(Jonh and Luke are in the school hallway)
Jonh- Hey why don't we skip this class we don't even need it plus we are Highs they will believe anything we say
Luke- N-No we shouldn't even tho we are Highs we should give the best example for other students we are supposed to be the best of the best so let's behave like t-
(Somebody bumps into Luke making him drop all of his books)
Zero- Oh sorry dint s- oh look who it is the weakest High there is little Luke
(Everyone around him started laughing. Luke started to pick up all of his stuff with tears in his eyes. Jonh saw his friend starting to tear up and pushed Zero to the floor)
Jonh- Don't you ever touch Luke again or I'll have to end you
(Zero stands up and starts tapping his close to get the dust off)
Zero- Haha what are you going to do? The only High who got such title by doing racing what's that going to help you against the High who got his title by dethroning the current high
(Valentine is coming out of her sparring practice and sees the fight happening)
Valentine- What is this fuss about another High fighting a High for power over the campus
(Then she sees that it's Jonh and Luke are the ones involved in the fights)
Valentine- Why the hell is he in a fight?
(She starts running to try to stop the fight but the people seeing the fight did not allow her to get through. Zero in the other hand saw her so he dropped Luke and approached her everyone moved and the only ones inside the circle of people where Valentine, Jonh, Luke, and of course Zero)
Zero- So what are you trying to do?
Valentine- What do you mean I'm stopping this, this is not right you are not a proper High and you are already starting fights
Zero- This a fight this is just a simple brawl after all they are the weakest Highs in all the school, unlike you who is one of the strongest Highs in all the school. Why do you wanna protect them so badly?
(Luke started waking up and all he saw was Zero getting closer and closer to Valentine)
Why... Why I'm I like this so pathetic... I... I... I Hate you I hate everything you are and all I want is for you to get the hell away from me, your weak, pathetic, ignorant I'm a High I'm the best of the best. I thought I was doing good by not being greedy by being humble quite and not bragging about my position not only in this school but in the world I'm DONE!!!
(Valentine was ready to draw her rapier but she heard a voice)
Luke- Don't you dare draw that rapier in my presence
(Valentine looks behind her and sees Luke standing up with his legs shaking for a second then they were as stiff as steel. His Arms looked broken but then Luke snap them in place by hitting them with the locker door next to him)
Valentine- Luke are you okay did that hurt why did you do that that's nuts
(Luke just looked at her and then he looked at Zero and smiled at him)
Luke- Hey Zero since I'm the weakest High in this school why don't you come and proof it
Zero- Who the hell you think you are talking to you little piece of shit!
Luke- I don't know to the biggest bastard in this Mother Fucking school!!!
(Luke just inhales then puts one foot back and he puts the other one in front. He lifts his arm and exhales. Zero comes running at him so fast that Valentine the best duelist in school couldn't even see it)
Luke- Those who act by impulse die by impulse
(Luke smirks and lands a fatal shot dead center of Zero's chest. The Blow was so strong Zero's mouth starts spitting out blood)
Valentine- How did you do that that's not what is listed in your student file to be your talent
Luke- The only thing im gonna tell you is kneel
Valentine- Why should I do something like that?
Luke- Because you are looking at the TRUE KING OF THE HIGHS!!!