As she opened her eyes not being able to remember what happened to her the night before.
In the attempt to move to sit up right, all she was feeling were pains.
She suddenly realized that she was at her boyfriend's.
Boyfriend? It dawned on her that she was sweating profusely.
Her head still cloudy as she tried to remember what had happened.
He actually hit her the night before.
Not once not twice but countless times.
She started crying not because of the pains or because of her broken bones.
Something was broken inside but it was not just her mind.
It was the heart. It was her heart.
What did she do wrong?
Was it because she took him back?
Was it because it was easier to forgive him that she did?
All she did was love him.
Didn't she love him enough?
Wait! Did he love her?
Did her husband love her?
She realized how stupid she was thinking he could change.
All the friends and family she lost just to be with him.
She felt alone.
There was no one to help her.
She hated herself now more than anything.
She wanted to just die here.
She didn't want to exist anymore.
If she would kill herself, he would just marry someone else and put her through the same pain and heartache.
No! She was not going to let him win.
She was going to fight.
She decided to fight for every woman who was in an abusive relationship.
She smiled and it felt better to know that she could.
She felt good, she felt at ease.
For the first time ever she had freedom not fear.
She was no longer scared
Freedom felt good