Chereads / OMNI:First Origin / Chapter 84 - Chapter 26

Chapter 84 - Chapter 26

As david hears this he begins to be more confident after hearing wilson kind words he stands up heading to the sliding door so he can go home but before he leaves he turns around toward wilson direction telling him to come visit him when he has time throwing him something wilson catches it looking down at his hand seeing a small keycard to let him inside his base he smiles back at david saying he will visit him soon he gives david a small gift telling him to open when he get back home as they wave there goodbyes leaving this chapter finish david makes it back to his base after a couple minutes arriving at his base opening the front doors he is happy to be back he looks at his phone trying to figured out what time it is finding out it about five minutes before midnight he looks scared for a moment looking around making sure no one get woken up by him as he goes down the stairs he get called on by yango who is leaning against the wall looking at him asking what took him so long david just scratches his head saying he had to win a special orb to stop the president and his commanders from changing the whole world in his own image his grandpa tells him to follow him to the mission room so they can talk in private while everyone sleeps as they arrive in the room sitting down yango pours himself a cup of whiskey asking david if he would like one.

He says sure but yango throws a book at his face hitting him hard making him yell in pain from getting a book cover in haki yango laughs telling him he's too young david ask his grandpa how old was his dad when he drank his first liquor he shakes his head trying to remembered realizing he was about thirdteen year's old david mouth goes wide open saying that's a young aged for someone to start drinking liquor or beer yango just stays quiet looking up at the ceiling trying to just change subject but david ask him to just pour him a cup of whiskey for him just this one time and he'll never ask him ever again as yango grabs the bottle of whiskey pouring some into a cup he gives it to him saying it's a bit strong so he should drink it little by little until he get used to it as they both clank there cups together each drinking there own cup of whiskey david tries a bit of the whiskey smiling afterwards saying it has a strong flavor too it making it taste good as they talk for many hour's of what happen to him in this mission quest from joining wilson side to help each other get the first elemental orb from the trophy of the tournament and destroy it before the president lackeys can get it for themselves and used it for evil plan.

As they continue talking yango ask if they managed to win the tournament and received the trophy stopping the president team plan from retreiving it david says he managed to stop there plan for a moment but eve came to the tournament herself stealing the elemental orb from him but he jumped on her side being transported along with her to where she was being teleported at in the middle of a huge forest eve tied him up against the ground enable him to escape as this happens she pulls out a pedestal planting it in the midlde of the forest after clearing out the trees she insert the orb inside the small pedestal summoning a knife stabbing herself in the heart letting some of her blood drip a top of the elemental orb and she chants some word before a huge light appear in front of her covering her entirely yango ask does he know what word she spoke off for the spell david shakes his head to the side letting him know he doesn't remembered yango says he don't gotta worry about it they will stop them before they can complete there world wide ritual david raises his glass sipping again on his whiskey continuing with the story saying as the light dims down from the center he opens his eye's once again finding nothing no orb or at least eve dead body around he gets a bit worry finding no evidence of what happen.

As he tells his story he was walking around searching for something that the ritual left for him to investigate to find out what happen as he explores around the open area forest finding nothing as he about to leave he senses his friend erik hiding behind some tree's who's trying to hide his presence but gets caught by him as erik comes out from behind the tree he tries to play it off as he was just wandering around the wood but david knows better and asks him directly what he actually doing here as erik sighs he pulls out two unique orbs he looks at them saying to himself that one of them looks familiar to him realizing that it's the elemental orb but he has no clue where the second orb came feom, erik tells him it been so long since they talk like this david knows well that he's trying to get out of here by changing the subject but he know best so he ask him again what is he really doing here with a more serious expression scaring erik a bit leaving him speechless for a moment before agreeing to his request telling him about how eve was supposed to be a sacrifice today and turn into another elemental orb for the president ritual that they both promise to help each other with yango stops david for a moment saying that this whole ritual situation sounds huge even for him.

As david agrees with him saying that he will now explain the true plan that the president is planning on doing couple years from now going back to the story erik says to him that he's supposed to come here to pick up the two elemental orb in this location knowing that eve was one of them david asked him again why he doesn't join another team at least one where he knows there aren't any secret between the team erik points at him saying he shouldn't be telling him about keeping secret he kept a huge one from him his best friend since little he doesn't say anything just looks down for a moment before telling him to trust him on this the president and his lackeys are up to something dangerous so he shouldn't be involved with them unless he really wants to walk this path on his own decision.