it and not get cursed or kill by what's inside the chest as he goes up the stairs he board up the windows so he won't get attack or get caught off guard while he take a nap for the night as he goes into one of the spare room he tries to used headset gear to see if he can try to call on them one more time or see if has gotten any message from his crew or daughter as he falls into a deep sleep he has a nightmare in the middle of the night lifting his hand into the air to summon a air pulse to attack but he realizes that it just a dream and has nothing to worry about as he stands up from the bed he head out to the living room to walk around and see that no one is trying to sneek in to his base but it just all the same super quiet as he about to head back to sleep barely opening the door to the room he hears a weird noise coming from the basement he gets a bit worry because someone from outside might hear this noise.